Great success!
+216|6594|Chandler, AZ

flarke wrote:

Does your common sense tell you that Teamspeak and similar 3rd party software is okay because the advantage it gives is less than the advantage given by software that allows to use macros?  That wouldn't be common sense, that'd be... something else.  All 3rd party software is equal, but some is more equal than other, eh?

flarke wrote:

So far, with every online FPS to this day, an active pro-gamer community only survived a few months longer (at most) than public play.

And when it comes to public servers, EA can also declare a rule that having a white cat in your lap while playing BF2 is cheating.  No-one can enforce such a rule, no-one can even detect when such a rule is being violated.  A pointless rule that will just fizzle out into unsupported accusations of cheating thrown out by players who can't take losing a few fights.
You made three points, none of them hold up.

1. First off, yes, 3rd party software do come in varying degrees. Teamspeak for example gives you a great edge, however, EA....ready for this....APPROVES OF IT.

Using your logic, Teamspeak Overlay (Lets you see who's talking in teamspeak, and will actually get you kicked from servers with Punkbuster enabled because it's a 3rd party 3D device) and the newest batch of wallhacks and aimbots from MSX are identical. There's no difference? It's the EXACT same advantage right? I mean sure one guy can't miss and can see you through walls and his shots always hit your head. But hell, this other guy can see which one of his squadmates is talking! Get real.

YES there's a difference! That's the most idiotic circular logic I've ever seen in an argument, I'm sorry. I'm not usually that forward but that was pathetic. So yes, my common sense tells me that some 3rd party software is worse than others. Doesn't take a 7 year old to figure that out.

2. Moving along to the point about pro gaming dying after the public gamers die. Ever consider this? New games come out!!!! There are a ton of people still playing Quake 3. But oh I guess the pro community died off because they don't play it anymore? OR...could this be a possibility...Quake 4 is out and we've moved on to that. Games that aren't even really popular in the states like PainkilleR are CPL hosted.

Professional gaming as a sport has nothing to do with the public. They're not played on public servers, and 99% of the time you'll really not see a pro in a game you're in if that's the one he's playing competitively in your public games. It's a waste of time because you don't get the competition you need in public games. Thanks in large part to people using crutches like hacks and macros, which make them decent opponents, but not smart ones.

3. Do I really have to explain the difference between having a house animal watch you play, and letting a macro do what you should be doing? If this point was made solely for the purpose of explaining that what you and EstebanRey do can't be enforced, then sure, and please refer to my previous post about how I never talked about enforcement. But having an animal in your lap does nothing to the input of the game, unless your white cat can hit keys and gets imbued with the spirit of Fatal1ty or something....not likely.

Here's where I'll level with you. The macros that you seem to be talking about and/or using are there to save you some time, not give you an advantage in head to head combat. Even though any league would ban you for using them, in a public game I just really wouldn't care. You can throw your ammo faster than me. Ok. The only time that would end up hurting me or anyone else is if we both did it at the same time and you drew your gun faster. The oods there are small. But when it starts getting into active combat macros, like the dolphin diving one, you're a cheater and it's very obvious. Anyone who says otherwise is severely disillusioned and probably doesn't take gaming seriously anyway, in which case I don't need to worry about them.
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6568|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth
I'm concluding this debate now and this'll be my last post so feel free to bash me as much as you want because you won't get a response (you might get "I'm a cheat an I don't care" if you're lucky).

This topic was titled "What macro shall I make?" and, as I suspected, such a provoking thread title galvanised the "BF2 Morality brigade" into digressing on to wild tangents such as comparing someone using a simple macro to a hacker using sophisticated techniques to actually cheat....funny how you over emphasise a point when you're trying to be proved right eh lads?

The funny thing is, I was exactly like Mr Not and Mr Mango when I first came to these forums, acting like I was an upstanding member of the community and never did anything that was considered even the slightest bit "noobish" in the game.  This is bull, and don't listen to anyone that slags you off for using a specific tactic because they almost all do sly things as well but haven't got the balls to admit it on forums like this because they have some strange idea that all these anonymous people (who'll they'll never meet) will judge them.  Put it this way, the only way anyone here can slag me off for using a macro that lets me fire at the same rate as I can do manually (just without the effort) is if they have never, and I mean never...

Team Killed for a vehicle,
Jihad Jeeped,
Spawn Raped/Base Camped,
Stat padded (in any way - even getting a pal to use ammo so you can get 1 resupply point)
Arty'd an uncappable base

I have done all of the above at one time or another and I would bet all my possessions that Mango and Not can't say they haven't used a single one of them...ever!   I am the actual person who has this programme and uses it but still other people seem to think they have a better idea of how it is aiding me than myself!  I can tell you that all of the above are much more advantageous than any macro I have set up and will earn you bags more points but because the game allows you to do it, they will try and justify it as not "cheating" (ignoring the fact that neither EA nor Punkbuster has made any effort to stop macro programmes being used with BF2 and thus the game allows you do that as well).

I play in public forums and always will.  This is a game and I will have fun with it no matter what other people think.  I couldn't give a damn about "league rules" or "competition laws" because the kind of people who enter them are normally a tad Rainman-like, proclaiming that PC gaming is a "sport".  If you try and tell them it's a game, hobby or past time it upsets them so you just have to go along with it.  I have been playing this game for over a year now and I am reaching the twilight stage where I just want to try new things and see what I can do with the game.

Certain people will regard me as a cheat for using a macro but so what?  So some guy, who somehow thinks he is important because he's falsely taking the moral high ground, thinks I'm a cheat but how does that affect me?  Oh yeah, it doesn't!   I have fun setting up my macros, testing them out and adjusting to them (something some people here forget I have to do) and I will continue to do so.

I guess most people have a set idea in their head about these "evil" apps and without even trying them, proceed to make prejudice, ill-informed perceptions about them (like Mr Not saying that a macro will aim for you and guide your missiles?!?!?  Well can you point me to that programme please because I think you're getting macros confused with aimbots!).  Try a macro and report back, I'm willing to bet that most of you will come back saying "That was a bit disappointing, I thought you could use it to really improve my scores but it didn't"

Peace out and make your own decisions......

P.S. Mango your comments on how my macro programme works is tripe, but I can't be bothered to argue with you as you're employing the predictable internet "I work in the industry" defence that people use because they know no one knows them and can't disprove it.  IT DOES NOT TOUCH BF2's CODING IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN HOW MANUAL KEYSTROKES WOULD.........learn something and you are free to contact Pinncale if you want more clarity on the subject, if you "write macros" then you're obviously missing a bit of knowledge when it comes to keystroke emulators.


Last edited by =OBS= EstebanRey (2006-05-31 03:35:56)

+788|6673|Brisbane, Australia

You know you can delete this thread if you are the topic starter

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

I'm concluding this debate now and this'll be my last post so feel free to bash me as much as you want because you won't get a response (you might get "I'm a cheat an I don't care" if you're lucky).

This topic was titled "What macro shall I make?" and, as I suspected, such a provoking thread title galvanised the "BF2 Morality brigade" into digressing on to wild tangents such as comparing someone using a simple macro to a hacker using sophisticated techniques to actually cheat....funny how you over emphasise a point when you're trying to be proved right eh lads?

The funny thing is, I was exactly like Mr Not and Mr Mango when I first came to these forums, acting like I was an upstanding member of the community and never did anything that was considered even the slightest bit "noobish" in the game.  This is bull, and don't listen to anyone that slags you off for using a specific tactic because they almost all do sly things as well but haven't got the balls to admit it on forums like this because they have some strange idea that all these anonymous people (who'll they'll never meet) will judge them.  Put it this way, the only way anyone here can slag me off for using a macro that lets me fire at the same rate as I can do manually (just without the effort) is if they have never, and I mean never...

Team Killed for a vehicle,
Jihad Jeeped,
Spawn Raped/Base Camped,
Stat padded (in any way - even getting a pal to use ammo so you can get 1 resupply point)
Arty'd an uncappable base

I have done all of the above at one time or another and I would bet all my possessions that Mango and Not can't say they haven't used a single one of them...ever!   I am the actual person who has this programme and uses it but still other people seem to think they have a better idea of how it is aiding me than myself!  I can tell you that all of the above are much more advantageous than any macro I have set up and will earn you bags more points but because the game allows you to do it, they will try and justify it as not "cheating" (ignoring the fact that neither EA nor Punkbuster has made any effort to stop macro programmes being used with BF2 and thus the game allows you do that as well).

I play in public forums and always will.  This is a game and I will have fun with it no matter what other people think.  I couldn't give a damn about "league rules" or "competition laws" because the kind of people who enter them are normally a tad Rainman-like, proclaiming that PC gaming is a "sport".  If you try and tell them it's a game, hobby or past time it upsets them so you just have to go along with it.  I have been playing this game for over a year now and I am reaching the twilight stage where I just want to try new things and see what I can do with the game.

Certain people will regard me as a cheat for using a macro but so what?  So some guy, who somehow thinks he is important because he's falsely taking the moral high ground, thinks I'm a cheat but how does that affect me?  Oh yeah, it doesn't!   I have fun setting up my macros, testing them out and adjusting to them (something some people here forget I have to do) and I will continue to do so.

I guess most people have a set idea in their head about these "evil" apps and without even trying them, proceed to make prejudice, ill-informed perceptions about them (like Mr Not saying that a macro will aim for you and guide your missiles?!?!?  Well can you point me to that programme please because I think you're getting macros confused with aimbots!).  Try a macro and report back, I'm willing to bet that most of you will come back saying "That was a bit disappointing, I thought you could use it to really improve my scores but it didn't"

Peace out and make your own decisions......

P.S. Mango your comments on how my macro programme works is tripe, but I can't be bothered to argue with you as you're employing the predictable internet "I work in the industry" defence that people use because they know no one knows them and can't disprove it.  IT DOES NOT TOUCH BF2's CODING IN ANY WAY OTHER THAN HOW MANUAL KEYSTROKES WOULD.........learn something and you are free to contact Pinncale if you want more clarity on the subject, if you "write macros" then you're obviously missing a bit of knowledge when it comes to keystroke emulators.

Look Esteban, (I'm a Steve also by the way), I'm not contending that all macro use is "evil", and I'm not saying you are going in and physically modifying the code, and yes I've TK'd for a vehicle - was accidental and I naded myself for doing it.  Macros interact, however, with the game code in that they, as you put it, emulate a key stroke or other in-game command.  But since you are able to queue these commands they go beyond what the in-game tools allow you to do, and in so doing, you are walking the fine line between cheat and legit.

Now I know you aren't going to reply and that's fine.  I'm not going to lower myself to insults or name calling as I did in one of my first initial posts by calling you a moron - sorry about that by the way.  But I wanted to be sure that it is understood what this debate has actually been about.  It's obvious I don't agree with macros any further than basic key bindings and it's just as obvious that there are those that don't have any problems with them and I wanted to get those opinions out there as well.

And for the record, I'm not in the industry, I'm a data analyst and I write macros for many things, including keystroke emulation, as a small part of what I do.  And you are free to run a skip trace to find that info out.  Its not a defense, it is what it is.
TS is a little different as far as 3rd party apps go, gents.  Yes it gives you an advantage, but only if there is someone on the other end supplying you with pertinent info.  Otherwise it is just another resource eater running in the background giving you a disadvantage.  This app does something the game already does, which is in game voip, only it does it better - but you all know that. 

Going to our macro debate, yes macros can do the same things, like bind keys, better than in game and in that context are legit.  But there is nothing in game that allows you to bind MULTIPLE KEYS together.  And therein lyes the problem.
Unintentionally Verbose
Just a small point, but I haven't noticed anyone else make it.

The game does have upper limits on how fast you can shoot a weapon hardcoded. Thus, using a macro will not make you shoot faster, it will just make you shoot repeatedly.

This reminds me of when in Counterstrike it was possible to shoot the dual berettas at unlimited speed, so a lot of people were binding shoot to their wheelmouse so they could shoot dual berettas as fast as an smg! That's an exploit, and it got fixed by applying a max rate of fire to the berettas (which was an oversight initially). BF2 as far as I'm aware has such max rates of fire applied to all weapons, and I would contend that for this reason binding a macro to fire rapidly does not give you any advantage over clicking repeatedly.

I'm not necessarily saying that macros are or aren't cheating, but in all the instances he listed in his initial post I cannot possibly see how having those macros is actually an advantage. Any one of us can click at the max rate set easily, but we don't because it actually hinders (causes your weapon to spray) rather than helps. On the other hand, as in the case of the berettas mentioned above and others, it is possible to use macros for an exploit, which does give you a cruel advantage.

Just my 2 cents, correct my if I'm wrong, but that's the way it appears to me.


vanmani wrote:

Just a small point, but I haven't noticed anyone else make it.

The game does have upper limits on how fast you can shoot a weapon hardcoded. Thus, using a macro will not make you shoot faster, it will just make you shoot repeatedly.

This reminds me of when in Counterstrike it was possible to shoot the dual berettas at unlimited speed, so a lot of people were binding shoot to their wheelmouse so they could shoot dual berettas as fast as an smg! That's an exploit, and it got fixed by applying a max rate of fire to the berettas (which was an oversight initially). BF2 as far as I'm aware has such max rates of fire applied to all weapons, and I would contend that for this reason binding a macro to fire rapidly does not give you any advantage over clicking repeatedly.

I'm not necessarily saying that macros are or aren't cheating, but in all the instances he listed in his initial post I cannot possibly see how having those macros is actually an advantage. Any one of us can click at the max rate set easily, but we don't because it actually hinders (causes your weapon to spray) rather than helps. On the other hand, as in the case of the berettas mentioned above and others, it is possible to use macros for an exploit, which does give you a cruel advantage.

Just my 2 cents, correct my if I'm wrong, but that's the way it appears to me.

Even at the max rate, pushing one button and holding it on target is going to be easier and more accurate than the repeated pushing of the button while trying to maintain the target.  The muscles in your hand are going to make it so.  If you have to repeat the action sustained consistency is very difficult to maintain.  And with weapons like the pistols, where the max rate of fire is still pretty damned fast, that is a definite advantage.  The shotties maybe less, but still an advantage.

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

You have spend nearly half your game playing time in vehicles so your "stats" are irrelevant in my eyes.  Easiest way to build up a good K and get easy kills. So what if you haven't used a tank since March, your stats are based on your gameplay since you started the profile so if you can show me recent stats than I might be impressed.  As with my profile which has on it all the time played when I first starting playing the game and has had a massive effect on my overall stats.  Maybe I'll start a new profile and see what I'm really like but then I don't want to bow down to people like you who think they can gauge exatly how good you are by comparing stats without any regard to the fact they may include the players "learning period" or even if the same guy uses the profile (I have friends that use a joint profile as one is good in a tank and one is good on foot so the stats make them look a good all round player).

P.S That is how you post a reply without included pathetic, childish insults..........
1) I've only ever used 1 tag as well, check the history, goes back a long way (the first time I started playing)
2) KDR? aside from tanks its 2+ as infantry are you blind? and rising :-)
3) Take away the tank time and replace the entire thing with infantry, what is the result? work it out
4) All my game play over the last 2 months has been using assualt rifles, simple WORK IT OUT.
5) Who shares accounts? thats the most retarded thing I've ever heard, do people care that much about stats? how sad.
6) Wake up,

I'm sorry if you felt issulted; it wasn't my intention, but you clearly have no idea about this game, let alone ye who thinks macros are a valid part of the game. 

PS: check out it's the only stats based bf2 measures that multiple aspects of the game, do a search for 'panderiz' in OVERALL. 

Oh and good luck with those best round scores ROFL, I'd consider a bad infantry only round less than 75 a poor round.

Someone who needs to be told macros are for tards, needs to receive childish insults
Pathetic is a good word to describe EVERY aspect of your bf2 gameplay.

Last edited by panderiz (2006-05-31 06:35:25)


This guy needs macros!
=OBS= EstebanRey
+256|6568|Oxford, England, UK, EU, Earth

panderiz wrote:

This guy needs macros!
I don't care, I'm a're a cock......aaaaaaaaaaannnnnd a nobend.
+45|6811|South Cybertown, Texas
No one here has shown any good proof or reasoning that marcos are cheating!

So as far as Im concerned, all that have them, use them! All that don't, can get smoked!

Last edited by -=S8M=-Phoenix (2006-05-31 07:43:48)

Great success!
+216|6594|Chandler, AZ

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

2) Solo-Pilot TV - Allows me, when flying a chopper solo, to jump in the gunner's seat, switch to TV and fire.  Basically it presses F2, right mouse button, and then Rapid Fire (see above) for constant guiding.  This one is so much fun but takes practice to get used to.  The other day I was owning a two-manned chopper and they were getting very frustrated with me.
Lets zoom in on the part where you say "and then Rapid Fire (see above) for constant guiding"

So, all you have to do is keep the cursor over the target, you don't have to worry about clicking to readjust. So no, I wasn't talking about an aimbot for the TV guided missile, I'm talking about this. Right from your OP.

The first part of it really isn't that bad imho, apart from my by now obvious hatred for macros and the kids that use them, but the rapid fire part takes all the work out of TV guiding.

Next point. Gaming isn't a sport to everyone, obviously I'm aware of that. It's clearly not to you. But you need to understand that where I'm coming from, it is. The "C" in CPL/CAL is for "Cyberathlete" or "Cyberathletics". How is gaming any different from football, soccer, tennis, or basketball? It's competitive, based on hand-eye coordination, reaction times, twitch reflexes, neurokinetics, skill and precision. They're all also done recreationally by many people, but a few select very talented ones make money doing it. When people use performance enhancements that ar outlined as inappropriate, it makes the ones who play the games purely pretty pissed. (Talk to the 3 or 4 MLB players who aren't on steroids, they're SO pissed! lol)

Tournaments range from $10,000 first prizes up to $150,000. Players are sponsored to do nothing but make money practicing their games to win tournaments. It's no less absurd than anyone on the Yankees making $250,000,000 contracts to hit a ball with a stick and run in a circle, is it? Mark my words, within the next 7-10 years professional gaming will be televised in the United States. It already is in other countries, especially in Asia. Gaming consoles and software grossed over $35 billion in sales last year. That's more than the NFL, MLB, and NBA combined. It's a huge market and it will continue to grow.

So that's why it bothers me. It belittles something that I take very seriously, but I suppose it really doesn't matter since you and I will never see each other at any of these events, nor will we ever be on the same plateau in terms of ability. Odds are I'll never even see you in a public game since I really don't even play that much.
Great success!
+216|6594|Chandler, AZ

-=S8M=-Phoenix wrote:

No one here has shown any good proof or reasoning that marcos are cheating!

So as far as Im concerned, all that have them, use them! All that don't, can get smoked!
Really? Like this?

panderiz wrote:


You will violate the Terms of Service if you (or others using your Account) do any of the following:

Use or distribute “auto” software programs, “macro” software programs or other “cheat utility” software program or applications. ·
The EA global Terms of Service stating in writing that you're not to use macros isn't good enough?

What do you want? Do I need to find somewhere in scripture where Jesus Christ himself said "Thou shalt not use macros in Battlefield 2!" ?

It doesn't get much clearer my friend.

If that wasn't good enough, this is taken from another of Mango's threads.

superfly_cox wrote:

Here is why a macro is cheating:

-computer games = pressing buttons (keyboard/mouse buttons etc) and moving controllers (mouse/joystick/etc)

-competitive online games = being better at a computer game than your opponent through your own skill

-macros = computer manipulates buttons/controllers to funtion without your input: you click once and the computer executes a series of button clicks for you.

now if excelling at a computer game is defined by your skill in pressing buttons and moving your controller and now you are using the computer to perform these tasks then you are gaining an unfair advantage in competitive online games.  the one example i think of is when jump throwing was allowed.  i tried to practice jump throwing c4 but was never very good at it because about 1/3 of the time i would wind up blowing myself up.  but if i had used a macro, my very below average jump-throwing c4 skills would have allowed me to achieve volx-like abilities with explosives.  by the way, anybody who has seen the volx videos knows that the guy is a macro freak.  he's a good player but he's also got 45,000 kills with think maybe he macroed the c4 jumpthrow with stunning results...?

arguements about hardware are not relevant here because they will not improve your gaming ability, but rather detract from it.  if you are using a mouse with high resolution then you will not be a better player, you will just be realizing the full potential of your skill.  on the flip side, if i choose to use a 4 year old Dell to play bf2 then i am not allowing myself to make the best use of my skills.

to take my arguement a step further, imagine using macros in a game like street fighter.  button a= fireball, button b=dragon uppercut...kinda ridiculous right?!  you can argue that they are different games which is true but even in battlefield your ability to execute a quick succession of button/controller movements will determine where you kill or get killed by opponent.  i will sometimes die because i don't click right and wind up with a knife in my hand when i wanted a rifle or get a grenade when i wanted a med pack...part of the game folks.
Best explanation yet.

Last edited by Not (2006-05-31 08:24:39)

Fantasma Parastasie
What's you the public's opinion about this macro I made (for a joystick)

press Joystick button 8 - switch seat, go to TV guided missle mode
press J8 again - Fire missle, hold down to "auto-click" so your missle automatically moves to where you point at
press it once more - switch back to pilot seat

It's not that useful online actually, lots of problems (not switching properly, all the crap you get with TVG's) I just needed something to bind F2 to a joystick key and in the end I tried to take it a little further. just an experiment
Great success!
+216|6594|Chandler, AZ
I won't answer that. If you've read this thread so far you know exactly what I think of it, good and bad.
The question for me is not wether macros are a cheat, or wether any external software is a cheat.  I don't need "proof" of either claim, because my (and everyone else's) personal opinion of what is and isn't a cheat is not governed by EA's or anyone else's definition.  If I am to play on a server whose rules state, for example, that baserape is not allowed, then I won't do that.  But not because I suddenly think that baserape is evil.  Same goes for macros.  I don't use them in bf2, but not because I consider them a cheat.  I consider them "not allowed in bf2".  Now, a lot of people can't accept this mindset, they experience a sudden urge to insult such "heretics" as myself, or convert us to their own religion.  Well, they can go to hell.
You ever seen Jack Bauer use macros????? I didn't think so...
Great success!
+216|6594|Chandler, AZ

flarke wrote:

The question for me is not wether macros are a cheat, or wether any external software is a cheat.  I don't need "proof" of either claim, because my (and everyone else's) personal opinion of what is and isn't a cheat is not governed by EA's or anyone else's definition.  If I am to play on a server whose rules state, for example, that baserape is not allowed, then I won't do that.  But not because I suddenly think that baserape is evil.  Same goes for macros.  I don't use them in bf2, but not because I consider them a cheat.  I consider them "not allowed in bf2".  Now, a lot of people can't accept this mindset, they experience a sudden urge to insult such "heretics" as myself, or convert us to their own religion.  Well, they can go to hell.
Well put. +1
The English
Right, first off I play online with EstebanRey all the time and he's one of those players you're glad to have on your team. Points dont seem to mean shit to him and he plays purely for the teamwork/tactics side of the game, often chosing kits everyone hates to use but are essential to a good squad, a rare commodity.

Macros haven't done shit to improve his stats *sorry dude* and he uses a joystick and mouse combination for the control functions that amazes me in its complexity and intricacy. To think how any advantage is gained through this setup is astounding and if macros did offer any advantage at all it should all go to him to compensate.

As far as I understand macros don't aim for you, don't initiate fire for you, don't make you any faster than the game allows anyway and don't make you invincible. I would hate the hassle of having to set them up so I've never used them but can't see the objection to their use. If the game's all about teamplay you've got the wrong guy.

flarke wrote:

The question for me is not wether macros are a cheat, or wether any external software is a cheat.  I don't need "proof" of either claim, because my (and everyone else's) personal opinion of what is and isn't a cheat is not governed by EA's or anyone else's definition.  If I am to play on a server whose rules state, for example, that baserape is not allowed, then I won't do that.  But not because I suddenly think that baserape is evil.  Same goes for macros.  I don't use them in bf2, but not because I consider them a cheat.  I consider them "not allowed in bf2".  Now, a lot of people can't accept this mindset, they experience a sudden urge to insult such "heretics" as myself, or convert us to their own religion.  Well, they can go to hell.
I understand what you are saying flarke and posted something similar in another thread.  In the context of BF2, however, macros such as Esteban's could be considered a cheat.  In the context of games like CS and Tribes, scripting is the norm and not a cheat.  Since this is a BF2 forum, I have taken the macro's of the type binding multiple key strokes = cheating.
Ricardo - I can appreciate the defence of your friend.  From what you say Esteban seems like a fun guy to have around. 

However, it doesn't matter that you feel he's no better using macros.  He's still using a shortcut not offered through the game itself.  If someone uses a shortcut to achieve certain skills then they are cheating (themselves and others).  Just not a very sportsman like approach if you ask me. 

Any macro that binds multiple function to one key fits into this category.  Each time I press a key there is room for error.  If I reduce the keystrokes, I also reduce the the chances I will mess up.

-=S8M=-Phoenix wrote:

No one here has shown any good proof or reasoning that marcos are cheating!

So as far as Im concerned, all that have them, use them! All that don't, can get smoked!
Now why would "All that don't use macros get smoked!" if it's not cheating?

RicardoBlanco wrote:

Right, first off I play online with EstebanRey all the time and he's one of those players you're glad to have on your team. Points dont seem to mean shit to him and he plays purely for the teamwork/tactics side of the game, often chosing kits everyone hates to use but are essential to a good squad, a rare commodity.

Macros haven't done shit to improve his stats *sorry dude* and he uses a joystick and mouse combination for the control functions that amazes me in its complexity and intricacy. To think how any advantage is gained through this setup is astounding and if macros did offer any advantage at all it should all go to him to compensate.

As far as I understand macros don't aim for you, don't initiate fire for you, don't make you any faster than the game allows anyway and don't make you invincible. I would hate the hassle of having to set them up so I've never used them but can't see the objection to their use. If the game's all about teamplay you've got the wrong guy.
Ricardo that's all well and good and no one is attacking him personally; well I'm not anyway.  Team players are rare, especially the one's you are describing Esteban to be.  However, the macros he's described will give him an edge albeit a small one.  I can appreciate his desire to limit his hand fatigue and whatever RSI is...wouldn't we all like to.  The fact is, this game does not support his methods.  The community does not support his methods.  And the fact that PB does not look for macros does not make it right or ok.  If the macros were limited to single key binding to facilitate his unique setup, this wouldn't be a discussion and I'd say more power to him.

=OBS= EstebanRey wrote:

theDude5B wrote:

Speelbal wrote:

I run out of ammo constantly...
I run out of ammo a lot aswell. if you are good enough to stay alive, then you always end up running out because there is never a support guy around when u need one, and when there is he/she doesnt know that someone is asking for ammo so dont drop any.
What weapon do you use though?  I use the DAO-12 Mostly and with that you get 58 bullets.  I can normally take someone out with 2-4 so unless you can kill 15-29 people without dying ammo will never be a problem. 

Evil-fruits|ST4R wrote:

i know macros arnt classed as cheating but they give a unfair advantage, what chance do you have against a dao 12 from close range if hes using a rapid fire macro.

i have nothing against macros if everybody used them but hardly anyone  does so its a big advantage
A DAO-12 at close range should give you no chance (unless you're using it too or the Jackhammer) because that what the gun is designed for, close range combat.  The same as I would have no chance against a PKM at medium range, it's how the game's balanced.  As for rapid fire, I tested it and I can shoot just as fast using the mouse button but as I said it hurts after a while (the point being I could do it without the macro).  Also, rapid fire doesn't take the recoil off, if you just hold the button the gun will end up in the air by the end of the clip so you still have to use your mouse to counteract the recoil.

I really think some of the macro-basher should try it for a day, I thought it would improve me vastly and make me some uber God but macros really don't improve your gameplay or give you any gameplay advantage, they just help you do things you can do anyways....
If they don't help, why the hell does this guy use them!

EBC Member
+56|6673|Cambridge, England
how the hell is using a macro cheating. i dont use them but really. The guns do have a maximum rate of fire and it is easy to reach this with the dao with out a macro, a macro dosnt mean he overrides these things. Also, people with fast computers have an advantage over people with slower computers, (faster wepon selection, faster access to the map, easyer to guide missiles) this is the same, maby someone has artheritis and cannot click very quickly, a macro would just put them on equal terms as oposed to him being at an amazing disadvantage.

o and to answer your original question, how about one that switches view to reverse view then back again for about 1 second, good for dogfights and working out where an emeny chopper is.

Last edited by jimmanycricket (2006-05-31 13:43:11)

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