SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
BF2 came out in 2005
That means we have spent 20 years together.

Check in here and I will add your name to the list.

1. Macbeth
2. Pirana
3. Dilbert
4. Uzique
5. UnamedNewbie
6. Mitch
8. Androo
9. Ken Jennings

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2025-01-13 15:51:29)
Go Cougs!
+696|6606|Washington St.
Wasnt it summer of 2005? I guess at this point the month is irrelevant

imo: 1942 was great as well but old bf2 felt for sure like the innovative pinnacle of the part of the franchise that i've actually played. in all, i'd say a pretty good time then for shooters. cod4, ut2k4, tf2—good stuff, and definitely posted about more than 2-3 times.
The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
4. Dilbert_X

I got BF2 free with a pizza. Actually my CAD technician got a pizza and I got BF2.
Can't remember which year it was TBH.
Fuck Israel
not sure that i signed up for this website on the year of bf2's launch – i was an avid vanilla CoD/CoD2 player first, then, like most of the 'pro' scene (by pro i mean with national tournament prize winnings amounting to a single GPU; them were t'days, etc), most people seemed to move over to world of warcraft, which swallowed entire gaming communities whole on my xfire friends list (ah! xfire! them were t'days, etc, etc).

i do recall seeing bf1942 and possibly also bf:vietnam ... loaded on a row of computers in a hotel lobby, circa. 2003/4? some time after 9/11, anyway, when air travel was still a vexed affair. even thinking about a row of computers with big CRT monitors, in a hotel lobby, presumably offering internet/email access first and foremost ... (days, them, &c.) it all seems so quaint.

the occasion of purchasing bf2 itself was building a brand new pc for myself. i can't recall, but i do remember it was a big step up from the machine i had that was formerly running puny quake-engine games like call of duty 2 and the lightweight world of warcraft, to the 64-player CPU crusher that was bf2's engine. i think it was an AMD 64-bit CPU (my first) and an ATI X800XT or something? shortly thereafter i actually won an nvidia 8800GTX at a gaming LAN, which was a yuuuge prize in those days. i was on my way to stardom ... if only i had kept at it for another decade until the real money/sponsors actually began weighing in. what a great loss to gaming culture.

Last edited by uziq (2025-01-02 02:08:13)

The X stands for
+1,818|6421|eXtreme to the maX
BF2 was a big step up from Delta Force: Black Hawk Down - the game we played on the work LAN
I used to tweak the maps weekly on DF:BHD which made for some variation.

BF2 plus the 64 bot hack still runs and is not actually bad if I need some nostalgia.

I picked up a BF: Vietnam CD somewhere, not sure if I'll try making it run.
Fuck Israel

just think: somewhere in another reality, uzique is sitting atop a mountain of youtube money, starting on another frantic video with "what's up u-nation it's ya boy here with more fortnite"

missed his calling!

e: is anyone actually still playing bfv?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-01-02 05:54:30)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You still buy Battlefield games? I think the last one I bought was BF1. I don't even have Origin installed.

I do have a BF4 ban though.
the last battlefield game i bought was bf3. possibly some time on bad company 2. i honestly can’t even remember anymore. they all blurred into one after bf3.

i did enjoy call of duty’s huge warfare battle royal mode during the first covid lockdown. a ripoff of day-z/pub-g/fortnite, etc., but a good time forming small squads with university pals. a bit like the early days of bf2.

as games got more graphically and physically impressive i somehow lost interest. the high-definition gloss was weirdly nullifying. i preferred stylised games like team fortress 2 in the end.

i should check out the new counter strike game but i don’t think i’ll ever bother building another windows desktop pc. seems like a weird thing to even keep in the house thesedays. ‘gamer zone’. cringe. my next desktop-based machine will probably be an imac.

i would probably like to check out that elden ring game and the new gta, but not enough to ever actually commit to buying the hardware and setup again. meh.

Last edited by uziq (2025-01-02 09:51:31)


agree on some of that last. apart from trying the upcoming gta whenever, i can't think of much in the lineup that has made me really want to upgrade other than the imminent death of windows 10, and don't really feel enthused at the idea of another ten years of tower pc on my desk.

nearly all my friends online who still game have most of their time in recent years on some heavily stylized or retro thing that could run on a potato, or forever-in-alpha hobbyware that will never be optimized for any computer. nobody in my game circles are talking about whatever battlefield or cod shovelware those are on now except to laugh at the incels that periodically flare up around that stuff.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

uziq wrote:

the last battlefield game i bought was bf3. possibly some time on bad company 2. i honestly can’t even remember anymore. they all blurred into one after bf3.

i did enjoy call of duty’s huge warfare battle royal mode during the first covid lockdown. a ripoff of day-z/pub-g/fortnite, etc., but a good time forming small squads with university pals. a bit like the early days of bf2.

as games got more graphically and physically impressive i somehow lost interest. the high-definition gloss was weirdly nullifying. i preferred stylised games like team fortress 2 in the end.

i should check out the new counter strike game but i don’t think i’ll ever bother building another windows desktop pc. seems like a weird thing to even keep in the house thesedays. ‘gamer zone’. cringe. my next desktop-based machine will probably be an imac.

i would probably like to check out that elden ring game and the new gta, but not enough to ever actually commit to buying the hardware and setup again. meh.
If you can play RDR2 you could play either of those games just fine on the hardware you have.

I tried to get into RDR2 but was bored after the opening snow thing. I got to the open world section and immediately gave up. It is very intimidating to have to learn all the new controls and systems.

There was recently an article about how modern games are too big. Too many systems to learn.

Modern-day triple Aaa titles have become too big for their own good. A massive influx of money and resources is currently being put into game development for nothing. Most players do not even reach the very end of a game these days.

Amy Hennig feels the need to talk about the increasing gameplay time of video games. Image Credit: @Sonaratv/Wikimedia Commons

Even the former PlayStation boss Shawn Layden agrees; he feels that with each generation of consoles, the price of developing games increases massively due to games becoming too large for players to keep up with. Amy Hennig has been saying the same for a very long time now.
If you Google a little you will find a lot of people who agree with them. You will also find a lot of people murderously angry about the idea that games "need to shrink."

I wish I could go back to the PlayStation 1 days of Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy 8, and a few other short story games. 6 to 10 hours of a memorable story beats hundreds of hours of roaming around with a horse waiting for events to happen. I rather roam around IRL in that case.
well remembered that i played through RDR2 on the same pandemic machine i bought as i used to play cod warfare with my friends.

however, after a few years in the east, when i next returned back to my things in the UK, the power supply on that machine had gone kaputt. just another reason why self-building and tinkering with desktop pc's is, generally speaking, a geeky labour of love that quickly becomes a chore as one grows up and moves on. cannot be bothered to troubleshoot it at this stage. if it was an apple device, a quick visit to a store would get me a replacement that day.
and yeah it seems like people are finally starting to get sick of AAA games. i was complaining about them a long, long time ago. i remember when TF2 jumped the shark, back when everyone was super-excited to be getting new hats and skins or some bullshit, like idiot puppies with a gewgaw or chew toy.

the fact that a lot of the gamer backlash against the big studios seems to be phrased in terms of complaints about "diversity hires" and "women in vidya games" is .... well, something. i can't be bothered even trying to engage with or debate gamers/gamer discourse thesedays. it is moronic.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Character customization is a blight on FPS. Can't tell who is who. It is very in line with Gen Z to customize everything to the point where is becomes a confusing mess.

Video games need to add arm bands like they do in Ukraine and Syria to prevent them from smoking each other.

one of the better spectator sports in all this is watching airbrush-stricken, grizzled male characters get posted on social media to taunt incel gamers who are unironically angry about pointy elbows and boxy faces, but it probably goes over most of those heads.

i preferred gaming when it was one of those things that was becoming more socially acceptable for adults to engage in. 2025? back into the closet. "are you a gamer?" "er yeah, i played mario kart once, does that count?"
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I remember seeing Battlefield 2 on the front page of IGN. Didn't think anything of it or even click the article. Cousin recommended the game so I downloaded the demo. Great times with 5min loading screens.

I've tried 1, 5, and 2042 during free weekends but none hooked me.
the (first) 2024 was alright, in its way. it didn't run on my pc anywhere near as well as bf2. hard to explain the effect after so much time, but you could just tell back then when your computer, the CPU especially, wasn't cutting it. you'd feel weird rubber banding and turgidity in your movement. bf2 felt lightweight, with the dolphin diving and whatnot. 2024 felt like wading through mud. either the engine wasn't optimised as well or my computer was crunching hard and the framerate was tanking. the game just never attained that 'flow state' feeling that the best games have. (admittedly that's to do with a lot more than just tech specs.)

Last edited by uziq (2025-01-03 09:33:03)

16 more years
+877|6840|South Florida

SuperJail Warden wrote:

BF2 came out in 2005
That means we have spent 20 years together.

Check in here and I will add your name to the list.

1. Macbeth
2. Pirana
3. Dilbert
4. Uzique
5. UnamedNewbie
Checking in brothers. I'm 33 now. I was like 13 or 14 when I joined this place.
15 more years! 15 more years!
glad you're doing well mitch!
Turning 30 this year. Pretty wild to think it was like 2/3rds of my life ago I got into BF2 lol
gang shit
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Inspired by the AI thread...

This forum needs to be put behind a login wall. We the surviving members probably need to think about what to do with this giant data dump. I am being serious about this.
It was able to scan the forum and gave a more detailed read up on it.
Okay this is actually funny that I knew this was something Uzique said.
Who knows what else is scanning or has scanned the public forum. But we really should put the whole thing behind a login wall and delete a lot of old stuff.
it's just a fancy wrapper for a google search. any investigative journalists or aggrieved ex could find that same information using the bf2s URL and plain old search engines. the boilerplate language really is icky, too.  "exemplify the diverse and dynamic interactions" etc etc. it's like a very vague approximation of 'neutral-formal' language but which actually communicates very little deep sense of the forums. it's machine cliché.

very funny that it picked out a post alluding to jay's mock-tudor lifestyle, though. insane burns saved from the decaying archive.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The fact that AI's summary of Jay's existence comes down to his pants ripping, being made fun of and getting COVID is just precious.

It mentioned Dilbert's spring that got lost in the mail. It mentioned by light hearted personal stories. Actually kind of fun.

the way chatbots lace words together creeps me the heck out

"this incident was notable among the community"
"here are some insights based on his contributions"
"these members exemplify the diverse and dynamic interactions that have characterized the forums over the years"
"was instrumental in creating and maintaining"
participates in discussions across multiple sections, including "visual media" and "tech"" / "known for participating in discussions related to visual media"
"exemplified the enthusiasm"
"forming bonds that lasted well after the game's heyday"
"a rich diversity to the community that went beyond gaming"
side note, if you can get a chatbot to glitch out, an output may devolve into random word soup. each word individually could've fit into a response to user input, but makes no sense next to its neighbor. things like punctuation and ending a paragraph are all but tossed aside. imo, this is more interesting to read through than the painfully "safe," obsessed-with-inoffensiveness stricture of chatgpt. nothing like a program that speaks high and mighty about relying on verifiable information, and yet still get stuff wrong all the time.

chat ai is sometimes so much like the classic random fingers on each hand, limbs out of nowhere, and the characteristicly gooey, dead eyeballs in each socket. but with words.

there's an increasingly disturbing trend of people in some of my circles who consult chatbots for information and will come at me with some unfounded factoid proven wrong by books or even level 1 google-fu. but how do you argue with someone who gets all their takes from grok?


Explore Grok, the AI by xAI designed to answer nearly any question with an outside perspective on humanity. Dive into insightful, often humorous responses, and get help on a wide range of topics, from the mundane to the profound.
ffs it even sounds like it was written by a chatbot. "from the mundane to the profound," blech.

i fully expect right-wing reporting on the next big race protests to heavily feature ai-manipulated photojournalism. they'll finally get that picture of seattle burning or whatever without having to straight up use pictures from another city in a past decade, and it'll be the first thing i see forwarded to me when checking my email some morning. i'll circle the six joints on a brick-thrower's finger, and i bet the person who sent it will argue that the depicted is mutant with a lazy eye.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2025-01-27 09:02:32)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Can we take a look at the top posting users page again? I want to see if usmarine is still top 5

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