SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I hooked up with a 24 year old white girl with big tits. She had this Billie Ellish thing.
I had matched with her last year. She has a lot of problems with depression and stuff. I talked to her a bit then she went silent. She ghosted me.
I thought I did something wrong. Then last week she showed up on Facebook. Since we had each other's numbers Facebook matched us as potential friends.,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u2.jpg
I added her and she accepted. We started talking again and eventually we made plans to meet up Friday. The only catch is I had to drive 2 hours to see her.
We went out on a date. She knew I had a girlfriend. Especially since I had pictures of my girlfriend on Facebook. She was okay with though.
I bought her a Hello Kitty plushy, Hello Kitty markers, and a $70 thing of roses. I couldn't believe how expensive the roses were until they ringed me up.
Because I felt guilty I also bought my girlfriend Hello Kitty markers and plushy since it is also her favorite thing.
Anyway she gets me to pick her up at her grandma's place. That is where she lives. She doesn't live with her mom or dad for reasons I will get to. Her grandma was super friendly.
The white girl is a NEET who watches TV and makes TikToks all day with her grandma. The reason she ghosted me the first time was because she fell into a depression and ghosted everyone.
We go out to lunch, then walk by the beach. I kiss her there. We go back to her home and her grandma makes us tea while we hang out in the other room.
Eventually we make out with her grandma in the other room. Her grandma eventually goes to her bedroom and we go into the living room to make out.,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

Keep in mind I am 34.
Eventually I get between her legs and dry hump her a bit. It is nice but two things happen. She mentions she is not ready yet. She had been raped by her dad as a child and needs time to be ready.
I already known this and didn't push the girl. We continued making out normally until her grand ma came by for something.
We just switched  to holding each other and she thanked me for respecting her boundaries.

Want the rest of the story?
The X stands for
+1,811|6172|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Want the rest of the story?
Just actual pics.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6803|Oxferd Ohire
what happened to asian gf
The very model of a modern major general
+795|6751|United States of America

RTHKI wrote:

what happened to asian gf

Mac wrote:

We went out on a date. She knew I had a girlfriend. Especially since I had pictures of my girlfriend on Facebook. She was okay with though.
He's cucking her.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,737|6803|Oxferd Ohire
oh missed that line.  oof
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6689|Little Bentcock
I would like to know more.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I hooked up with the soldier's ex-wife about half an hour ago. Dear journal.
Also, I need to go to rehab.
After her grandma came home we watched everyone loves Raymond for half an episode before I got to leave.,1000_QL80_.jpg
We kissed before I drove away. We texted each other for awhile and made plans to meet again. Billie Ellish then ghosted me.
Well she ghosted everyone. It seems she slipped back into a depression and ghosted me and everyone else. Who knows why. She had problems before she met me.
Since I was free I had made plans to meet this Arab girl substitute teacher MILF from work. It feel through because she is Muslim and wants commitment.
So fast forward to whatever today is. I have Friday's off from work for the summer. So I stood home today and didn't grad class work and then took a walk to go buy a vape from the local dispensary. This was a 40 minute walk both ways. So I took a CBD/THS edible I bought at the local town fair.
A little while from my place on the way back I stop and have a beer and order some food. After I finish I start walking towards my apartment and I run into the soldier's wife. The soldier I cucked. His ex-wife.
We recognize each other and start chatting. She was on the way to go to the Comic Book Store I am banned from to sell some Pokemon cards she has. You remember the comic book store guy I argued with? She was headed there.
We chatted for a moment and I offered for her to come over to my place and try my new vape (drugs). She comes over and we start talking. She is totally crazy. Probably in some sort of manic episode.
She mentions some shit about her new fiancée (!!!) hitting her. Something about a DV investigation. (???)
I am just following along. She asks me about my girlfriend too. The soldier's wife and I are Facebook friends. We like each other picture's but she won't respond to my messages. She liked my picture and sent me a song today which was really unusual. The fact that she never responds made the song she sent today really weird considering the random meeting we had. So she knows I have a girlfriend through Facebook and still hooks up with me. Probably only recognized me from there too. Social media is the devil.
It doesn't take long until we start making out. She hopped right on my bed when looking for a place to sit. We agree to have sex but she wants to shower first. I eventually followed her into the shower.
You guys want to hear the rest of this? I am not sure if you do?
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,053|6689|Little Bentcock
I want to know more
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
This was incredibly bad karma and I am going to pay for it. I shouldn't have done any of this.
So we fooled around in the shower. It was fun. Getting high and partying in the shower. When we got out of the shower to have sex, she changed her mind (???) and then left. She promised me she would come back. Before she left she gave me a blow job.
We text a little while later. We haven't talked since then though. I have been busy with my girlfriend being over.,format=auto,width=700/
The soldiers' ex-wife new finacee tried to add me to Instagram again the next day. Yup, again. First he tried to add me to Facebook a few weeks ago. At the time he tried to add me I hadn't talked to his fiancee for 2 years. We interacted a little when she and I occasionally liked each other pictures. I don't know why he would try to add me at that point. I took a screenshot. See below
I sent the screenshot to the soldiers ex-wife. She didn't see it since I sent it over Facebook instead of Instagram since I didn't know she was Insta only.
So I went to her Facebook conversation and unsent the screenshot from before. I didn't tell her he tried to add me to Instagram even though I know her Instagram. No reason making the girl panic.
The first time he tried to add me I was innocent. The 2nd time clearly guilty. This isn't good. I am on this guy's radar.
I need to be on the lookout for this guy in my area since I ran into his finacee down the street. This is some real Townie shit.,1000_QL80_.jpg
I am afraid I am going to get pulled up on by this dude when I am out with my girlfriend.
I might have something lined up with my Jewish coworker this week. What do Arabs and Jews have in common? I will date them both at work.

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