
DesertFox- wrote:

I seent it in IMAX since I'd never done that before. Didn't know a whole lot about the man himself going into it, so a lot was new. Didn't realize how many actors I knew were cast in it either. They need an accompanying documentary for the full educational experience.
Yeah, people who go into one of these without reading the biography sometimes leave with a false impression of having been learnt a thing or two. Like the Chernobyl show.

There's a bunch of fact checks out there to various degrees and detail.

https://www.businessinsider.com/oppenhe … 023-7?op=1

e: related

https://www.insider.com/oppenheimer-chr … endations=

There are people who think Nolan actually used The Bomb on set?

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-08-04 18:53:09)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I watched it and think he deserved to get his security clearance yanked. Robert Downy Jr. who did an excellent job was right about everything too.

I suppose there may be an argument for karmic retribution, but imo was still a bit of a kangaroo court.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't think it was karma for the bomb but for his own arrogance and adultery. Strauss may have been petty but Oppenheimer should have treated him with respect. Oppenheimer didn't even respect his friend's marriages. What kind of person does that?

some say he threw people under the bus for his own gain
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Guardians of the Galaxy 3 8/10

Woah so dark. People are the true evil in the universe.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

some say he threw people under the bus for his own gain
He had a weird habit of mixing sex with work too. It is like he used his job to hunt women.

Sounds like a person that existed.

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Barbie 9/10
Detective Pikachu 7/10

The Barbie movie was much more clever than I expected. I can understand the movie being a modern classic.

The Wikipedia has a big section on the themes and analysis of the film.

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

more cleverer*
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
killers of the flower moon - nope/10

Confused, incoherent, patchy, painfully drawn out in places, waaaaay too long overall, labours the same point over and over, much of the dialogue was mumbled, unintelligible and repetitive.
Some scenes were perfect, some looked like they'd been done by a kid with an iphone using his friends as stand-ins, the fire scene was completely out of place and jarring - and what the people in it were actually doing fuck knows.
Really comes across as the last gasp of an old man trying to get a last oscar before he dies, trying to rehash his long string of formulaic gangster films into one new oscar-worthy gangster film just like the last ones.

A real shame as its a riveting and important story.
If it were re-edited, and carefully, by a different editor, to about two hours it could actually be a great film.

Scorsese is a hack with two good films out of a lot, de Niro has been a hack for a long time, I think di Caprio is now a hack.

Much of the other acting was excellent, the indian woman should get the oscar.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't care for cowboy shit
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
I don't care for 3hr movies that aren't lotr
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My attention span is shot. I can't not look at my cellphone unless I am in a movie theater.
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6875|Purplicious Wisconsin
I don't seem to have issues with ads on youtube with my adblock. But now there is the cookies pop up where I can choose to accept or reject.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Reading reddit comments for Barbie and The Marvels.

A lot of really strange men in this world. They don't like movies that pander to women. (???) Why not? Are they gay or something? Why would someone want to watch a guy do stuff for a whole movie instead of a woman? The whole manospehre is full of closet cases.

I think it's fair if it's not something you're into and put up with for the benefit of your date. That's not gender exclusive.

Where it starts getting silly is all the movie-length breakdowns on why it's part of some emasculating conspiracy or whatever. I don't want to watch that. I'd rather just go watch the movie, or not. This whole genre of grown ass "Alpha" men, who strapped into their big boy pants to go hate Barbie like it was their solemn duty is mind-boggling to me. Get home, flip on your Spiderman-themed LED monster, and begin furiously typing out your script about how toxic feminism is taking over Hollywood. Groan.

It's hard to wrap your head around a whole group of men who bemoan how women aren't into their comic book action fantasy stuff, but then get bent out of shape when people make women-centric comic book action fantasy stuff.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Napoleon 5/10. I saw it in Imax. It was really bad. As a movie and as a historical blah blah. Movies don't have to be perfectly historical. That's why Walt Disney invented documentaries.

historians say scott tore history to shreds.

scott told historians to get a life.

i choose the middle ground, veering on the side of historians. scott should have made a movie about a fictional dictator, like that john travolta one that was basically about bill clinton. telling critics to "get a life" sounds sore and bratty. it's not like scott's in any danger of being undone by something like rotten tomatoes.

here we are again, after the chernobyl liberties that came up before on the forum: these things need to be up front and clear about the imprecision and liberties. you'd think that would go without saying, but it really doesn't. people eat this stuff up and become obstinate and hard to argue down from cored, fake points of trivia. i don't mean that in a condescending way either.

on one hand, people should be measured in their expectations. on the other, historical productions imo have a moral obligation to remain as true to contemporary understanding as possible.

some of the criticism doesn't even look that spiteful. just matter-of-fact.

from: https://www.insider.com/historians-abso … ie-2023-11

"It ain't a documentary, we know that much! But it's going to be a brilliant piece of art," Dan Snow, a historian and television presenter, said in a 5-minute TikTok post.

"Of the 2 hours 38 minutes, I'd say 38 minutes" of the movie were accurate, military historian Andrew Roberts told Sky News.

Snow and Roberts are two of many historians who have picked apart Scott's loose interpretation of the French emperor's life.

Scott, in response, has been unapologetic. Asked by The New Yorker about Snow's TikTok post, Scott said: "Get a life."
"a brilliant piece of art."
"get a life."

bad look, ridley, even if it was just in response to being asked about it.

i don't remember watching the prometheus extras, but reddit has this to say:

The thing that really got to me was later on in the film, when the crew is first entering the Engineer structure. Ridley Scott begins a rant about people apparently questioning his ideas regarding the tabletop mapping hologram (and other parts of his "vision") inside the ship: "I do have a vision, I know exactly what I want...shut the fuck up. This is what I want. Fuck it. That's it... I've got more films in this goddamn building, and three in the Library of Congress, and people are still going, 'what are you doing that for?'...and those people are usually very inexperienced or fundamentally stupid."
https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comment … _has_made/

man sounds up his own ass, if legit.

"get a life" says man who makes movies about dick-mouthed aliens.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2023-12-04 15:45:43)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
In fairness to the quote from the Prometheus set, he is the director. No one has ever gone wrong just following their boss's orders.
I am all that is MOD!

Oppenheimer: not great. I think Nolan bit off more than he could chew in trying to tell/resolve multiple storylines/character arcs in one 3 hour movie.  5/10

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: classic, still holds up although some of the physical comedy and slapstick humor loses its luster after all this time. 8/10

Silence of the Lambs: still a solid movie. 7.5/10

Hannibal: annoying, over the top, not a great sequel. 6/10

Three Mustakeeters Part 1: D'Artagnan: pretty good movie! Has a bit of comedy, action, dialogue, brooding...everything youd want from a non-hollywood produced action adventure film. 7/10
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I saw Oppenheimer in the movie theater. It was good but forgettable. Barbie is a modern classic though.

I took this pretty Indian girl to see Oppenheimer.
I offered to go to Barbie instead but she had already seen it. When we got there we were looking for our seats and there were two people sitting in it already. We told them they were in our seats and they slowly creeped their way out of the movie theater.
The girl fell asleep at least twice during the movie.
I don't blame her.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Matrix 4 or whatever it is called. 6/10.

It is interesting that they focused so much on the relationship between Neo and Trinity. Interesting like a car wreck.
I don't think anyone cared about the relationship between those two. It is like the least interesting relationship of the 90s. And they both look terrible. Particularly Trinity.

The only thing I found cool about the movie was the Spoiler (highlight to read):
the machine civil war you got to see only 10 seconds of.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I didn't really care about it.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

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