historians say scott tore history to shreds.
scott told historians to get a life.
i choose the middle ground, veering on the side of historians. scott should have made a movie about a fictional dictator, like that john travolta one that was basically about bill clinton. telling critics to "get a life" sounds sore and bratty. it's not like scott's in any danger of being undone by something like rotten tomatoes.
here we are again, after the chernobyl liberties that came up before on the forum: these things need to be up front and clear about the imprecision and liberties. you'd think that would go without saying, but it really doesn't. people eat this stuff up and become obstinate and hard to argue down from cored, fake points of trivia. i don't mean that in a condescending way either.
on one hand, people should be measured in their expectations. on the other, historical productions imo have a moral obligation to remain as true to contemporary understanding as possible.
some of the criticism doesn't even look that spiteful. just matter-of-fact.
https://www.insider.com/historians-abso … ie-2023-11"It ain't a documentary, we know that much! But it's going to be a brilliant piece of art," Dan Snow, a historian and television presenter, said in a 5-minute TikTok post.
"Of the 2 hours 38 minutes, I'd say 38 minutes" of the movie were accurate, military historian Andrew Roberts told Sky News.
Snow and Roberts are two of many historians who have picked apart Scott's loose interpretation of the French emperor's life.
Scott, in response, has been unapologetic. Asked by The New Yorker about Snow's TikTok post, Scott said: "Get a life."
"a brilliant piece of art."
"get a life."
bad look, ridley, even if it was just in response to being asked about it.
i don't remember watching the prometheus extras, but reddit has this to say:
The thing that really got to me was later on in the film, when the crew is first entering the Engineer structure. Ridley Scott begins a rant about people apparently questioning his ideas regarding the tabletop mapping hologram (and other parts of his "vision") inside the ship: "I do have a vision, I know exactly what I want...shut the fuck up. This is what I want. Fuck it. That's it... I've got more films in this goddamn building, and three in the Library of Congress, and people are still going, 'what are you doing that for?'...and those people are usually very inexperienced or fundamentally stupid."
https://www.reddit.com/r/movies/comment … _has_made/man sounds up his own ass, if legit.
"get a life" says man who makes movies about dick-mouthed aliens.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (1 year, 1 month ago)