have you read any of the studies, dilbert? there are fucking hundreds of clinical trials being undertaken at half a dozen top research institutions. how are they 'rehashing one guy's research'? do you even understand the practice of research? these 1000s of scientists aren't all relying on the same single dataset.
you are clueless. simply clueless. go and read something for a change and be quiet, little man.
david nutt's writings on drugs are not necessarily an argument for teetotalism. stating that alcohol is objectively more harmful than a range of other, highly classified, very illegal drugs != people should abstain from alcohol forever. it's an argument for drugs laws that make scientific sense. it's an argument for removing arbitrary legal barriers to drugs that could have therapeutic potential.
nobody working in the field of drugs research is claiming we should have a libertarian free-for-all and distribute party drugs to teenagers.
the ironic thing is that half of your 'noble leaders of society' are all fucking micro-dosing LSD and mushrooms every day. it's very much a cultural thing in silicon valley egghead circles. many of your rational superhuman engineering godmen are busy self-dosing themselves on psychedelics. you're ranting about narcissistic teenagers at parties whilst your own model human beings are partaking in the exact same thing, outside of a clinical context and without a medical professional in sight. lmao.
https://www.wired.co.uk/article/lsd-mic … con-valley
https://www.kron4.com/news/in-depth-why … osing-lsd/
https://www.ft.com/content/0a5a4404-7c8 … 3271d1ee9c
there's even studies on this phenomenon! and not a 'nutt' in sight on the author lists.
you are clueless. simply clueless. go and read something for a change and be quiet, little man.
you really do like making up straw men arguments. you've fabricated a conclusion about david nutt's position and now you're fabricating more. you're like a big spool of wooly bullshit.And none of this is yet an argument for narcissistic teenagers to use drugs at parties.
david nutt's writings on drugs are not necessarily an argument for teetotalism. stating that alcohol is objectively more harmful than a range of other, highly classified, very illegal drugs != people should abstain from alcohol forever. it's an argument for drugs laws that make scientific sense. it's an argument for removing arbitrary legal barriers to drugs that could have therapeutic potential.
nobody working in the field of drugs research is claiming we should have a libertarian free-for-all and distribute party drugs to teenagers.
the ironic thing is that half of your 'noble leaders of society' are all fucking micro-dosing LSD and mushrooms every day. it's very much a cultural thing in silicon valley egghead circles. many of your rational superhuman engineering godmen are busy self-dosing themselves on psychedelics. you're ranting about narcissistic teenagers at parties whilst your own model human beings are partaking in the exact same thing, outside of a clinical context and without a medical professional in sight. lmao.
https://www.wired.co.uk/article/lsd-mic … con-valley
https://www.kron4.com/news/in-depth-why … osing-lsd/
https://www.ft.com/content/0a5a4404-7c8 … 3271d1ee9c
there's even studies on this phenomenon! and not a 'nutt' in sight on the author lists.
Last edited by uziq (2022-11-12 21:12:48)