SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Other car makers are investing deeply into EVs too anyway. Tesla produced 300,000 cars last year. Compare that to other car makers including the big three U.S. … ction#2017

A lot of the value of Tesla stock is wrapped up in the faith people put on Elon Musk to Steve Jobs the car market. I think he is doing grave damage to his brand at the moment. A lot of people are now strongly emotionally invested in other car brand's EV succeeding and that is not good.
maketh sense.
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Other car makers are investing deeply into EVs too anyway. Tesla produced 300,000 cars last year. Compare that to other car makers including the big three U.S. … ction#2017

A lot of the value of Tesla stock is wrapped up in the faith people put on Elon Musk to Steve Jobs the car market. I think he is doing grave damage to his brand at the moment. A lot of people are now strongly emotionally invested in other car brand's EV succeeding and that is not good.
Tesla produced ~ a million cars last year. That's 2017 big guy.

No one should be emotionally invested in a brand. It's fucking mind-boggling.
we exist in a whole new era of inflationary speculative late capitalism. tesla was valued at substantially higher than GM or the major auto manufacturers even back in ~2017 when they were making a teeny number of cars in comparison.

old-school billionaires at least shifted a lot of raw product or owned actually existing rail networks or whatever. they were wealth creators in the old fordist model. nowadays you get people like the CEO of wework cashing out as a billionaire right before the whole speculative house of cards comes crashing down. insane.

Last edited by uziq (2022-07-12 18:49:27)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


SuperJail Warden wrote:

Other car makers are investing deeply into EVs too anyway. Tesla produced 300,000 cars last year. Compare that to other car makers including the big three U.S. … ction#2017

A lot of the value of Tesla stock is wrapped up in the faith people put on Elon Musk to Steve Jobs the car market. I think he is doing grave damage to his brand at the moment. A lot of people are now strongly emotionally invested in other car brand's EV succeeding and that is not good.
Tesla produced ~ a million cars last year. That's 2017 big guy.

No one should be emotionally invested in a brand. It's fucking mind-boggling.
The number I found after a moment of Google is 300,000. You might be right. I don't have a stake in it all.
I am all that is MOD!

I wouldn't care at all either there weren't ginormous repercussions to overly inflated valuations

(Though it doesn't help), Tesla hardly needs Musk tweets to damage its brand. Years ago I was actually thinking about them before reading about shoddy build quality.

In Tesla's defense, I drive a Ford. In my defense, it's a work vehicle with liberal company rules, and I've never bought a Ford.
the whole USP of tesla is dropping away now that EVs are becoming mainstream and accepted. there's no novelty or showing-off factor anymore. the self-driving stuff hasn't delivered, not unless you're seeking delivery to a morgue, anyway, and, as per usual, elon's more extravagant promises have come to nought.

i read a story last week about a famous figure, possibly a sports player, who was stranded in the middle of nowhere because his tesla in-car entertainment system glitched out and got stuck on some sort of film-streaming or video-playing app. the car wouldn't let him drive away until he stopped the full-screen video playback. l m a o.

EVs are really common in major urban centres now, particularly in taxis. it's no longer the head-turner or bragging rights it once was. people are going to fed up of paying exorbitant prices for shoddy construction and easily migrate to other manufacturers. tesla 'fanboys' are goobers.
+492|3614 … f-america/

meanwhile in highly normal american column opinion.

forbes writer complains about … pedestrianised cities, low-emissions zones, public transport and … shops selling nice fashion. lmao.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6899|Oxferd Ohire
As someone who likes cars more than her I love pedestrian /public transit friendly cities.
I am all that is MOD!

uziq wrote:

meanwhile in highly normal american column opinion.

forbes writer complains about … pedestrianised cities, low-emissions zones, public transport and … shops selling nice fashion. lmao.
Not just a Forbes writer- someone involved in developing and implementing policy initiatives related to transportation and city planning.

"Montpelier, France used to be a commercial hub, with the traffic to show. They got rid of the traffic so now Montpelier is no longer a commercial zone."

Whatever other salient points she made (and there were some) are completely washed away by that pathetic application of logic.

Haha shut the fuck up!
i literally laughed out loud when she said something like “cities are being hollowed out for pedestrian precincts”. erm, does she think cities are built for cars to live in or something?

the comments are also full of residents of montpellier telling her how much they love their car-free centre and how it’s actually thronging with life, commercial and otherwise, every day of the week.

woman goes to southern european town in summer and is surprised people aren’t at work at 9am in the morning

and yeah, i loved the bit where she claimed that montpellier is no longer an important trading hub because of the lack of single-occupant car access. in other news: baltimore would still have the steelworks, manchester the cotton mills, and baghdad it’s great library … if only they built a few more car parks! lmao.

uziq wrote:

meanwhile in highly normal american column opinion.

forbes writer complains about … pedestrianised cities, low-emissions zones, public transport and … shops selling nice fashion. lmao.
Just think, you could spend USD$50 for a one year subscription … or $140 for two.

"Gain unlimited access to our journalism!"

the story is the same. Cars are bad, biking is good, walking is better, public transit is better still, and the best of all is to stay home.
I love how this is framed as a thing to be scoffed at. I would rather have to walk to more of my stores than choke on the emissions of bumper to bumper cars in a densely populated urban zone.

I don't even think it's fun to drive cars around in cities (in some cases, it would be faster to get out and walk), and actively avoid doing it unless it's for work. And when it's for work, oh boy good luck finding a place to park.

At the very least, if we're going to keep cars around, we need to migrate fully out of internal combustion.
forbes really went downhill when they basically left open their comment pages to anyone to scrawl a diary entry or blog. it's like they've got an open wordpress API and anyone can phone in their dumb editorial.

I love how this is framed as a thing to be scoffed at. I would rather have to walk to more of my stores than choke on the emissions of bumper to bumper cars in a densely populated urban zone.
lmao, yeah. she talks as if there's an unthinking 'groupthink' in europe, and as if we haven't just emerged from 120 years of urban design based around the primary of the motor vehicle. i'm pretty sure no european town is regretting its plans to re-plant trees on its streets and keep cars out.

let's go ... downtown!!!

Last edited by uziq (2022-07-28 22:17:26)


Didn't removal of a highway actually improve traffic in Seoul? Isn't the place still plenty commercial?
yes it was a horrendous highway bisecting the entire north side of the city (the 'old' city core, gang-buk as opposed to gang-nam).

it's now been re-turned into a giant stream, which is technically what it was in the first place, pre-development and pre-urbanisation. it was a filthy run-off and highly polluted body of water for most of the city's era of rapid growth. tarmac'ing over it and turning it into a highway was a sort of ad hoc fix for the foetid and malarial industrial run-off feature that was there before.

they've rectified it now and that part of the city is booming.

seoul isn't winning any awards for traffic congestion or air pollution and particulates from private vehicles, mind you, but considering the population density and the world-class public transport system, they're definitely going in the right direction with things.

Last edited by uziq (2022-07-29 02:37:38)

+2,053|6933|PNW … 0891920384

Military instructors will probably still be lecturing and pressuring new recruits to vote Republican for *checks notes* "better pay."
+492|3614 … 1659248465

a lot of stating the bleeding obvious here.

French activists fill golf holes with cement to protest watering exemptions during drought … g-drought/

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Jews protest invasion of Ukraine by invading Palestine, amazing
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
they're really damned if they do, damned if they don't with you, aren't they?

you'd be posting accusing articles about 'russian jews sit and stand by in silence and complicity' if they all stayed in russia.

how are the russian citizens seeking emigre status to israel responsible for the recent actions in palestine?

they haven't voted for a single israeli politician in their lives and have no say in its policy?

mate, who do you think you're kidding with this shit? week after week ... total crank material.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

they haven't voted for a single israeli politician in their lives and have no say in its policy?
Yet they have the right to move there and displace further Palestinians

Thats whats crazy.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

they haven't voted for a single israeli politician in their lives and have no say in its policy?
Yet they have the right to move there and displace further Palestinians

Thats whats crazy.
quite a number of israelis are critical of their government's actions with regards to the palestinians. it's not all rabid 'settler' types.

how can you presume their political opinions? wouldn't they have, you know, moved to israel before the war if they were rabid ideologues who believed in displacing palestinians?

again, i don't think there's a single thing that any jew, secular/liberal/progressive or not, can do to please you. you are a nutcase.

they have the right to move there and displace further
interesting rhetoric, anyway, to use to describe people seeking to escape a war-like regime from whom they fear threat and discrimination.

didn't your family technically 'displace' the aboriginals in australia? when you just presumed it was your god-given 'right' to relocate to their ancestral homeland? haven't aboriginal communities lived in every bit as like a racialised regime, kept in ghetto conditions, socially engineered out of society? until very recently, in any case? and don't you speak scornfully about any modern policy designed to ameliorate their conditions or help them get a leg up? really make u think. you're the jew to someone's perspective.

Last edited by uziq (2022-08-17 06:57:53)


It is hardly surprising that the nation-state model so often fails – there have been about 200 civil wars since 1960. However, there are plenty of examples of nation states that work well despite being made up of different groups, such as Singapore, Malaysia and Tanzania, or nations created from global migrants like Australia, Canada and the US. To some degree, all nation states have been formed from a mixture of groups. When nation states falter or fail, the problem is not diversity itself, but not enough official inclusiveness – equity in the eyes of the state, regardless of which other groups a person belongs to. An insecure government allied to a specific group, which it favours over others, breeds discontent and pitches one group against others – this results in people falling back on trusted alliances based on kinship, rather.

A democracy with a mandate of official inclusiveness from its people is generally more stable – but it needs underpinning by a complex bureaucracy. Nations have navigated this in various ways, for example, devolving power to local communities, giving them voice and agency over their own affairs within the nation state (as is the case in Canada, or Switzerland’s cantons). By embracing multiple groups, languages and cultures as equally legitimate, a country like Tanzania can function as a national mosaic of at least 100 different ethnic groups and languages. In Singapore, which has consciously pursued an integrated multi-ethnic population, at least one-fifth of marriages are interracial. Unjust hierarchies between groups make this harder, particularly when imposed on a majority by a minority.
In April 2021, Governor Kristi Noem tweeted: “South Dakota won’t be taking any illegal immigrants that the Biden administration wants to relocate. My message to illegal immigrants … call me when you’re an American.”

Consider that South Dakota only exists because thousands of undocumented immigrants from Europe used the Homestead Act from 1860 to 1920 to steal land from Native Americans without compensation or reparations. This kind of exclusive attitude from a leader weakens the sense of shared citizenship among all, creating divisions between residents who are deemed to belong and those who are not.

Official inclusion by the national bureaucracy is a starting point for building national identity in all citizens, particularly with a large influx of migrants, but the legacy of decades or centuries of injustice persists socially, economically and politically. … t-upheaval
it is deeply funny that a guy from a settler-colony state has so much hatred for israel’s ‘taking of land’ and ‘presumed rights’. especially when he minimises the century and more of racist, apartheid-like policies towards the australian palestinians.

this guy has no problem with settler colonialism if it’s his team doing it. nada. dilbert isn’t losing sleep over native indians, over the canadian first nations or inuit peoples, over aboriginals, over the javanese, over the amazonian tribes who are daily being encroached upon by bolsonaro’s resource-extracting capitalists (he’s probably a share holder …).

what’s even funnier is that, such is his hatred for the jews, the one instance of settler colonialism that he does decide to be continually and performatively outraged against are … muslims in the middle-east. a religion he has lambasted and decried as barbaric any number of times. a religious group that dilbert wants to exclude from western democracies, even to be granted asylum.

this is a guy who simultaneously rants about the evils of the afghan-iraq wars but then joins in the right-wing chorus that asylum seekers are ‘able bodied men who want a free house’. when the majority of people risking their lives in sinking dinghies to reach the UK now are … afghanis, iraqis, iranians, etc. 

says all you need to know. this guy is not very smart. his thinking is not joined up. he'll have you know, every week of the year, that he protested those wars and made immense anti-war efforts! but he doesn't want to do anything to actually help an afghan or iraqi. 'why do you they seek refuge in australia when there's a dozen places nearer? not on my tax petro-dollar!' sad!

Last edited by uziq (2022-08-18 09:21:24)

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