
I'm not insisting that, nor do I suspect people here of making stubby, oily noodles.

This is all spinning off from your vague "subset of people on the internet," "pretentious foodies" comments. I guess my most direct response to that without getting into other spaghetti technicalities is "fair enough, even traditional spaghetti is meant to be snapped to taste, but to play devil's advocate there's probably such a thing as too short to resemble spaghetti." Nothing accusatory.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2022-02-26 18:37:02)


I think people getting bent out of shape about pasta purists (whatever that entails) can sometimes be about as obnoxious as the pasta purists. 10,000th quora post, "wHy Do peOpLe GeT mAd AbOuT bReAkIng SpaGhEtTi?!1" like use the search function I guess.

re: american table manners, I think a lot of that went by the wayside with TV dinners. There was something a lot less calling for formality about eating mashed potatoes and peas off a tray outside of a dining room setting while spacing out to Married with Children. I noticed a lot of divide between middle-aged boomers, and the greatest generation.

I do probably eat more with a fork than is technically proper. I've folded pizza slices in half lengthwise then jabbed a fork into the crust, sue me. For gimbap though, chopsticks are amazing if you don't want to get your fingers sticky. A fork just makes it fall apart.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

DesertFox- wrote:

I learned today there's a subset of people on the internet who will tut-tut someone for breaking spaghetti while cooking it, apparently with the argument that you "can't twirl it around your fork anymore", which isn't even a real problem if you only break it in half and not smash the shit out of it for some reason. Weird.
Fork? Real men twirl it around a single chopstick.

Actual first world problem - I've been doing a lot of house renovation and use of sandpaper has temporarily removed my fingerprints

I have to unlock my iphone by typing in a number like a savage.
Fuck Israel
I am all that is MOD!

uziq wrote:

i don’t know why anyone would put oil in boiling pasta. seems like a different misconception entirely. i guess to stop the pasta sticking together or sticking to the pan? but it’s fine to just … stir pasta noodles as they boil. it’s not like rice where you get a better texture if you let it sit. very confusing.
You put the oil (or butter) in after you pull the pasta out of the water. It's so the noodles don't stick together. Avoided if you cook the noodles al dente or barely cook them. It's better to just cook them in the sauce itself.

It puts the butter on the pasta or it gets the hose again.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6796|Little Bentcock
I'm trying to watch developments on Ukraine on one of our 24 hour news channels and they keep showing updates about the flooding north of me
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Stupid Queenslanders overfilled their dam again

Also this is kept updated.


Last edited by Dilbert_X (2022-02-27 17:05:46)

Fuck Israel


uziq wrote:

i don’t know why anyone would put oil in boiling pasta. seems like a different misconception entirely. i guess to stop the pasta sticking together or sticking to the pan? but it’s fine to just … stir pasta noodles as they boil. it’s not like rice where you get a better texture if you let it sit. very confusing.
You put the oil (or butter) in after you pull the pasta out of the water. It's so the noodles don't stick together. Avoided if you cook the noodles al dente or barely cook them. It's better to just cook them in the sauce itself.

I know folks who typically just break them in half (because they DoN'T fIt!), dump them in a pot of cold or barely heated water with a bit of oil, and leave the room to space out in front of the TV while it comes up to a boil. The noodles stick together like mad, so they think they need to use more oil. For some, they do technically know better having seen the recipes and videos and everything else, but it's old bad habits at work.


Why the heck does Disqus use my google(?) login credentials, why is it keep logging in every few days after I log out, and when the heck did that even start to begin with? What have I ever clicked? Next time I see my account name signed on while looking at blogs, I'm going to have to follow that rabbithole to see if I can disassociate from that service.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
In trying to cope with the knowledge that uziq will be forever wrong on so many things I donated $90 to Unicef's Ukraine appeal.

Not sure who to donate to next, there are many shady outfits bobbing up now and a lot of charities are shit anyway.
Fuck Israel
i'm thriving in the knowledge that i've got a loft-space conversion rent-free, inside your head permanently.

A self-avowed scientist should view things like observed or suspected wrongness and failed experiments as learning opportunities. Then again, they should probably also stop regurgitating old racial bunk.
you have just got to LOVE the self-own of suspecting russian malfeasance and interference everywhere, like on the blockchain, lmao, whilst repeating the talking points of the putin-puppet anti-vax parties in your country.

even going so far as to call vaccine mandates and prudent public health measures 'fascist'. who else is misusing the term 'fascism' a lot lately, hmm, i wonder?
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i'm thriving in the knowledge that i've got a loft-space conversion rent-free, inside your head permanently.
Er no, I have rationalised and let it go.

A self-avowed scientist should view things like observed or suspected wrongness and failed experiments as learning opportunities.
Its a shame uziq hasn't had that training.
Fuck Israel
i think the consequences of your lack of the sorts of wide reading, research skills, and analytical abilities which form part of humanities ‘training’ are patently obvious for all to see here, day in, day out.

it’s not too late to go and get that graduate degree in military history. remember, jay’s intending to glide into being a history lecturer when he’s done air conditioning the world, too. don’t sell yourself short.

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-02 23:35:57)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
I want to do something productive with my life though.
Fuck Israel
you’re an unemployed, childless 50-year-old. i don’t think you of all people should be raising the p-word. in every respect you’re nothing but an old chunk ‘o coal.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
How's the family coming along there?
Fuck Israel
i’m still potent and women still take an interest in me.

again, i wouldn’t go throwing around the productivity word.

By perfect Mormon world standards zeek, you have a second foot already partway into the grave. You should be halfway to becoming a grandpa to no less than two digits of future descendants, and dilbert should be pretty close to adding a great- to his role …

Everyone would need to keep track of family names in a database software.
every time this comes up i feel i have to point out that i’m - still - below the average age for a first-time male parent in the UK.

amazing how a humanities smoothbrain without benefit of ‘STEM training’ has to point out such basics as averages.

Last edited by uziq (2022-03-03 00:03:26)

The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

it’s not too late to go and get that graduate degree in military history. remember, jay’s intending to glide into being a history lecturer when he’s done air conditioning the world, too. don’t sell yourself short.
Why do people need to go to class to study history though?

Having read slightly over fifty books now I can say they're quite enlightening, there's really no need to go to a class to have some dreary guy bore you for hour.s - just read a book or two.

If I did anything I think it would be lathe instructor, or I could sell hats, I think I'd be good at that.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

below the average
Do you want to be below average though? Jay seized his paradigm.
Fuck Israel
what’s your ‘paradigm’? bitter lonely shut-in who still has his mum cook his hot meals and has to pay women for sex? you’re seizing it alright.

starting a family young is just so damned proletarian.

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