SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I know how to play the Soviet Union. Trust me it is much different now and for the worse.

Regarding trains, like other paradox games, they probably balance it around multiplayer. People micromanaging a ton of train to stack debuffs could be problematic.

I wanted to play a U.S. game to see if I could use convoy raiding and supply yadda yadda to kill off the Japanese in China. Being totally caught off from supply coming from Tokyo should do it?

Still very salty about what they did to the Soviet Union.

Seen videos of people just rolling the computers with the Russians.

Anyway, biggest complaint so far is that tanks are more annoying to configure than ships. You get the same amount of loadout slots regardless of light/medium/heavy. Should be able to get 1 of each special module on larger vehicles. Haven't looked at superheavies yet, but I bet it's the exact same thing. Modders will have to save us.

I still haven't worked out why I can only cap lights at 20 mph if I dump everything into speed, and tank engine research is maxed. Pre-war M2 was like 36 mph. In-game 10.8 kph. I'll have to see if what their stats say are the same as what the stats actually are. Or maybe this is just a scaling quirk I've never fully investigated, understood, or maybe I just forgot it.

If I scale my funky light with like 18 into engine and 2 into armor, that's a 60 mph light for WW2 with just a gas engine. Put a TD or assault gun on it, gg I guess.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
The one thing keeping me from recommending aoe4 is that you could play aoe2 or 3 instead. That said I'm enjoying it.

And don't buy it for the graphics I guess.

I almost bought it awhile back, but then I bought the AoE3 remaster instead on the cheap. I probably won't even be a tenth through my backlog before 4 hits an 80% sale.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I never actually played AoE3. AoE 2 still works and is in HD. We never needed to go further.

Loved AoE 2. AoE 3 was a real treat, though I think AoE 2 is still king. I enjoyed watching bits of buildings get smashed off by cannon fire.

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I never actually played AoE3. AoE 2 still works and is in HD. We never needed to go further.
aoe3 has a remaster:

Might still be on Steam sale.

I built my last computer for Space Marine, played a decent amount of multiplayer besides. Recently announced, Space Marine 2. History may repeat itself depending on system requirements.

Probably going to be pretty bloody again, I hope they double down and go M with a capital M on that. Reasonably hyped, but we'll see.

4x RTS of famous sci-fi IP. Not much of a trailer at the moment, but looking forward to all the sci-fi stuff in the coming previews.

Also homeworld 3:
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am democratic USA. What do I need to do in order to create a collaboration government in an occupied territory?
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I built my last computer for Space Marine, played a decent amount of multiplayer besides. Recently announced, Space Marine 2. History may repeat itself depending on system requirements.
Probably going to be pretty bloody again, I hope they double down and go M with a capital M on that. Reasonably hyped, but we'll see.
damn ive been waiting to see what 40k game they were making for 2.5 years. they made world war z and it has a decent following so there is hope.

4x, meh
homeworld, more meh

also it runs like ass but i really like halo infinite's open world

54 trailers in this Game Rewards 2021 list: … mp;index=1

4x Dune and another Homeworld may be my kind of games, but I'll wait to see if they're good. Played the oldworlds and a bit of deserts, and also the Dune RTS games.

Space Marine, keeping an eye on that. I wonder if they'll explain what the heck happened to the main character between this game and the previous. That was a heck of a cliffhanger. There's actually a Steam group I think for "make a Space Marine 2!" Gonna be obsolete. Still very annoyed at GW for how they treat Youtube CCs, though.

Others that at least caught my eye: Gollum game might be a fun sneaker. Matrix looks underwhelming (2021 and bullets aren't digging chunks out of structures and the pavement, what a lost opportunity). Saints Row remake, hopefully more than 2 players this time. Borderlands 3.5. Both a Star Trek and a Star Wars game.

@mac, check under covert ops
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
I wonder if they'll keep some of the story that was planned for the sequel. I remember reading an article with a writer or someone about it.

They gotta skip over it I think cause he's primaris now.. just like halo inf skipped a big chunk of stuff that happened.

Hopefully if it isn't in game, the devs will have some sort of canon explanation. They took him away in the first place because they weren't sure how he could be that successful without being possibly compromised by chaos. If he had magic abilities, that should have been found out ages before he became a space marine.

I suppose I could accept that the inquisition found him pure, or that the inquisitor was being secretive about their real reasons for taking him away (Primaris program probably highly top secret I'd imagine). Stuff that happened between the first game and second, carefully sealed secrets!

The real reason of course outside of the story is that GW wants to push new models onto people.

RIP Warhammer youtubers, shut down by GW or even the looming threat of being shut down. Also RIP the dragonball youtubers, who I heard have been getting entire channels scrubbed by Toei claims. Dunno why you wouldn't want people playing your video games, but would have to ask Nintendo that same question too.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

@mac, check under covert ops
I mean there is an event you get if you hold onto an occupied territory long enough where the locals ask you to set up a collaboration government. The territory than becomes occupied by a new puppet state in your country's color but it has a core. How do you get that event?

If I understand your question correctly, different events could be triggered by increasing or decreasing autonomy of an occupied state. I still recommend playing at least one cheat save to experiment with mechanics that you don't get to see a lot of in a normal playthrough.

Looking forward to reading about your Estonian superpower in the new DLC.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
I wanna know why so many game UIs suck. Halo somehow gets worse every game. Same with Company of Heroes. CoH1 was about perfect. 2s map selection screen was bad. 3 was pre alpha but similar to 2 but again worse selection screens.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I assume developers change UIs between sequels to visually differentiate the new ones from the old.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
They take perfectly fine menus and make it less useable. In Halo it's simple things like grids, they hate grids so you're stuck pressing right twenty times to get to the option you want.

I've brought this sort of thing up as a pet peeve before and have been told that I'm being too picky/'OCD.' Whatever, a good menu and options screen is still useful.

Sims 4 has mods that increase the number of rows and columns on stuff. It was alright when the game first came out, but now it has too much stuff for 3 rows or 2 vertical columns, depending on what you're doing.

Games with a 10-display wheel-up/down window, alright if there are like 15 maps to choose from. Gets annoying when it becomes like 60 to choose from.

Yes, please, I would like for at least ambience, sfx, dialogue, and music to be on separate volume sliders, in every game that has those. Stop releasing games with just a master volume.

Balance adjustments made for a vocal minority that ruin the experience for other players, bleh (7 Days to Die for instance has made farming a grind again, for reasons opposite to the ones they gave when they made farming less of a grind some patches ago). I'd like to point to PZomboid as a near-perfect example of having options. If a player doesn't want to mess with them, they don't have to and the game still plays fine. But they're there if you want them, and the game can be whatever experience you want to make of it.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
How do you feel about the hearts of iron new supplies system? I love it. Just wish the supply hubs weren't so slow to build.

I haven't used railway guns yet.

Glad you got into it. I think it's nice to have that overview.

a) You need more factories. Lots of civilian factories will complete more construction jobs, of things like more factories, more infrastructure, railways, and hubs. You can probably get the CCCP up to the point where it's actively working on a full page of construction projects at any given time.
b) Advance research in construction.
c) Check national focuses for things that improve railway and supply.
d) As a large continental nation, about a dozen railway guns should about do it for starters. Assign to important armies. Unless something changed between now and when I played, multiple guns on one area will not stack the debuff. IMO if you're fighting on the eastern front you should always have at least one of those being built, but not at the expense of planes, tanks, and other things you need.

e: One of my favorite mods for the game gives you as many support company slots as there are support companies in the game. Other mods have helicopter support company (also helicopter recon as an alternative to armored (itself a good reason to research light tanks), etc.), so it caps out at a round number. Armored engineer support company pretty good.

Of course that puts more strain on division training and production requirements.

e2: Towards end game I wish I could just click a button to spam out any building in all owned provinces that isn't part of a shared cap. Do you know how tedious it is to build a railway everywhere I can build a railway in France and its territories? I want my spaghetti noodle mess without 45 minutes of investment, thanks.

Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2021-12-18 14:07:43)


re: above, check this:

Supply hubs are prohibitively expensive without using the special decision most nations have access to that makes them faster to build. For context, the cost is the same as two civilian factories, so you really have to plan when you’re going to build more. It will likely almost always be easier to just take over existing supply hubs.

If you think your railway and infrastructure is good but you’re still having supply issues, make sure you have enough trucks, trains, or if an overseas route is involved, convoys. Also remember that terrain can have a massive impact on supply, as it did prior to the changes. … tips-guide
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,740|6910|Oxferd Ohire
Played 2042 during free weekend. Didn't hate it overall but matches rotated between fun, meh, dislike.
UI was bad in places. Lack of scoreboard just great. Really shows this was meant to be a different game.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
From what I understand, the whole project was rushed in a little over a year. 16 or 18 months IIRC. I can only assume EA wanted something out ASAP since BF V's player base evaporated. That was such a disaster Origin came to Steam.

I was going to say "I would still come back for Karkand" but I remembered all of the other nonsense they have added over the years and my better judgment says 'not worth the trouble.'

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