Where is your evidence that people are wanting to "kill off muslims, immigrants,. . ." ? ?Bubbalo wrote:
Why not? It seems to be the catch all response to Muslims, immigrants, crime and idiocy. Why not disability?kr@cker wrote:
I am surprised that the whole "kill 'em off" idea keeps surfacing.
It seems to me that the muslims are the ones trying to kill off people (eh hemm. . .Jews/State of Israel)!
Moreover, spending money on someone who is obviously mentally incapacitated is pointless and selfish. Use that money to better a kid who needs books for school, and pencils to write with. You know how much money the Shaivo family spent to keep their brain dead daughter alive??? I can tell you it was in the hundred thousand range +!! I know that you could feed a family of 5 on that for months, and provide clothes, school supplies etc. for all the kids too!!! What did it get Terry in the end?? She fucking died of starvation in the hospital. . . .thats a nice way to go!! Nice work Shaivo fam, you sure did your daughter and the people of Florida a great service. . . .
What kind of society values spending money on an incapacitated retard who is brain dead, over a poor kid(s) who could use that money who aren't incapacitated (to better his/her life)? Its wrong. . . its not fair, and its just the way this fucked up world works. . .