" can we get off the boat please" hahaha classic. Oh, how i hate Wake Island.Colony wrote:
http://img140.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen2451rx.png my fourth one
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I know...the round ended just after the screenie was taken.PunkX wrote:
Nice one! Looka t the tickets! hahaDarth_Fleder wrote:
Veteran Heli.....awards are cheap this week!
You guys are totally right because spawn camping a non cap and raping people is waaaaay more honorable than just sitting in an aa gun and dropping arty on surrounding bases and flags.fierce wrote:
Oh Cbass - my fellow Karmafriend, you mean these?Cbass wrote:
For crying out loud, does anyone get air defence badges without artillery kills. It's not hard.
A Linebacker on Ghost Town...... instant badges.
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/f … -badge.jpg
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/f … -badge.jpg
Veteran & Expert Air Defense are both easy badges, if you make them with Artillery... uhm, never mind!
LOL I am not one to give people negative karma for such stupid and trivial things so no worries there. But please dont put other people down for how they got it and promote base raping for badges. (not saying you specifically were targeting people either im just saying in general)
Spetznas got only one flag left, where else should i attack if not their uncap? And isn't it the Spetznaz teams fault if they got only their uncap left?137[CSi] wrote:
You guys are totally right because spawn camping a non cap and raping people is waaaaay more honorable than just sitting in an aa gun and dropping arty on surrounding bases and flags.
LOL I am not one to give people negative karma for such stupid and trivial things so no worries there. But please dont put other people down for how they got it and promote base raping for badges. (not saying you specifically were targeting people either im just saying in general)
Meh, nothing new:

I haven't posted in this thread in a while, so check out my bling.
Combat and Marksman Infantry Medals:

Random Veteran Awards:

A Few Experts:

Finally got 2nd. Lt. today W00T!
Combat and Marksman Infantry Medals:

Random Veteran Awards:

A Few Experts:

Finally got 2nd. Lt. today W00T!

Theres no "baseraping" about how i got my badges. i drove around killing choppers and infantry in a linebacker. not one single arty kill or easy kill. Atleast try for the badge b4 doing it the easy way.137[CSi] wrote:
You guys are totally right because spawn camping a non cap and raping people is waaaaay more honorable than just sitting in an aa gun and dropping arty on surrounding bases and flags.fierce wrote:
Oh Cbass - my fellow Karmafriend, you mean these?Cbass wrote:
For crying out loud, does anyone get air defence badges without artillery kills. It's not hard.
A Linebacker on Ghost Town...... instant badges.
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/f … -badge.jpg
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j26/f … -badge.jpg
Veteran & Expert Air Defense are both easy badges, if you make them with Artillery... uhm, never mind!
LOL I am not one to give people negative karma for such stupid and trivial things so no worries there. But please dont put other people down for how they got it and promote base raping for badges. (not saying you specifically were targeting people either im just saying in general)
An hour later or so.....

Nice work Deacon!
Here are my most recent ones.

Last edited by slidero (2006-05-31 01:45:12)

Like I said, dont promote any way of getting the badge makes you any better than anyone else who got it. You may have died a few times while trying to get to their maincap with that linebacker where as anyone who got it commanding just upped their kd ratio .2 pointsfierce wrote:
Spetznas got only one flag left, where else should i attack if not their uncap? And isn't it the Spetznaz teams fault if they got only their uncap left?137[CSi] wrote:
You guys are totally right because spawn camping a non cap and raping people is waaaaay more honorable than just sitting in an aa gun and dropping arty on surrounding bases and flags.
LOL I am not one to give people negative karma for such stupid and trivial things so no worries there. But please dont put other people down for how they got it and promote base raping for badges. (not saying you specifically were targeting people either im just saying in general)

Last edited by DrunkenPirate (2006-05-31 09:01:04)

poor b_ver... yay me. i am teh expert!

yes, your are teh expert.

my e-penis is so big now
Kinda takes the cake.kontrolcrimson wrote:
http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g41/k … /promo.jpg
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