The very model of a modern major general
+796|6858|United States of America
A friend mentioned to me a murder-suicide in Pennsylvania over a snow shoveling dispute. There's security cam video/audio of it that is fairly decent quality. The people in the video seem disagreeable, and the clarity of the sound makes it very upsetting to watch. However, equally as distressing to me is the comments of people taking the "they fucked around and found out" or "they deserved it" attitudes. It should be so much of a higher bar to even think about using a gun to resolve a dispute, but a sizable amount think it's appropriate over a snow dispute? Even if there's been issues in the past, it's still an unacceptable escalation.

I don't understand how people act as if a fully armed society is "polite". There would still be plenty of angry people trying to quickly get their gratification. I don't want to find different routes to work to go around the everyday shootouts. I don't want to have to be armed to defend/be on equal ground with some unhinged manchild. The lack of respect for human life and having some basic fucking decency is appalling.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Most gun rights people are cowards and manchildren. I have never been in any situation where I felt I needed a gun to protect myself. The people who talk about guns creating polite societies are always right wingers with warped ideas of respect and manhood. Respect of course in their mind is a one way road where everyone should be deferential to them.

Not sure if this is the right thread for this stuff, but:

Gun with "old ammunition" blows up on shooter, aftermath.

The video is what it is, I guess, but diverting from that content into the comments, I run across a bit of an awkward reply chain:

Don Stanford
7 hours ago
I am a retired Police officer with nearly 30 years experience. I've pretty much seen it all. But this is incredible. Thank god your father was there. They train us that when it really gets bad you fight for your life and never give up. Well this is where I see you. This is one of the most intense and incredible instances of survival I've ever seen or heard of. So glad you are on the mend. Look forward to your future videos. Get well friend.


4 hours ago
Thanks for your service, Don.


Daniyil S
Daniyil S
3 hours ago
Thanks for the service Don


Gary Finnstrom
Gary Finnstrom
1 hour ago
as a former first responder I want to thank you for your service on the streets the training does kick in found that out when shot in the upper left leg next to the artery 357 158gn gold dot hollow point God was with me that night and made it easier to survive ....
The downside was it ruin my St Patrick's Day celebration however the pain meds made up for it
my son called my mother told her I was shot her comment was ok I will add it to the list ---she raised twins


Jonathan McFarland
Jonathan McFarland
44 minutes ago
Thank you for your service.
So uncomfortable. I think people need to stop saying "thank you for your service." It comes off knee-jerk and insincere. The magic words, so to speak. What's wrong with "wow, I'm glad you're OK." I suppose some cops/vets might enjoy it, but I've heard a lot of comments from ones who just wish people would knock it off.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
A - Thats a really fucking stupid gun design, holding back .50 BMG with a screw on cap "but ah done did up thuh cap right" most gun barrels are torqued into a properly design receiver/bolt system, not screwed in finger tight - that would be certain death.

B - You've got to be dumb firing off ancient ammunition you know nothing about.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-05-06 22:08:05)

Fuck Israel

Yeah that part makes you think. He's admitting that there's no way to really know what the ammo has been through as it changed hands, yet there he is firing it off. I would have at least done it remotely with a shield between the rifle and myself. I don't think that's hindsight, it's common sense.

I don't know if I'd go so far as to call the video flippant, but the way he's so casual about it is almost angering. He's lucky to be in the land of the living.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
There's something weird in this macho hero worship

"50 cal blows up on anyone else - dies.
50 cal blows up on Scott - sticks thumb in it and makes a video.
Glad you survived bud!!!!"

""i almost died and all i got from it was this shirt"

top fucking notch. hilarious and unironically a pretty good shirt."

Now a bunch of gimboids will go out and do the same thing and get blown up.
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
he RN-50 represents the first time a production firearm has ever been inspired by social media. Designed in conjunction with YouTube celebrity Royal Nonesuch. The RN-50 is a unique approach to the .50BMG rifle. Rugged, lightweight, accurate, easy takedown and low price make this rifle a winner! The simple screw-on breech cap is not only strong, it applies absolutely symmetrical support to the cartridge case, allowing for incredible accuracy. Using top quality materials as well as parts from our proven BFG-50 rifle, the RN-50 gives you high quality at an incredible price, along with lineage to a safe, proven firearm that's been in production for 17+ years. Whether you're looking for the least expensive way to get into shooting .50BMG or you want to outshoot your friends' expensive match rifle, the RN-50 is for you!

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-05-06 22:26:45)

Fuck Israel

I'm pretty sure there's cheaper starter rifles than the RN-50.

What's your engineering take on the screw-on cap?

Mark Serbu Issues Statement On Serbu .50 Accident … -accident/

The investigation into what lead the gun to do this will be released when Mark Serbu gets the firearm from Scott. Serbu would also go on to clarify that he personally tests the guns he sells and that they are safe. Serbu, Kentucky Ballistics, as well as a host of experts have all said that the incident was not caused by a malfunction with the gun but with the ammunition that was used.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

What's your engineering take on the screw-on cap?
Utterly fucking retarded.

Not acceptable for a rifle cartridge.
Fuck Israel

There's been pros and cons much discussed by various gun people in recent days. I rather side with the camp that thinks a rifle needs to be designed in a way that a catastrophic failure like that won't send the breech into the shooter's face. There's things like fatigue, corrosion, idiot loads, barrel blockage, to take into consideration. I'd like to see what stress testing they put the rifle through.

From another thread:
Serbu himself said that normal chamber pressures are 55 ksi, and for the threads to have the shear failure they did it would have to be 80 ksi+
I'm not a grizzled expert in rifle physics (computer electronics are the highest I've formally gone in terms of engineering), but that doesn't seem like a very high tolerance for a rifle when combined with various multiple things that could contribute to Stuff Going Badly. Maybe I'm wrong though.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
A .50 BMG firearm would normally be expected to be proof tested with a load of 65 ksi, then be undamaged and safe for the rest of its life.
Firearms especially rifles do have small safety margins, everything needs to be dead on, so 80 vs 55 ksi does sound rightish, bigger margins are always better.

However, relying on a threaded connection, done up thumb tight by the user, with a v-shaped profile is fucking retarded.
Best case thats going to wear out and be unsafe very quickly. Worst case its going to blow up on the first shot.

Having no safe failure mode or significant secondary protection - tiny little lugs just to check the cap is fitted - is also retarded.
Anything goes wrong - cap gets blown through your face.

I don't know much about rifles but I'd guess the latest are designed for the barrel to blow forward or the bolt to be blown back slightly, then caught as the gases safely vent along a predicted path.

Also don't use unknown ammunition ever, military ammunition is often not made to industry standards, powder rattling around in the case for decades can completely change the burn rate. That could have been handloaded to some unknown pressure by an idiot or made deliberately to suit an aircraft cannon.

From google SLAP rounds may require a completely different chamber and throat. Did numbnuts in the video think to check before he put it in his bargain basement designed by a teenage youtube expert firearm?
Fuck Israel
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Cartridge, caliber .50, saboted light armor penetrator (SLAP), M903
This cartridge has a 355 – 360 gr (23.00 – 23.33 g) heavy metal (tungsten) penetrator that is sabot-launched at a muzzle velocity of 4,000 ft/s (1,219 m/s). The 0.50 in (12.7 mm) diameter sabot is designed to separate after leaving the muzzle, releasing the 0.30 (7.62 mm) penetrator. It is injection molded of special high strength plastic and is reinforced with an aluminum insert in the base section. The cartridge is identified by an amber sabot (Ultem 1000). For use only in the M2 series of machine guns.
Fuck Israel

Well, there it is.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Really that rifle looks like the kind of thing you might fire once or twice if your life depended on doing so, and then ideally set off with a piece of string from a good distance.
Fuck Israel
What ‘political control’ there is of American police forces today is not democratic but judicial: more than twenty large urban police departments have agreed to let a federal judge oversee their operations (and, for example, to require that officers undergo diversity training) in exchange for an undertaking that officers will not be prosecuted or departments penalised for killing so many people. According to New Era of Public Safety, a report issued in 2019 by the Leadership Conference Education Fund, ‘from 2014 to 2018, police officers killed approximately a thousand people a year, committing 10 per cent of the annual homicides in the United States ... Roughly a quarter (24 per cent) of people killed by police from 2015 to 2018 involved people with signs of unmet mental health needs.’

One of the first such agreements was reached in 2000 between the US Department of Justice and the LAPD in the wake of the Rampart scandal. The story is complicated, but it seems that LAPD officers killed numerous people, including famous rappers, for sport; awarded playing cards to celebrate shootings (a red card for a wounding, a black card for a kill); framed innocent people for crimes they did not commit; and stole eight pounds of cocaine from a police evidence room, replacing it with Bisquick.

The Rampart scandal convinced Mayor Hahn of Los Angeles to replace his police chief in 2002, a decision that has been linked to Hahn’s failure to be re-elected in 2005. As for Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York, once an outspoken critic of police brutality, his spine disappeared after the NYPD police union used the occasion of his daughter’s arrest for peaceful protest last year to tweet her home address. In consideration for a father who merely wanted to protect his daughter from the cops, let’s not quote de Blasio’s actual words, but a headline from the Onion that summed up what he might as well have said: ‘It is an honour to have my daughter doxxed by the greatest police force in the world.’
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
Police forces invariably tend towards paramilitarism, unless the politicians manage to keep a firm grip on them.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
In a major foray into gun rights, the Supreme Court on Monday agreed to review a case testing how far states may go in regulating whether an individual may carry a gun outside the home.

More than a decade ago, the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment right to bear arms guarantees the right to own a gun in one's home for self-defense. But since then, despite repeated pleas from gun rights' advocates, the court majority has declined to make any further decision about how far states may go in regulating gun rights.

Now, however, the court, in NY State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Corlett, will review a New York law, upheld by the lower courts, that requires individuals to get a license to carry a concealed gun outside the home. The case will likely be argued in the fall.

While most states have virtually unrestricted rules for concealed carriage of guns outside the home, New York and seven other states — California, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Rhode Island — have significant restrictions. In New York, for instance, licenses are restricted to those going hunting or to target practice, and those who can demonstrate a need for self-protection, such as a bank messenger carrying money, or a store owner who wants to keep a gun in his store.

Many of these states have large populations. New York, New Jersey and California alone have nearly 68 million people, or more than one-fifth of the U.S. population. Research indicates that if concealed-carry permits were easy to get, roughly 10% of adults in those states would likely be carrying guns, according to UCLA law professor Adam Winkler, author of Gunfight: The Battle Over the Right to Bear Arms in America. In Los Angeles County, which has 10 million people, he says, estimates are that some 500,000 to 800,000 people would get concealed-carry permits if restrictions were largely eliminated, compared with fewer than 500 now.
I expect a narrow ruling that somewhat expands the right to carry a gun. I don't know what mental process would lead someone to look around the country and think "what we need is 10,000,000 more people carrying guns.” Anyway, at least we will get millions of new opportunities to have George Zimmerman events.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I don't know what mental process would lead someone to look around the country and think "what we need is 10,000,000 more people carrying guns.”
Thats not the sort of issue courts rule on, just what the law says.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am talking about the supporters and litigates of the case.
The X stands for
+1,813|6279|eXtreme to the maX
People only see most issues as a personal issue

Do I want to carry a gun Y/N

If I lived in a country where a lot of people carried guns, and many criminals had easy access, I'd probably want the choice.
Me not having a gun wouldn't make a dent in the number of guns in the community.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
So basically in Montona college students will be allowed to carry a gun on campus soon.
On February 18, 2021, Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte (R) singed House Bill 102 into law, Breitbart News reported.
HB 102 ended the vestiges of the state’s concealed carry permit system, putting constitutional carry into place, and also struck down numerous state-mandated gun-free zones, including the Montana university system.

On May 17, 2021, the Associated Press (AP) noted HB 102 “would allow students and staff who meet safety certifications to carry concealed firearms without a permit on campuses starting June 1.”
What I assume college students concealed carrying on campus are like.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2021-05-20 16:33:47)
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
An Orlando-based company that manufactures an attachment allowing an AR-15 to fire even faster is refusing to comply with an order from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Instead, Rare Breed Triggers has filed a lawsuit against the ATF after being told to stop making the trigger or face fines and jail time.

The government agency believes the attachment can convert the semi-automatic weapon into a “machinegun.”

Rare Breed Trigger President Lawrence DeMonico demonstrates the FRT-15 trigger in marketing videos on his company’s website.

He said that although it does allow a user to fire more quickly, it does not make the gun fully automatic.

“The trigger is being depressed with each round that’s being fired,” DeMonico said. “It’s not how fast the gun shoots, it’s how the gun shoots fast.”

That’s the crux of his lawsuit against the ATF, filed in response to a cease and desist order that the ATF sent the small business a few weeks back.

The letter states that the ATF concluded that the model is “intended for use in converting a weapon into a machinegun,” stating the device “allows a firearm to expel more than one shot without a manual reloading, with a single, continuous pull to the trigger.”

“Our trigger doesn’t operate like that at all; it will only fire one round per that single function of the trigger,” DeMonico said. “In fact, FRT stands for forced reset trigger.”

In the federal lawsuit, the company’s attorney said “the only thing the FRT-15 does is enable a shooter to accomplish a faster follow-up shot because of the speed at which the trigger resets.”

The ATF threatened to fine the company up to $10,000 “per violation” or per unit sold as well as prison time.

The ATF said it does not comment on pending litigation.
Reddit comments on the article if you want to hear some arguments in favor of the special trigger.

The whole crux of the case rest on "what counts as a pull of a trigger?" Two thoughts about this: (1) the people who made the original law making it hard for people to get automictic firearms clearly intended to prevent automatic firearms from becoming commonplace. This special trigger violates the spirit of the law at a minimum. (2) What public good is this trigger serving?
War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6887|Purplicious Wisconsin
Enjoyment of rapid firing a weapon at a range to feel better, considering we live in a depressing world. I think that is a public good.

Last edited by War Man (2021-09-01 15:22:03)

The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

The ATF should be able to make calls like that on stuff where the clear intent is to fire more than one shot per single effort on / pull of one trigger. Call it the Vegas Doctrine if you want?

As usual the comments sections are always a ride: … chine-gun/

It's refreshing hearing gun guys go "actually, Reagan wasn't all that."

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