The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
Pretty sure 'his' is an unacceptable word now

Please use something non-threatening and gender-neutral in future.
Fuck Israel

I think you're missing the context of that. It probably sucks to be a transwoman and be referred to as a "biological male." That's probably something relevant between a person and their doctor, family, or anyone else they want to let in on it. That sort of thing shouldn't be used to hurt and sting people.

Being identified as a pronoun you feel the most comfortable with seems quite reasonable. And just to stop this one early, I have yet to meet someone who identifies as an attack helicopter for anything but the purposes of derision and mockery.

A homophobic cake man is usually going to prefer "he," no?

Detroit Lesbian Baker Fills Homophobic Cake Order: 'We Stand Against Hate'
https://www.newsweek.com/detroit-lesbia … te-1524983

Abakery that is owned and operated by a lesbian couple in Detroit said it decided to bake a cake requested by a customer who wanted a homophobic message inscribed on the top.

Good Bakes and Cakes said it made the cake but did not include the customer's requested message, according to the Detroit Free Press. The bakery does not typically write messages on any of its specialty cakes, the paper said.

In a letter the bakery wrote to the customer that it later shared with the paper, owners April and Michelle Anderson said they weren't sure why the customer requested the message from their bakery but said they offered him "nothing but love" in return.

"We stand against Hate," the letter read. It identified the customer as David Gordon, who is a writer for Church Militant, a Michigan-based media website. According to Gordon's Twitter profile, he is also a copyeditor for the website.

The message that Gordon requested Good Bakes and Cakes add to the cake read "Homosexual acts are gravely evil," and included a reference to Catholic Catechism 2357. "I am ordering this cake to celebrate and have PRIDE in true Christian marriage," Gordon's order read, according to the Free Press. Gordon paid for his order when he submitted it online and included a tip, the paper said.

Gordon later called the bakery and said the cake was for an office party, according to a report by Between the Lines. In a statement shared with Newsweek, Church Militant said it was not involved in placing the cake order.

Just so we're covering "both sides."

Gordon never picked up the cake, but he later told one of the paper's reporters on Twitter that he was "denied the services I requested at a place of public accommodation on the basis of the content of my beliefs."

The bakery said they threw out the cake several days after Gordon's scheduled pickup time and advised him to place another order if he wanted a new one.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am embarrassed it was a Catholic who pulled that stunt. I almost never feel second hand embarrassment but this is different.

Even a website called "Church Militant" (publicly) distanced themselves.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I checked the website and it is a lot of Trump shit and sedevacantism. And I have some pretty strong views about what we should do to the sedevacantist someday.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A spokesman for South Dakota governor Kristi Noem criticized “conservative cancel culture” on Wednesday, after Noem received pushback from conservatives for refusing to immediately sign a bill that would bar biological males from participating in women’s sports.

“In the past year, [Noem] was the only governor in the entire nation to never order a single business or church in her state to close. The left bullied her incessantly, but she didn’t cave,” spokesman Ian Fury said in a statement.

“But if any number of conservative pundits are to be believed, that same governor who refused to cave is now caving to the NCAA and Amazon on the issue of fairness in women’s sports,” Fury added. “What? Apparently, uninformed cancel culture is fine when the right is eating their own.”

Noem sent the bill back to the South Dakota legislature last week, saying that the legislation’s “vague and overly broad language could have significant unintended consequences.” The governor appeared to hint that because the bill would apply to college athletics, the National Collegiate Athletic Association could penalize the state’s college athletics programs if the bill were passed in its current form.

Noem defended her decision not to sign the bill in an interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Monday, after Carlson alleged that Noem supported the bill until “big business intercedes, [the] NCAA, Chamber of Commerce and Amazon and tell you not to sign it — and you change your mind.”Well, that’s not true, Tucker,” Noem responded. “I could sign the bill the way that it is today…but it wouldn’t solve the problem.”

“This bill would only allow the NCAA to bully South Dakota,” Noem added. “And it would actually prevent women from being able to participate in collegiate sports. So what I have done is I have asked the legislature…to change the bill.”

Noem suggested changing the bill to apply only to elementary through high school athletics, and to allow athletes to compete according to their biological sex “as reflected on the birth certificate or affidavit provided upon initial enrollment.” The governor warned in a Monday press conference that passing the bill in its current form would amount to a “participation trophy” that could get the state “punished, then we could face expensive litigation at taxpayer expense, and then we could lose.”
https://www.nationalreview.com/news/noe … criticism/
Surprisingly smart decision by the governor to this silly little law. She is now a traitor, social.justice warrior, and rhino according to the brain trust at Brietbart.

It's not a simple issue. Men tend to be stronger than women as a biological rule. But some men are stronger than other men, women stronger than other women, and some women are stronger than men. Admitting a trans player who already has a more or less male frame may not be fair, but how's a 5'8 transwoman who's been on puberty blockers and then hormones the whole time expected to have an unfair advantage over some exceptional 6'3 amazon.

The notion of transwomen all being linebackers in dresses who want to go look at your aunt in the bathroom or squash women's sports is rather insane.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
On Monday, three Republican state senators in North Carolina introduced the Youth Health Protection Act, a perverse title for a bill that imperils youth health. The measure would prohibit all gender-affirming health care for children and adults under the age of 21. It also requires all “government agents,” including school officials, to report a child’s “gender dysphoria” or “gender nonconformity” to their parents—effectively requiring schools to out LGBTQ students. By Wednesday, the act had drawn four additional Republican cosponsors, meaning a full quarter of the North Carolina Senate’s Republican caucus is now sponsoring it.
Awful bill. Truly disgusting. As an aspiring Dean of students, I would not comply with outing LGBT kids to their parents.

I have read that the battle over trannies is bigger and more important than the fight over gay marriage. Basically the Protestant pig people want to force everyone to conform to their ideas of male and female gender identities in order to regulate and change the lives and habits of urbanites. Men would not be allowed to have wine anymore for instance and we will have to watch football after working with our hands all day.

I rarely drink at all, but when I do (and it's never much) it's not something like beer, but something unmistakably sweet to disguise the taste. I refuse to be swayed by gender stereotype alcohols, and people who fold on that are are probably being less manly and independent than they're shooting for.

Outing a trans kid to their bible thumping parents sounds like a good way to get more suicide kids.
I am all that is MOD!

I had a glass of Port the other day and it was way too sweet for me. Give me them dry reds all day.

Conservative Christians always trying to get government to sanction their form of religious belief. Christian sharia law. The Christianification of America continues by the American Taliban.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The state I live in (California) recently passed a mandate that prison counselors (that is what my job is) have to incorporate LGBT stuff into their lessons. Long story short, I volunteered to put together stuff for other prison counselors (that is what my job is) to use to fulfill this mandate. I suspect a lot of the older prison counselors don't want to teach LGBT stuff for a bunch of reasons so I want to create something they can 'take off the shelf' and use. That's right, this German Mormon living southern California is now in charge of producing content to promote the acceptance of LGBT people.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
You should meetup with ken
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Maybe the three of us can meet up in California someday. We can split the cost of the rental car.
I am all that is MOD!

Rental car is on me, boys!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
People are talking about the Governor of Florida running for president. Has anyone ever heard him speak?

His voice is a little high pitched. If I didn't know who he was I would assume he was gay.

Donald Trump himself said that DeSantis could lead the Republican Party into the future. What future that is exactly isn't clear. I'm surprised the former president even gives a "poor person" (net worth supposedly less than 1 million) the time of day, but maybe he feels he's running out of loyal slime balls in his orbit.

Anyway, a hype train is in motion on him either running or being on the next Trump ticket. I imagine everyone's getting tired of hearing about my various conservative or Trumpian contacts, but I disabused one of the notion that I would humor DeSantis-wank. Got a "wow, really? I didn't know that" from some choice DeSantis fiasco forwards. Like guy, what have you been reading for the past couple of years? Nothing?

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I feel like people hyping Ron D. are doing him a disservice. 2024 is a long way away. Ron still has years of being governor ahead of him. Plenty of time to screw up and have people get tired of you. I suspect someone new will come along after the midterms that will blow Ron D. out of 'frontrunner if not Trump' status.

I can only hope that two non-idiots run against each other in 2024 and that one non-idiot among those wins. Four more years of Trumpian idiocracy, to put it in dilbert terms, scarcely bears contemplation.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I can only hope that two non-idiots run against each other...and that one non-idiot among those wins.
Has that ever actually happened though?
Fuck Israel

Just going by Simonton's 2006 study (here), probably. Some undeniably intelligent people have run for US president in the past. Sometimes won. 45 didn't leave the best impression of smartness among some of his staffers.

Wandering a bit, The failed campaign Clinton ran against Trump's sometimes awful one is arguably worse than her failed run against Obama. Even keeping in mind language employed against female politicians. From national review:

I part company with some of my colleagues in that I don’t find Kamala Harris personally irritating. She’s attractive, youthful (she looks 15 years younger than her actual age, which is 55), and presentable. Her voice is neither a hectoring Midwestern drone (like Hillary Clinton’s) nor does it have the prissy professorial condescension of Elizabeth Warren’s. Her voice is fine, albeit a bit nasal.

"Hectoring," "prissy," "attractive," "presentable." lmao

How they look/sound is definitely a speed bump, though not to ignore criticisms of disheveled features against actors like bojo/trump.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am amused that Desert Fox, Newbie, and me all hate read National Review.

It's like an adult equivalent of kids turning over rocks to see the bugs living beneath. A peek into the mind, certainly. I find much of the same language on sites like that as I hear in political arguments in-person. Sometimes I'm able to nail the article if it's one I've read recently, which occasionally results in a gratifyingly stupefied expression.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
I flick on Fox occasionally to see what they're yelling about, its invariably execrable.
Fuck Israel

It's a finely honed art. Raise the pitch, cadence, and volume of your voice over the course of your program to whip your anger-addict listeners up into a frenzy, and then cut to an erectile dysfunction commercial.

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