
Bruh, some people moved here in recent years or are visiting family, what are you talking about. Immigrants sometimes keeping to closed-knit groups is probably not a feature exclusive to the US, and still not the only places in the country to find people to chat up for stories from their homeland. "I talked up a nice old Korean man in the street" is apparently good enough for you, yet you spaz out at me for talking to Korean people, from Korea. I still haven't the foggiest about what you meant by me "defending koreatown" or whatever. Maybe you're projecting a bit.

Also, going on about logging towns and Kurt Cobain is pretty fucking reductive too, don't you think.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I appreciate that Washington and Oregon are blue states even though you are interchangeable in the minds of people on my coast.

Sometimes we all change places while you're not looking just to mess with you east coasters.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I straight up almost said "Portland is a nice city" in order to defend you and your state which I know for a fact is Washington.

(Or is it?) Well, Oregon was also my state so that's fair.

I would say NJ here gets generalized as the dump on the other side of the river, as a million movies have joked.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

I would say NJ here gets generalized as the dump on the other side of the river, as a million movies have joked.
That is New Yorker's fault. North Jersey is basically an outgrowth of NYC. A bunch of cities on top of each other with highways and heavy industry between them. Once you get away from the north, NJ becomes the "Garden State".
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

korean-americans are not korean my guy. even they receive racism from 'real' koreans. look up the term gyopo. this is not exactly unheard of stuff.
This gets better and better.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

am i denying that nations compete against one another and jostle for supremacy?

your basis for everything in some vague, infinitely mutable 'instinct' or 'Nature' is bogus. i've been telling you this for 5+ years. do you think russia's foreign policy is based on evolutionary biology? maybe china's legal policy towards hong kong has a basis in gene expression?
So where does it all come from if its not instinct?
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

This thread has taken a surprisingly silly turn. Asian-American immigrants are not all war refugees from 50-whatever years ago with 50-years obsolete outlooks on the nations of origin. And a Korean who moved here at an age with living memory of Korea is *checks notes* definitely still a "real Korean" with "real Korean experiences," regardless of modernity or the opinions of Koreans back home. Also, a second-generation kid's experience could range from being pushed to integrate to full-on "old-country" language and culture at home.

Regardless, we're probably going to need a code word for Korea to avoid summoning the bog monster.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Uzique, we all know why you are really in Korea. The Koreans all know why you are there. You aren't fooling anyone.

Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

korean-americans are not korean my guy. even they receive racism from 'real' koreans. look up the term gyopo. this is not exactly unheard of stuff.
This gets better and better.
it's no different from the irish getting annoyed at 'irish-americans' or whatever. clearly a person who has been in another nation for generations as part of a large diaspora is going to grow to be distinct from their original group. it's hardly an advert for your 'monocultural' politics.

in korean society the dynamic is different. people who left for the states were generally privileged and held in high-esteem. it's a class and status issue, in other words, not some argument over 'racial purity' or whatever else you like to go on about. korean-americans are typically more well-off, better educated (and bi-lingual) and more cosmopolitan than koreans.

not to mention the rather awkward fact that foreign-born koreans dodge compulsory military service if they conveniently 'stay away' from korea through the enlistment age. amazing that natives of a certain political persuasion, and who, in their view, stayed in the homeland to build it up, endure worse working conditions, relative poverty, etc, find reason to chagrin the émigrés, or at least claim that their experiences are incommensurate.

i really don't know why you think it's a 'gotcha!' moment whenever i point to conflict between groups or nations. i contend your bogus, pseudo-scientific justification for everything as a 'law of nature' or expression of some other timeless, immutable fundament of the human animal. i read a lot of history and i tend to think of historical processes, you know, not vague gestures towards 'genes' or 'instinct'. it's bad science and it's even worse history. the fact that the racial categories you hang your hat on so obstinately are barely even scientifically coherent should start raising alarm bells in any genuinely 'scientific' thinker. but whoosh! intellectual honesty, good faith reasoning and open inquiry are not on your menu.


back to the pandemic: the EU has now resumed the AZ vaccine after, what, 6 weeks of um'ing and ah'ing? first it was 'quasi-ineffective' for the elderly (false). next it caused blood clots in the young (no evidence). oh well, it's not like europe is facing a major third-wave or anything, with france going into major lockdowns again and virus infections climbing all across the board.

UK 40%+ vaccinated.

Last edited by uziq (2021-03-18 19:56:50)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
I wouldn't want a vaccine made in India.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i assume you've had no problem wearing PPE made in china for most of the last 14 months.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
No need for PPE here, also I bought Australian made.

I don't think I'd need to use my toes to count the number of times I've needed to wear a mask.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-03-18 23:09:11)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

i really don't know why you think it's a 'gotcha!' moment whenever i point to conflict between groups or nations.
The point really is you gripe endlessly about white racism but you're much more coy about anyone else's.

Typically the groups complaining about racism a far more racist, and enact it whenever they get the chance - as you're finding out now being made to line up for testing when the koreans don't have to.
Think how you'd get on if Koreans, Chinese or Japanese were running the world.
Its not really that long ago the Japs were griping about racist internment policies while their cousins were lopping heads off nurses for being white.

Your idea that racism will all disappear when old people die off is fanciful. Those old people were young idealists once and look at them now.
Even today's young idealists are pretty racist.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2021-03-18 23:11:12)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
i don't gripe endlessly about white racism? all i've said in the last year is that BLM has a point and is a valid protest movement?

this portrayal of me as some hand-wringing liberal who thinks whites are to blame for everything is lifted straight out of your weird befogged tabloid world, not mine. i have no problem criticising any other country on this planet when it's racist or discriminatory. we have talked endlessly about china's persecution of its muslim minority, too, haven't we? but wait, because i said once that chinese people are really patriotic and are not fazed by these human rights abuses, it must mean again that i'm only interested in criticizing white people ... ?

not very smart.

also i'm not sure i said anywhere that racism will disappear in a few generations. i have pointed to the fact that it's very often stratified along class/economic and social barriers, though. the material circumstances and prevailing ideology are important and deserve to be unpicked in ease case. you'd prefer to ascribe it to 'tribal belonging' and the deep gurgling recesses of the reptile brain, or something. not very fucking smart, again.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
The BLM crowd do have a legitimate grievance, I suppose a legitimate question is what they're doing about black on asian racism, which if blacks were dominant would be many times worse than white on black racism.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

What-if arguments are kind of dumb sometimes. If blacks were "dominant" in the US for example, who knows what the social dynamics would be. That's hundreds of years of alternate history.

Similarly I encounter "without Christians/the Catholic Church, the Muslims would have overrun Europe," darkly (or drunkenly) uttered. Problematic due to lost influences if Christianity dropped out of this reality's timeline.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
If blacks were dominant in America they would send endless waves of American troops to die fighting Germany after Germany conquered Continental Europe in 1942.

Dilbert_X wrote:

The BLM crowd do have a legitimate grievance, I suppose a legitimate question is what they're doing about black on asian racism, which if blacks were dominant would be many times worse than white on black racism.
you really are a stupid person.

The Trope of Black-Asian Conflict

These senseless acts of anti-Asian violence have finally garnered the national attention they deserve, but they have also invoked anti-Black sentiment and reignited the trope of Black-Asian conflict. Because some of the video-taped perpetrators appear to have been Black, some observers immediately reduced anti-Asian violence to Black-Asian conflict. This is not the first time that the trope has been weaponized. Black-Asian conflict—and Black-Korean conflict more specifically—became the popular frame of the LA riots in 1992.

The trope failed to capture the reality of Black-Korean relations three decades ago, and it fails to capture the reality of anti-Asian bias today. A recent study finds that in fact, Christian nationalism is the strongest predictor of xenophobic views of COVID-19, and the effect of Christian nationalism is greater among white respondents, compared to Black respondents. Moreover, Black Americans have also experienced high levels of racial discrimination since the pandemic began. Hence, not only does the frame of two minoritized groups in conflict ignore the role of white national populism, but it also absolves the history and systems of inequality that positioned them there.
https://www.brookings.edu/blog/how-we-r … olidarity/
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
So we're back to the same argument, yes there's black-on-asian racism but white-on-black racism is worse so lets forget about black-on-asian racism.
Anyone who disagrees is a racist.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

The BLM crowd do have a legitimate grievance, I suppose a legitimate question is what they're doing about black on asian racism, which if blacks were dominant would be many times worse than white on black racism.
you really are a stupid person.
Its OK, all the great minds and forward-thinkers were accused of being stupid or worse by the blinkered and shortsighted.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Is anybody here really saying "forget about black-on-asian racism?" If anything, you're saying "forget about white racism, let's amplify a perhaps statistically less significant issue out of proportion." Using an element of truth to sow propaganda is still dishonest, I think. Pitting two or more groups against each other so another group can get away with continuing to abuse both, sounds like something that's been talked about before.

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