SuperJail Warden wrote:
Jay wrote:
SuperJail Warden wrote:
And if they reopen and we end up with hundreds of thousands more dead how would you feel about that? What number of fatalities would be too much?
It doesn't matter anymore. Any chance to control the virus passed many months ago. We just shut down most of the economy in our states for the past six weeks and cases are still rising. What more could be done? Nothing, really. By the end of this, I expect the total will be somewhere around 150,000.
You should be happy though. Almost all of the dead will be boomers.
The U.S. is almost unique among nations at the speed in which we lost the political will to keep the lockdown going. We are also the vast leader in cases and soon deaths.
Do you subscribe any blame to the presidential administration or are they blameless? And why were other countries able to muster vast public resources to maintain their economies but the richest country in history couldn't?
I think there's enough blame to go around that I don't pin it on anyone in particular. The FDA fucked up, the states fucked up, Trump fucked up, the CDC fucked up, the WHO fucked up, China fucked up. Take your pick, man. I mostly blame China for hiding the extent and danger of the outbreak. We got caught off guard and it ran wild. It's easy to second guess and point the finger and say that we should've been more prepared, but you can't prepare for everything, and American government seems to be particularly terrible at planning more than five minutes ahead. Why didn't we have more masks? Why didn't we have more ventilators? Why didn't we have a billion test kits in storage waiting for this day?
None of it matters anymore. Gotta look forward and make the best of a shit situation.