again, nobody is praising the chinese government as a party. why you have to bring up the uighurs, heaven only knows.
the quite obvious point is that the whole world is going to have to work together on some level to beat this thing. i'm not sure any country 'working with' china is condoning their ethnic cleansing. why does it always have to be some racial-essentialist black-and-white world for you? it's very manichean.
it's weird you can then point out the hypocrisy/stupid thinking over the chinese flight ban. weren't you angry that china called your policy racist? hey look, two weeks later, it turns out it was racist and ineffectual. white people brought in it. well done dilbert. you'll learn eventually.
herd immunity is a byproduct of months of exposure to a virus without a vaccine/effective anti-viral. aiming for herd immunity by itself is stupid and pointless. the government loses control and the ability to track the disease's progression, meanwhile the number of avoidable deaths skyrockets, from corona and from congested healthcare system, with no clear measurable objectives in sight. everyone knows that herd immunity is probably A Thing here to some greater or lesser degree, but for it to be the core or lynchpin of a policy is madness. it has rightly been demoted.
Last edited by uziq (2020-03-19 13:36:37)