every 'discussion' with you involves an exhausting amount of covering basics, fundamentals, background, context. do you think people's entire psychology is formed in a high-school classroom? that's quaint. as to the politics and masthead for a 'journal of black psychology', i don't know and frankly i'm not bothered. it seems to be a mid-tier journal in a field with about 12,000 of them. if the sub-sub-sub-discipline flourishes and contributes one iota towards knowledge, then fair enough. i'm not going to lose any sleep over it, either way.

in general with these topics, though, you just don't want to know. all the reading and access is there for you, online, if you really cared for it. but you don't. you prefer to nurse your pet prejudices. then you accuse people of being dismissive and rude when they run out of patience with you. you can't have it both ways: ignore all the reading, dismiss all the paragraphs of explanation, but then expect to have your utter ignorance rewarded with some of that 'tolerance' you're in such short supply of yourself.

'i'm a scientific pessimist' bla bla bla.

i have nothing else to add. if i give you links, you won't read them. let's just do away with any pretence that this is about 'discussion' and just call it 'exhibiting stereotypes'.

Last edited by uziq (2020-03-11 10:37:57)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Speaking of science and believing your own version of reality: Corona virus.

I am still following conservative news. So far the major talking points are:

1. The flu is worse and we will all be fine.
2. The Democrats are exaggerating the story to take down Trump.
3. Why aren't we talking about the flu that killed people when Obama was president?
4. Trump is doing a good job/Democrats are making it worse.
trump and the republicans are sitting on an economic bomb and they know it. hasn't corporate debt doubled from $3 trillion to $6 trillion in the last few years? there's going to be a whole lot of small bread-&-butter businesses not able to honour their loans if the world has to shutter up for 3-4 months to contain a pandemic. and the central/federal banks can't do shit because they've already leveraged their entire toolkit to buoy up and steady the market, in order to 'get the ratings' previously. what are they going to do, shave another 0.01% off the interest rate?

a test to the market and status quo like coronavirus is just going to poke holes in all the weaknesses and highlight all the shared fictions entertained by politicians chasing good growth/stock market/unemployment figures and their big business associates -- the consensual lie about the health of the 'business as usual' system.

Last edited by uziq (2020-03-11 10:42:55)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I don't wish the virus blows up the global economy but I wouldn't be particularly upset if it did. Okay, I lied I kind of hope it does.

The United States economy is a house of cards held up by debt and poverty wages. Our lack of benefits for our workers will accelerate the spread among the working class and poor. Our lack of universal healthcare is going to result in the healthcare system being overwhelmed. This pandemic is such a perfect storm that will expose the sins of decades of economic planning and policy choices made by our leaders.

And before anyone complains about me celebrating the implosion, I realize the biggest price will be paid by the poor and those who had no role in these decisions. But at the same time, how many of them vote R knowing the policies they promote? Good thing the virus kills the old mostly. They are the biggest supporters of the policies that will drown them.
the same description applies to the UK after the 'economic recovery'. the recovery represented a shedding of well-paid, protected permanent positions and a recruiting boom in underpaid, precarious gig-economy/zero hours contracts wages. businesses soon started reporting 'recoveries' and paying out top executive bonuses again; meanwhile the core workforce had been hollowed out. none of those people have employment protection now and in the event of a widespread crisis will pretty quickly require government intervention/help to pay their bills.

meanwhile the politicians that implement this shit get re-elected on campaign slogans about 'record unemployment figures'. it's almost funny.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
I can't remember if I posted this before, but BMW, Mercedes etc have figured out that if they, and other companies, stop hiring salaried middle-managers and giving them company cars and put everyone on one month contracts with no perks then pretty soon the middle-manager company car market - which is the most profitable bit - is going to cease to exist and so will their business model.

Self funded boomers are buying used Corollas, millennial hipsters are using uber or buying older used Corollas from the boomers when they're done with them.
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I would never buy a used car if I didn't have to. But I would also feel like a chump if I bought a 30 or 40 thousand new car. Especially if it is anything but a Korean or Japanese car. They are reliable and easier to work on.

I love these;0.117xw,0&resize=640:*
But the absolute base model starts at $30,000, it devours gas, it is too big to park and American cars are untrustworthy. And what would I even be getting out of this? No woman who didn't want to date me would look at this thing and change her mind. The only girls who would be impressed by it are students.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I would never buy a used car if I didn't have to. But I would also feel like a chump if I bought a 30 or 40 thousand new car. Especially if it is anything but a Korean or Japanese car. They are reliable and easier to work on.

I love these

But the absolute base model starts at $30,000, it devours gas, it is too big to park and American cars are untrustworthy. And what would I even be getting out of this? No woman who didn't want to date me would look at this thing and change her mind. The only girls who would be impressed by it are students.
They're for fun.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I would never buy a used car if I didn't have to. But I would also feel like a chump if I bought a 30 or 40 thousand new car. Especially if it is anything but a Korean or Japanese car. They are reliable and easier to work on.

I love these

But the absolute base model starts at $30,000, it devours gas, it is too big to park and American cars are untrustworthy. And what would I even be getting out of this? No woman who didn't want to date me would look at this thing and change her mind. The only girls who would be impressed by it are students.
They're for fun.
No students are not for fun.
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

SuperJail Warden wrote:

I would never buy a used car if I didn't have to. But I would also feel like a chump if I bought a 30 or 40 thousand new car. Especially if it is anything but a Korean or Japanese car. They are reliable and easier to work on.

I love these

But the absolute base model starts at $30,000, it devours gas, it is too big to park and American cars are untrustworthy. And what would I even be getting out of this? No woman who didn't want to date me would look at this thing and change her mind. The only girls who would be impressed by it are students.
They're for fun.
No students are not for fun.
mustangs are for girls and 18 year old marines
mmmf mmmf mmmf
And crashing into crowds
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever


SuperJail Warden wrote:

Jay wrote:

They're for fun.
No students are not for fun.
mustangs are for girls and 18 year old marines
I agree that why I found a picture of a Dodge Challenger.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
It's always chargers around here for military
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

RTHKI wrote:

It's always chargers around here for military
Famous meme of soldiers getting 22% interest loans for Chargers. That soldier I ran away from with my bread mask came back from Afghanistan and bought a Charger.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England
I had a camaro
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:


SuperJail Warden wrote:

No students are not for fun.
mustangs are for girls and 18 year old marines
I agree that why I found a picture of a Dodge Challenger.
ok strike the "girls and" from my comment.
The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX

uziq wrote:

'i'm a scientific pessimist' bla bla bla.

i have nothing else to add. if i give you links, you won't read them. let's just do away with any pretence that this is about 'discussion' and just call it 'exhibiting stereotypes'.
Pessimistic realist, and I can't read the links you send.
Fuck Israel

Interesting read on shipbreaking:

Breaking Bad - Uncovering The Oil Industry's Dirty Secret … ipbreaking
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5671|London, England

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Interesting read on shipbreaking:

Breaking Bad - Uncovering The Oil Industry's Dirty Secret … ipbreaking
Not really much to do with oil companies, honestly. Shipbreaking went over to India because of all the asbestos litigation here in the States. Insurance on that type of work is astronomical. Most of our stuff we send off for recycling ends up in Southeast Asia. Ironically, our own recycling programs are the biggest driver of the oceanic plastic issues.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

It did state that oil companies with their tankers and rigs are among their biggest customers. It probably makes sense to, as a hook, point out that an industry so (currently) essential is making use of this kind of careless, polluting, and unsafe labor.

The US Space Force: Is It Actually Necessary? 2018/8

Fast forward,

For the first time, the US Space Force will actually go to space today 3/26 … om-florida

Click back a bit and you'll find the launch:

Still seems to me like this could have been done at Air Force levels without complicating the military even further.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
We have a branch of military to fight a type of warfare not even invented yet but can't mass produce ventilators.

Give it time and maybe we'll have space ventilators.

uziq wrote:

you are having a hard time following my point. my point about the hairdressers and grocers wasn't being bothered that they had a vote or a political opinion, it's that they are evidence that people have been brought to great levels of passion and anger about 'issues' and events which heretofore they didn't give a fig about. that's my point about the perils of your much-vaunted 'political commitment'. i don't see much to applaud in a world where people who were never much bothered about politics are suddenly whipped into an anti-EU or anti-migrant frenzy by facebook ad campaigns, suddenly becoming obsessed with something like the EU when for decades prior, of literally much the same thing, they didn't care at all. but you seem to think having an out-and-out political conviction is great.

you are propped up in this thinking by ridiculously naive and jejune thinking by people like rorty, written no doubt in the 1970s or the 1990s or something and echoing many fine and noble sentiments by the likes of habermas and, yes, kant before it. it has very little purchase in the way electoral politics are conducted (and influenced) in 2020. we don't have the same public sphere, the same stable fourth estate and independence of fact/truth, or the same liberal 'sensus communis' (if you really want me to get into kant). god knows why you keep banging on about 'edifying exchanges' and dialogue like some undergraduate at the debating society. how much edification goes on between the remainers and brexiters, do you think?

the EU is a done deal, i give it the decade to die out or else convulse into something else other than its current form. once merkel goes, france and germany will soon be butting heads again, much to the expense of the other paltry powers left in the bargaining ring. not only are they age-old economic rivals, but now they are forced into contrary ideological positions vis-a-vis europe and hot issues like migration: macron going for a unifying approach but the germans being forced into making concessions to, quelle surprise, anti-migrant right populism. you have lean years of recession ahead with leaders merely paying lip service to the 'ideals' of the union, an empty rhetorical exercise but with no one daring to leap into the abyss. enjoy!
My argument for democratic participation did not imply that I'm alright with outright manipulation and abuse of the political process. I have as little regard and tolerance for cambridge analytica as do you; it's a blight on democracy. But people heretefore not caring about politics is exactly part of the problem. It's current events forcing the complacent to suddenly adopt a political stance. If political activism were more widespread and culturally embedded I believe we'd have a (slightly) more informed but also more tolerant democracy less vulnerable to this sort of chaotic upheaval. Perhaps wishful thinking, but even among intelligent people (not tracy the hairdresser) actual political involvement and participation is shockingly low and has been declining for years. What's left are parties that are disconnected from the population at large, seem stuck in the 60s in their modus operandi and who are very prone to takeovers by tiny radical elements, allowed to thrive by the absence of reasoned opposition or really anyone else.

As if the ideal of democratic participation started and ended with Rorty, or as if I copy pasted his book into my own convictions. Simply put I find the edifying conversation and underlying reasoning of why it's important compelling. Which, shocker, was based on the notion that real objective truth doesn't exist and that it isn't an independent concept. But as I stated I don't share his overly optimistic outlook on what it will achieve, but do see it as the right way forward for multicultural and democratic societies. It's pretty fucking inane that you completely discard these ideas because they stem from the 80s, as they're now more relevant than ever. Keep quoting poets from the 1900s reflecting on world war 1 and the struggle for irish independence though, that'll sure be relevant contemporary insight.

People (especially in the UK) have been predicting the EU's imminent demise for decades. While of course I can't deny that I'm uncertain about its future as well, I wholeheartedly support its continued existence. If for the mere fact that were the EU to be destroyed today it will simply be rebuilt again tomorrow. It's a necessary part of European life and it's part of the process of normalisation of that institution's place in society that people will question and oppose its continued relevance. The same thing happened with literally every national government we have today, the position of which in your every day life and its right to rule hardly being uncontested in its formative decades if not centuries.

Last edited by Larssen (2020-04-02 08:29:26)

The X stands for
+1,818|6419|eXtreme to the maX
EU seems to be working great.
The EU's top court has ruled that Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic broke EU law by refusing to take in refugees under an agreement to ease the burden faced by Italy and Greece.

EU leaders agreed to relocate 160,000 refugees EU-wide in 2015, from overcrowded camps in Italy and Greece.

The European Court of Justice says the three central European countries "failed to fulfil their obligations".

The EU Commission can impose hefty fines for breaches of EU law.

The Czech Republic accepted only 12 of the 2,000 refugees it had been designated, while Hungary and Poland received none.

The relocation scheme assigned quotas to the EU member states, and targeted mainly asylum seekers who had fled from Syria's devastating civil war.

The ECJ dismissed the countries' argument that the non-EU migrants could pose a security threat. That argument, the judges said, could only be applied in relation to a specific applicant, not to a whole group.

Italy and Greece have long accused other EU member states of a lack of solidarity for taking only relatively small groups of refugees from the temporary camps, which were hastily erected in the migrant crisis of 2015.

It should have remained a trading bloc, all this social stuff delivered Brexit and could well deliver EUxit.
Fuck Israel

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