
Dilbert_X wrote:

uziq wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

Way to cherry-pick a bunch of people well-known for their drug use (and PSH, but I don't know much about his personal life) and sprinkle in the "weak people" phrase that no one but you has said. Oxycontin wasn't released until 1996, with an aggressive marketing campaign and certain outright lies. It's not surprising the current crisis affects more vastly more average people than those you've picked.
also dilderp, heroin was glamorous in rock music. it was part of those social circles from the velvet underground on (and it was the drug of choice in hip-cool jazz circles for plenty of time before that). of course if you're a rockstar, heroin is going to be around you, heroin addicts and heroin pushers too. you are eliding fucking rock stars with average weekend drug-taking edwards. i think rockstars, writers, poets, etc., getting addicted to heroin is like a self-perpetuating little sideshow. that's a very weird subcultural 'glamour' that your suburban kid experimenting with molly is never going to get.
I'm sure those people had a complete smorgasbord of drugs to choose from, money was no object, and yet they gravitated to heroin.
It would be interesting to know why, I doubt there was any 'glamour' to it for them, there's no a whole lot of glamour in boiling up your own blood and reinjecting it into yourself., it was their use which lent glamour to it.
because you only have to dabble in heroin a few times and you're caught. you do realise that some recreational drugs are far more addictive and have far higher abuse potential than others, right? it doesn't surprise me that rockstars, actors, celebs etc. dabble with just about every drug possible: but they gravitate and centre around drugs like heroin because that's not something you can use recreationally and maintain control over. my point is people take those drugs for the first few (voluntary) times because they are duped by the whole heroin-addict/doomed-poet heroin glamour ('heroin chic' is a fucking genre in fashion for god's sake; it's a thing).

my basic point still stands that your average thrill-seeking, partying recreational drug user is not going to make the lightyears-leap from MDMA at a rave to heroin addiction because of 'boredom'. it is not the same sociocultural cachet at all. and taking uppers and fun party drugs does not make you mentally disposed to try the biggest downer drugs. they have intrinsically different appeals. nobody gets bored of snorting cocaine in cocktail bar toilets with their business pals and then picks up heroin, just 'cuz.

Last edited by uziq (2018-02-17 05:11:59)



Jay wrote:


I hope you never have someone in your family die from opoids so they never have to hear you say "who cares"

you're a real piece of shit
I'm a piece of shit because out of 330,000,000 people 33,000 die from opioids and I say that in the grand scheme that number is negligible? Statistically speaking, I'm correct. I'm not saying it's not tragic, it is, but it's not worth the mass hysteria being pushed by the media and drug warriors.

I have plenty of addiction issues in my own family. I'm not trying to minimize anyone's pain and suffering. I've seen the destruction addiction causes first hand. But it's one of those control the things you can control situations. We've spent many billions of dollars on education, rehabilitation, punishment and interdiction and all it's done is create mega rich cartels and massive amounts of crime by pushing the issues underground.
I would expect that someone that admitted to having addition issues within THEIR OWN FAMILY would understand that there's not some zero sum where addiction is OK unless it results in death.  Unfortunately, dying is probably the BEST outcome for addicts unless they can get themselves sober.  Until then, it's pain and suffering and emotional and social and familial hysteria, breakdowns, and destruction.  But keep holding up the death toll as a reason to not address the problem.

also i don't get jay's 'super rational libertarian' reasoning on this. comparing the total number of deaths annually to the total US population is not exactly a good use of statistics. people are calling it an opiate epidemic because it is (obviously) disproportionately affecting certain segments of the population and certain ex-industrial podunk communities way more than others. if you live in a town where a third of all the kids are whacked on prescription drugs or street-level opiates, it's a serious problem. what the hell does including the total US population in that little harm calculus achieve? desertfox is completely right from a medical-administative point of view in that, if anything spikes and triples overnight, it's a cause for alarm. the number of people actually dying and overdosing on these drugs is just the tip of the iceberg. for a start, most people who develop serious issues with prescription drug abuse will overdose on some street-level fix like fentanyl, thereby shifting the numbers around a bit. but that doesn't mean the prescription drug abuse isn't the determining and alarming factor in that scenario.

Last edited by uziq (2018-02-17 05:18:38)

SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
A controversial psychology professor and self-help author who has spent much of his career railing against political correctness is recovering from an addiction to tranquilizers, his daughter said.

Jordan Peterson, 57, emerged last week from an intensive care unit in a Russian hospital after being treated for a dependence on benzodiazepine, an anti-anxiety medication.

Peterson sought alternative treatments in Russia after being repeatedly misdiagnosed in North American hospitals, including a clinic in New York, Mikhaila Peterson said in a video script she shared with Canada’s National Post newspaper.

“He nearly died several times,” the daughter said, adding her father had been taking the drug for years to treat anxiety brought on by a severe autoimmune reaction to food. Doctors increased his dosage last year to help him cope with stress after his wife, Tammy, was diagnosed with cancer.

The daughter and her husband took Peterson, a professor at the University of Toronto who has long battled depression, to Moscow last month; he was diagnosed with pneumonia and put into an induced coma for eight days, according to the National Post. She described her father’s withdrawal as “horrific.”

In the past, Peterson said he was able to beat back depression with the meat-heavy diet his daughter encouraged him to adopt. Cutting out greens altogether improved both his mental and physical health, he said in a 2018 interview.

“The Twelve Rules of Life” author has been released from the hospital and is taking anti-seizure medication, his daughter said. Although he has trouble walking and typing on his own, he is “on the mend,” she said.
Wow, amazing. He Steve Job'd his health.

This brings me back to a point I have made several times: just smoke weed like a normal person.
did anyone expect any different from the guy? a total charlatan. jung should have been a red flag.
I am all that is MOD!

wasn't Jung big on projection? makes u think
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I am all that is MOD!

now show slavoj zizek stuffing his face
hey! zizek has always had only good things to say about coca cola and burgers.

it's a widespread misconception that communists reject the good of capitalism. marxists don't think capitalism is good enough, that's all. bring back the bacon mcdouble!

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-11 01:29:30)

I am all that is MOD!

oh im more or less a fan of zizek. He can be circumlocutious and even contradictory in his criticisms, but I totally respect his commitment and critiques of both capitalism and marxism. I just find it funny that the two heavyweight internet polemics are a slobby charlatan and a slobby intellectual.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
They should do a season of celebrity rehab together
i am not really a fan of zizek, although reading him for the first time is always an ... experience ... it's just a shame that the three books a year he has done since the mid-90s are all rehashes of the same thing. a good example of a thinker/academic who did their 'best work' and can't quite get past it. i suppose someone had to synthesize hegelianism with lacan sooner or later. i've read 3-4 of his books and consider that stitch well and truly mended at this point.

his two films on film are very funny, though. he has a good public persona in the same way that will self or michel houellebecq have a good public persona. i'm not sure the public intellectual/cynic really exists in the same way in america. you're all just too damn optimistic, even when you're being neggy in the pages of the new yorker or whatever.

zizek has never had a drug addiction, by the way. he has a nervous tic. it's such a reddit fratbro comment to see someone touching their nose and be like 'loool he's on coke bro!' no people on cocaine do not touch their nose constantly.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Zizek seems like he is better read than listened to. His accent is grating and I don't have the patience to sit through his ideas on movies.
if you can't watch a 5 minute video clip with zero theory, i doubt you'll make it through a 600-page book of hegelian and lacanian theory.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
If he spoke with a British accent I would watch it. My issue is with the way he talks. Not his content.

there ya go
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Why the hell would I watch that video? Who is that guy? And half of the video is the Zizek guy talking anyway. Do you have a transcript I can read?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Ah I saved this awhile ago and just found it while looking for something else. Very relevant.
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
On topic:
In the 1990s, more young Australian men took their own lives than ever before.

As the decade came to a close we sighed with relief as these suicide rates seemed to steady.

Yet the calm was short-lived. It soon became clear that as this same group of boys became men, they were continuing to suicide in extremely high numbers, well into the new millennium.

As these guys, all born in from the mid-1960s to '70s, transitioned from school to the workforce to fatherhood and middle-age, we were losing more than 400 of them a year.

As of 2018, again, this group of men — now aged between 45 and 54 — represented the largest age-specific increase in suicide deaths. … y/11958284
Fuck Israel
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
From what I understand there seems to be a depression among the working class English speakers of the world that is leading them to off themselves. Are the French or Germans also killing themselves? Maybe I will do a research.

I think media has a large part to do with it. More precisely the media of Rupert Murdoch. Spreading right wing fake news and doom and gloom on three continents. What is the top story on   ?
Dead child found.

Make sure you don't google it or anything. Because as you've suggested, that immediately invalidates any unearthed content.
white men are losing their grip on power. the 1950s and 1960s world, of men effortlessly sailing through a career, whether that be white-collar or secure life-long blue-collar, retiring on a nice pension with everything tucked in by the state, and of having a subservient wife with no ambitions of her own and kids who don't answer back and discipline well, is well and truly over.

of course, dilbert feels sorry for those who are aimless and without purpose in life. you have incels in their 20s who 'can't cope' with a bigger, wider world full of increased competition and reduced opportunities, which has been the global norm for most of the planet for the last few centuries; and you have men in their 40s and 50s, drinking to oblivion, divorced or childless, who just didn't come through, despite having every material privilege and freedom to start and provide for a family, more so than in the middle class of most other nations of the world, anyway.

but if a family paddles across hundreds of kilometres of stormy and shark-infested waters, to escape war and rape by a junta or majority regime, just in the hope of working an honest living and prospering in freedom and security ... dilbert doesn't shed a tear. it's white males we must feel sorry for, a doomed species predated upon by butch lesbian kindergarten teachers.


the media has always been negative and sensationalist. it has a commercial prerogative to shift copies. they weren't really more decorous in the 1800s, still as full of gossip, prurient detail and the morbid/macabre. they are timeless draws, since before even industrialised print. the problem of white people finding themselves having to compete on a globalised playing field, is that they've been effectively cannibalizing and selling off the white family jewels for the last 30 years. all the forms of social association, be they community-based, labour/union-based, craft or artisan-based, have been systematically privatized, sold off, scotched and abandoned in the great orgy of 'there is no such thing as society' consumerism. fast forward a few decades of short-term boom and everyone is without a sense of community, staring at scare-story news content on their luminous gadgets that they bought on credit. of course, said news content and said tech is where the real wealth and social energy of the society have been funneled upwards and deposited: with the few billionaires in the 1% who own it all.

ironically what is happening to white middle america now is analogous to what happened to the native americans over the span of several generations. they lost their purpose, their spiritual being, they had nowhere to go and nothing to achieve, so they drank themselves to death on reservations. they find themselves with no stake in anything (certainly not the tiger economy of china), the great dynamo of history has switched locations, gone elsewhere, leaving them in a dark and unlit place of the world. of course white america looked on and tutted at the indian's indigence, or otherwise said 'what a shame!' but, if dilbert is anything to go by, the white capacity for self-pity is very great.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-14 03:59:02)

The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX
Are we talking about the family you're presuming to have again?

The Chinese don't give a shit about literature or arts, it will all be bulldozed into a hole to serve as foundations for noodle bars and massage parlours.
Enjoy staring into that future.
Fuck Israel
who was talking about literature or arts in the above? where did i appeal to culture to save the white race? i was thinking more of british legions and YMCAs as places where poor little white boys would go before, to congregate and socialise and be in touch with their community elders, or the boxing gyms and public parks to exercise in, to keep them away from the oxycontin or noose.

and i'm 30. nobody in my friend group has started a family yet -- not many graduates with graduate careers do start families in their 20s. this is nothing new or alarming. you can worry about me when i'm your age. do you have a 'birth rate' chart in your study where you fret over the fertility of white russia etc?
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I think the dispossessed white guys of the western world have a legitimate grievance with the leadership of their societies. Instead of protecting their economic and social privileges, the representative democracies they lived in decided to instead do business and help build up the Chinese and Indian economies. And instead of stopping migration into their countries, their leaders decided to go along with it for a few more GDP points.

The cruel or hilarious irony of this is the fact that the right wing leaders they vote for to get revenge end up doing absolutely nothing to help them once in power. They instead loot the treasury and retreat back into their gated communities when out of power. And they would be stupid to do otherwise.

For all of the complaints about the racism of Trump, what has he actually done to stop the demographic change of the U.S.? He made it harder for some people to immigrate here but he also passed a law to let more minorities out of prison. And do you really think he would prefer to help the average poor white if he could instead get something out of dealing with a wealthy black?
hasn't trump slashed, or is going to, slash medicaid down to nothing in order to offset the deficit incurred by huge tax-cuts for corporations?

that sounds incredibly socially productive. there's a left 'populist' and there's a right 'populist'. funnily enough the right-wing version does nothing for the majority of people.

Last edited by uziq (2020-02-14 07:22:26)

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