I'm pretty sure I've been accurate in using various specific terms, Israelis, Zionists, IDF, Jews etc
When I've used 'jews' as a group its been to cover either the jews in the world, or the host which obliterated Canaan - which supposedly was all the jews in the world at the time.
The problem is when people use a specific term the response is always "You're insulting all jews you anti-semite"
When you use 'jews' in general the response is always "You need to be specific, you can't lump all jews together you fucking nazi"
Its a defined tactic to obscure the debate and avoid dealing with any actual issues, and works most times.
However historically 'Israelis' and 'the jews' are terms which have been used interchangeably for a long time.
For example here is the front page of a paper someone I know found in their attic a while back.
Since Israel demands recognition as an exclusively jewish state I don't really see the problem. And historically Israelis have been referred to as 'the jews' so its hardly a big deal.
Otherwise 'the jews' do use their supposed history when it suits them such as to demand their god-given right to dominance over the supposed biblical land of Israel then its treated as fact, but when it recounts the history of 'the jews' slaughtering their way across the region and liquidating every living thing in their path (and taking their gold, obviously), or that their teachings instruct them that they can rob, rape and murder any non-jew they like then its myth, lore, not to be taken literally and anyone who says different is an anti-semite.
Anyway, at this point I'd say the best thing would be to give the Palestinians a lot of money and somewhere nice to live, Jordan, Australia, wherever, and let the jews have the worthless patch of desert they want so badly for some reason.
However, the problem is they won't stop there, since their eventual aim is to retake greater Israel - and we don't know what that is yet.
Could be this one - it would explain why everyone is working so hard to destabilise Lebanon and Syria
Could be this one - which would explain the destabilisation of Iraq, Syria, Egypt. Kuwait, Lebanon, Turkey etc
Could be this one - Including Cyprus
Although these guys are a little nutty TBH, I'm doubtful Britain was ever part of Israel, probably not North America
"There are sources that the future borders of the Land of Israel will reach into Western Europe and encompass the British Isles (Eretz Chemda, 20, quotes Levush Mordecai in the name of the Chatam Sofer).
This opinion is based on the understanding of the Great Sea.
Our understanding is that Britain would be considered as in the Great Sea (Atlantic Ocean) and if it includes Britain
it would of necessity expand to encompass North America as well!"
http://www.britam.org/Questions/QuesLand.htmlAustralia and New Zealand is really pushing it
http://www.britam.org/BAPoetry6.html#SinimBut who am I to argue with biblical scholars.
Could be something else, no-one knows at this point, we do know they're already talking about annexing part of Jordan quite soon, who knows what else.
Cyprus belongs to Israel and was called The Island of Dan. The borders of Israel stretch from the Nile River to the Euphrates. Eastern Egypt, Sinai, Jordan, part of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, part of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and part of Turkey are within the Biblical Borders of Israel; They are "Occupied Territory". Rabbi M.M. Schneerson of Lubavitch (Chabad) on the borders of Israel.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menachem_ … SchneersonI predict this will run for a while, hopefully Jay's children and grandchildren will have opportunities to serve too - Israel, not America obviously.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2020-01-31 05:11:07)