I'm straight connected. I did just now go run the length of the cable, inspect it and then disconnected and reconnected both ends. It did get me up to about 23 Mbps, so I think that fixed it. It's just odd to me that it was shitty, but no so poorly connected that it dropped.
What program can I use to rip DVDs? Handbrake gives me blurry messes. I don't mind paying $20 or $30 for it.
Oh and the DRM built into DVDs and Bluerays is insane.
Oh and the DRM built into DVDs and Bluerays is insane.

something daemon i remember being good for it.
Anyone have wireless earbuds they'd recommend?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
Bought the sennheiser momentum in ear true wireless earbuds despite mediocre reviews. Lasted less than a day before the batteries died. Sending these back and going back to wired.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
RHA do a decent wireless set but i’d always recommend wired. just not sure what is the great advantage of not having earphone cables?
Snagging wires while commuting is annoying but it's not worth having another battery operated device to worry about.uziq wrote:
RHA do a decent wireless set but i’d always recommend wired. just not sure what is the great advantage of not having earphone cables?
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
-Frederick Bastiat
never get problems with snagging wires ... get ones with over-ear clasps and run the cable down the back of your neck. easy.
im sure im not in the majority here, but I don't like wearing earbuds or over-ear headphones of any kind, pretty much ever. It seems like the only time I'm using them is when im on a flight or in a hotel room. I have nonsensical reasons such as the fear of not hearing something important and practical reasons like the lack of any solutions that don't make me feel like i'm wearing earmuffs or have a bug in my ear.
I am looking for a reasonable price range home set up though. Can I realistically find a 2.1 or 5.1 with a receiver for less than $1k?
I am looking for a reasonable price range home set up though. Can I realistically find a 2.1 or 5.1 with a receiver for less than $1k?
I have a pair of these. I had a pair of small bluetooth ear pods and lost them. I need something big like this or I will lose it.

for music or a complete home entertainment?KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
im sure im not in the majority here, but I don't like wearing earbuds or over-ear headphones of any kind, pretty much ever. It seems like the only time I'm using them is when im on a flight or in a hotel room. I have nonsensical reasons such as the fear of not hearing something important and practical reasons like the lack of any solutions that don't make me feel like i'm wearing earmuffs or have a bug in my ear.
I am looking for a reasonable price range home set up though. Can I realistically find a 2.1 or 5.1 with a receiver for less than $1k?
you can get open headphones that sit very comfortably on your head and have a lot of environmental noise bleed in suitably noisy environments. it does strike me as a weird complaint but then again i have earphones in and music playing for about 4 hours a day.
Last edited by uziq (2019-06-26 00:36:33)
mostly for music, but looking for something that can serve a dual purpose. I moved recently and want to upgrade
Is it worth attempting to upgrade my PC from Win 7 to Win 10 or would I be better off with a new PC
Win 7 Pro
Dell Optiplex 9020
i7-4770 3.4GHz
16 Gb RAM
64 Bit OS
NVIDIA Quadro K620
Apparently Dell support it on that model, so I dunno.
https://www.dell.com/support/article/au … n#Optiplex
I don't know if there's going to be a hiccup down the track and I'd be better keeping it as a legacy machine, then I could ditch the XP box which is running my robot.
Win 7 Pro
Dell Optiplex 9020
i7-4770 3.4GHz
16 Gb RAM
64 Bit OS
NVIDIA Quadro K620
Apparently Dell support it on that model, so I dunno.
https://www.dell.com/support/article/au … n#Optiplex
I don't know if there's going to be a hiccup down the track and I'd be better keeping it as a legacy machine, then I could ditch the XP box which is running my robot.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-10-19 20:09:57)
Fuck Israel
is that your current PC stats? i run win10 on a machine that is much worse than that and there are no problems. put the OS on an SSD and it'll run great.
win10 felt like a performance increase for me over win 7. the file indexing and interface feel a lot less clunky.
win10 felt like a performance increase for me over win 7. the file indexing and interface feel a lot less clunky.
Thats my current PC, my work PC was about the same and ran 10 fine. I like Win 7 a lot, 8 and 10 not so much although 10 is OK.
I could use an upgrade for CAD work, maybe I'll plod along until January and see if I'm making money out of it.
It would be handy to be able to run Solidworks in my shed with a Win 7 machine as well as at my desk on Win 10, and I hate system 'upgrades' as something always goes wrong.
Solidworks 2020 is the last build which will run on 7 so that will force me in a year or so.
I could use an upgrade for CAD work, maybe I'll plod along until January and see if I'm making money out of it.
It would be handy to be able to run Solidworks in my shed with a Win 7 machine as well as at my desk on Win 10, and I hate system 'upgrades' as something always goes wrong.
Solidworks 2020 is the last build which will run on 7 so that will force me in a year or so.
Fuck Israel
black friday is the next date for a tech splurge. i might even finally upgrade off this i5 760 board. when it came out it boasted revolutionary USB 3.0. lol.
Win 10 has issues running older software and games. That's why I had to downgrade from Win 10 to 7.

https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en … op/drivers has Windows 10 in its pull-down list, so I guess support is there for anything proprietary.
Quadro GPU support for Windows 10: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers … dows-10%3F
Drivers search: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
Drivers result: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverR … 0177/en-us (windows 10 64)
Running Windows 10 on a ~10 y.o mb, 2600K with 16GB and a GTX 980. You should be fine.
Windows 7 EOL in 2020 01.
Depending on your workstation demands, you could probably stand a video card upgrade. That thing only has 2GB iirc.
Quadro GPU support for Windows 10: https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers … dows-10%3F
Drivers search: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
Drivers result: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverR … 0177/en-us (windows 10 64)
Running Windows 10 on a ~10 y.o mb, 2600K with 16GB and a GTX 980. You should be fine.
Windows 7 EOL in 2020 01.
Depending on your workstation demands, you could probably stand a video card upgrade. That thing only has 2GB iirc.
I feel like I'm going to do what I did last year and add a bunch of components my cart, then leave it on the backburner until the sale is over.uziq wrote:
black friday is the next date for a tech splurge. i might even finally upgrade off this i5 760 board. when it came out it boasted revolutionary USB 3.0. lol.
I probably shouldn't for much longer, though. I don't want to be stranded by possible failed old parts when prices are higher, and have to go back to my ancient laptop.
If I had to upgrade it, I'd (in order of priority) swap out my storage drives for newer devices and use the old ones for Steam, toss in an RTX 2060 or 2070 Super, maybe try 4x8gb 2133 Ripjaws for cheeky OC. But by then I'm already partway to a new PC and absurdities like 4k considerations.
The advances in CPU speed and cores combined with their shrinking prices makes upgrading look tempting. There are a lot of real gains and value there.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
I feel like I'm going to do what I did last year and add a bunch of components my cart, then leave it on the backburner until the sale is over.uziq wrote:
black friday is the next date for a tech splurge. i might even finally upgrade off this i5 760 board. when it came out it boasted revolutionary USB 3.0. lol.
I probably shouldn't for much longer, though. I don't want to be stranded by possible failed old parts when prices are higher, and have to go back to my ancient laptop.
If I had to upgrade it, I'd (in order of priority) swap out my storage drives for newer devices and use the old ones for Steam, toss in an RTX 2060 or 2070 Super, maybe try 4x8gb 2133 Ripjaws for cheeky OC. But by then I'm already partway to a new PC and absurdities like 4k considerations.
GPUs on the other hand... I can't shake the feeling that it is all inflated or stagnant. Each manufacturer has a different way of measuring their improvements and you need to rely on third party benchmarks to get honest answers. There also doesn't seem to be any of the price competition like in the CPU field.

shrinking prices for CPUs? intel CPUs/bundles seem more expensive than ever. to get a mid-range intel gaming bundle currently you're looking at £500-600 just for the CPU/mobo/RAM alone. i guess there's the AMD ryzen stuff ... meh, good luck with that. don't know enough about it.
feel the same way about GPU cores. a few facepalms in recent years by both nvidia and ATI to genuinely best their mid-range cards. i guess they haven't really had the usual commercial impetus to improve, seeing as the crypto bubble has kept them in hock.
i've been repeating this here for what feels like the last 10 years now, but i haven't seen the justification in building a gaming pc for years now. something i never thought i'd say in my peak gaming years, and what would have been tantamount to blasphemy: but console gamers have had it best for years. you can spend a couple hundred on a console and play your GTA/red deads, access your big online multiplayer games, etc. and you're not missing anything from that $1k+ gaming pc bracket. what have PCs had to offer in that time? starting another play-through of skyrim or fallout modded with the latest hi-res texture pack? 'competitive' gaming on the latest derivative of counter strike, which is noticeably worse than the last one, which in turn was noticeably worse than the original? throwing oodles of processing power at some poorly optimized, buggy shit-show like dayZ? i mean grats ... PCs and PC gaming blows.
funny you say that a 2gb GPU is due for the rust-heap. i just bought one second hand for the price of a few beers so that i can play WoW:classic on max settings. what in the name of fuck would i need 6Gb of VRAM for, for a handsome sum?
feel the same way about GPU cores. a few facepalms in recent years by both nvidia and ATI to genuinely best their mid-range cards. i guess they haven't really had the usual commercial impetus to improve, seeing as the crypto bubble has kept them in hock.
i've been repeating this here for what feels like the last 10 years now, but i haven't seen the justification in building a gaming pc for years now. something i never thought i'd say in my peak gaming years, and what would have been tantamount to blasphemy: but console gamers have had it best for years. you can spend a couple hundred on a console and play your GTA/red deads, access your big online multiplayer games, etc. and you're not missing anything from that $1k+ gaming pc bracket. what have PCs had to offer in that time? starting another play-through of skyrim or fallout modded with the latest hi-res texture pack? 'competitive' gaming on the latest derivative of counter strike, which is noticeably worse than the last one, which in turn was noticeably worse than the original? throwing oodles of processing power at some poorly optimized, buggy shit-show like dayZ? i mean grats ... PCs and PC gaming blows.
funny you say that a 2gb GPU is due for the rust-heap. i just bought one second hand for the price of a few beers so that i can play WoW:classic on max settings. what in the name of fuck would i need 6Gb of VRAM for, for a handsome sum?
The Ryzen CPUs are the best on the market right now and they have a few more lined up to be released. There has been major gains in the last few years from AMD.Uzi wrote:
i guess there's the AMD ryzen stuff ... meh, good luck with that. don't know enough about it.

I'm not sure how good the 3rd gen Ryzen are, but I have a 1st gen desktop at work, a 2nd gen laptop and bought my mom a 2nd gen desktop. My work desktop and my laptop both have had continuous video problems - my work desktop display occasionally goes black and resets and a few others here with the same set up have had the same issue, and my laptop has an annoying display issue where if I stream netflix to my TV with an HDMI cable, the feed goes crazy and freezes. It ONLY happens streaming netflix, and I have not been able to find any solution. I'm not sure if my mom's desktop issues are related to Ryzen or if it's just an HP bloatware issue, but there are processes that run nonstop that eat about 40% of CPU resources, and I haven't figured out a way to disable it. I just found out about it over the weekend so I haven't been able to isolate the issue, but based on my own experience, I'd stay away from Ryzen. Like I said though, maybe their 3rd gen is a bit more stable of a platform.
@uziq That's why I attached the caveat of "depending on your demands." After looking into it, if the Quadro still meets them, dandy. I didn't say it wasn't viable or that it was due for the rust heap at all. It was an afterthought. Did you miss the part where I linked to Windows 10 viable drivers? I ran a GeForce 4 in one of my old work computers until it stopped functioning. It was good enough.
I play on both pc & console. I won't deny that PC games are in a bad place, but console games aren't above being buggy messes. You can find hilarious glitch compilations on youtube.
Also I don't really get shaming people for wanting to run their favorite old game with detail mods, and better textures/shaders. If someone wants to throw money into that so they can get better frames, who cares.
If I was building a computer specifically for gaming, it would barely be at $1k. But I have a workload that involves some photo manipulation and video editing, so I don't mind throwing more into it than that.
I play on both pc & console. I won't deny that PC games are in a bad place, but console games aren't above being buggy messes. You can find hilarious glitch compilations on youtube.
Also I don't really get shaming people for wanting to run their favorite old game with detail mods, and better textures/shaders. If someone wants to throw money into that so they can get better frames, who cares.
If I was building a computer specifically for gaming, it would barely be at $1k. But I have a workload that involves some photo manipulation and video editing, so I don't mind throwing more into it than that.
The problem is Win 10. I had so many problems with Win 10 that arrived after my upgrade from 8 and disappeared after my downgrade to 7.KEN-JENNINGS wrote:
I'm not sure how good the 3rd gen Ryzen are, but I have a 1st gen desktop at work, a 2nd gen laptop and bought my mom a 2nd gen desktop. My work desktop and my laptop both have had continuous video problems - my work desktop display occasionally goes black and resets and a few others here with the same set up have had the same issue, and my laptop has an annoying display issue where if I stream netflix to my TV with an HDMI cable, the feed goes crazy and freezes. It ONLY happens streaming netflix, and I have not been able to find any solution. I'm not sure if my mom's desktop issues are related to Ryzen or if it's just an HP bloatware issue, but there are processes that run nonstop that eat about 40% of CPU resources, and I haven't figured out a way to disable it. I just found out about it over the weekend so I haven't been able to isolate the issue, but based on my own experience, I'd stay away from Ryzen. Like I said though, maybe their 3rd gen is a bit more stable of a platform.