Fuck Israel
very, very creepy dilbert.
Come on she's not that bad.
But I think her myspace page could be a future liability
Its her or Clive Palmer, I've made my choice.
But I think her myspace page could be a future liability
Its her or Clive Palmer, I've made my choice.

Fuck Israel
why a liability? pretty much 90% of upcoming young politicians, lawyers, doctors, etc, are going to have a social media footprint online now.
why are you even digging around in it? perving on political candidates half your age?
very creepy dude.
why are you even digging around in it? perving on political candidates half your age?
very creepy dude.
She's my local candidate and I did a name search.
acidangeamphetamine ? Can't see a problem there.
Its not as if she hides herself away.
Here are my options, you can put them in order of preference for me.
BOUNDY Paul Lesbians, social justice warriors and marxists (The Greens)
STEVENS James Catholics, zionists and other paedophile supporters (Liberal)
O'HANLON Cressida Corrupt self-serving work-shy shills and fascists (Australian Labor Party)
ROBERTS Harbinda Weirdy beardy fun police (Animal Justice Party)
HARDING Hedley Offshore tax party (United Australia Party)
THOMAS Colin Really needs to get out more party (Child Protection Party)
FULCO Angela Blue hair and hipsterism (Australian Progressives)
LARCOMBE Nick Not sure what to do after university (Independent)
I suppose I should be grateful I have more than two people to vote for, thank god its not america.
acidangeamphetamine ? Can't see a problem there.
Its not as if she hides herself away.
Here are my options, you can put them in order of preference for me.
BOUNDY Paul Lesbians, social justice warriors and marxists (The Greens)
STEVENS James Catholics, zionists and other paedophile supporters (Liberal)
O'HANLON Cressida Corrupt self-serving work-shy shills and fascists (Australian Labor Party)
ROBERTS Harbinda Weirdy beardy fun police (Animal Justice Party)
HARDING Hedley Offshore tax party (United Australia Party)
THOMAS Colin Really needs to get out more party (Child Protection Party)
FULCO Angela Blue hair and hipsterism (Australian Progressives)
LARCOMBE Nick Not sure what to do after university (Independent)
I suppose I should be grateful I have more than two people to vote for, thank god its not america.
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-05-16 05:05:35)
Fuck Israel
young people take drugs. people her own age won't find it so scandalous to vote for her. there is an obvious generational gap in attitudes. she is also running for the progressive party so i hardly see the problem. it would be something else if she were some conservative courting the religious right.
A lot voters would like a person they can share a beer with drop tabs with.

Well I'll be buggered, the coalition is back in.
I expect history will show Bill Shorten made all the same mistakes Hilary Clinton did, pandering to his base without working on gaining extra votes in the middle.
Also nobody trusted the tubby little weasel, based on his record of being a corrupt self-serving sack of shit.
I expect history will show Bill Shorten made all the same mistakes Hilary Clinton did, pandering to his base without working on gaining extra votes in the middle.
Also nobody trusted the tubby little weasel, based on his record of being a corrupt self-serving sack of shit.
Fuck Israel
don’t be stupid. history won’t remember australia.

Fuck Israel
stupid attitude. international students bring huge amounts of much needed income to often underfunded (and marketized) higher education institutions. everyone claps when the govt stops funding lazy students but the problem is that universities have to aggressively market themselves to cash rich students abroad. easy to hate the insular international student cohort but they’re very valuable.
what’s wrong with people arguing their points on a campus anyway? the same thing happens with abortion debates or israel-palestine on US campuses. should universities be there to enforce an orthodox liberal view or should they be healthy spaces to contest ideas? haven’t you spoken out before about the ‘political agenda’ of universities and their professors?
i don’t see how pro-beijing foreign students affect or endanger australian society tbh. you take their money and wave them home. at least that’s what happens here. just because they’re abroad for a semester or to take a degree, doesn’t mean they want to give up their identity, or feel protective over what they consider to be ‘chinese values’. you seem awfully attached to your white values — would you give them up because you spent a year working in kuwait or niger?
what’s wrong with people arguing their points on a campus anyway? the same thing happens with abortion debates or israel-palestine on US campuses. should universities be there to enforce an orthodox liberal view or should they be healthy spaces to contest ideas? haven’t you spoken out before about the ‘political agenda’ of universities and their professors?
i don’t see how pro-beijing foreign students affect or endanger australian society tbh. you take their money and wave them home. at least that’s what happens here. just because they’re abroad for a semester or to take a degree, doesn’t mean they want to give up their identity, or feel protective over what they consider to be ‘chinese values’. you seem awfully attached to your white values — would you give them up because you spent a year working in kuwait or niger?
Last edited by uziq (2019-07-31 05:34:23)
Depends if they're beating up people making a peaceful demonstration no?
I probably wouldn't be beating my views into the people of Kuwait, and I doubt I'd work in Niger.
I probably wouldn't be beating my views into the people of Kuwait, and I doubt I'd work in Niger.
Fuck Israel
the beatings happened in hong kong, i believe those were triads shipped in and encouraged to hammer on the locals. a terrible event, to be sure, and to be deplored internationally. ripping posters out of hands and getting incensed at a protest/debate isn't exactly the most controversial thing, and happens regularly in street protests all the time in 'whitie on whitie' engagements. but that, of course, doesn't grip your imagination and get you all pissy, does it?
looking at the video, 'tensions escalating' appears to be two people getting into a shoving match whilst everyone else watches. not quite a riot or communist insurrection.
as soon as a foreign student breaks the law, i.e. by committing an assault, then i fully agree they should lose their privileges to study in the host country. that applies to anyone from any country, regardless of whether they have Communist or anti-western beliefs. but i think you're eliding the violence of the hong kong demonstrations with those on campuses. convenient, that.
looking at the video, 'tensions escalating' appears to be two people getting into a shoving match whilst everyone else watches. not quite a riot or communist insurrection.
as soon as a foreign student breaks the law, i.e. by committing an assault, then i fully agree they should lose their privileges to study in the host country. that applies to anyone from any country, regardless of whether they have Communist or anti-western beliefs. but i think you're eliding the violence of the hong kong demonstrations with those on campuses. convenient, that.
There was a story recently about the Confucius Institutes (a Chinese, government-linked org) forcing contract language that allows them to shape the studies of Chinese students studying abroad, including a dozen or so AUS universities.
One of China's foreign policy objectives is to flex soft power by controlling the learning of their citizens studying abroad by forcing a very narrow, CPC-approved syllabus to be adapted by their international university partners. I think this is a far more important story with regard to the impact of foreign money (and associated influence) in universities than some protesting by proxy.
One of China's foreign policy objectives is to flex soft power by controlling the learning of their citizens studying abroad by forcing a very narrow, CPC-approved syllabus to be adapted by their international university partners. I think this is a far more important story with regard to the impact of foreign money (and associated influence) in universities than some protesting by proxy.
yeah i remember reading a few articles about that a few years ago. but is it so different from any number of think tanks or institutes set up by western govts abroad? hell, we have established entire colleges explicitly to flex soft power (college of the americas). the confucius institute is the new cato institute.
I think it is different, for a number of reasons. The Cato Institute is a private think tank (sure, there is a large amount of government influence due to the turnstile from public to private servitude and vice versa) that is not acting directly on orders from the government, whereas the Confucius Institute is directly linked to the Communist Party of China. In addition, the Cato Institute is attempting to influence through theory, policy and ideas, not direct interference with those institutions of higher learning. For lack of a better descriptor, I'd call this de facto influence as opposed to de jure influence.
We could argue about how effective both are, and the trickle down of policy position from the elites to the think tanks to the professors teaching the students, but I think that's a shahter level argument about how effective the influence is at controlling the narrative.
I'm not sure what you are referring to in regards to the College of the Americas. The only institution that rings a bell is the School of the Americas, which was decidedly a US armed forces undertaking, ie. no question about who is dictating the message.
We could argue about how effective both are, and the trickle down of policy position from the elites to the think tanks to the professors teaching the students, but I think that's a shahter level argument about how effective the influence is at controlling the narrative.
I'm not sure what you are referring to in regards to the College of the Americas. The only institution that rings a bell is the School of the Americas, which was decidedly a US armed forces undertaking, ie. no question about who is dictating the message.
These aren't foreign owned institutions, these are foreign students at Australian universities trying to impose foreign government agendas in Australia.
Fuck Israel
i think his point is that the Confucius institute is actively trying to embed itself in higher-education establishments in the west. as addressed herein 2017:
https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2017/04/2 … lassrooms/
also, ken, i wasn't trying to literally suggest the confucius-cato similarity. it was more a figure (i.e. institutions with philosopher's names) extending their 'soft power'.
students getting in altercations at protests on campuses is not so unusual. i'm still not sure where you're going with this 'deport them' rhetoric.
https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2017/04/2 … lassrooms/
also, ken, i wasn't trying to literally suggest the confucius-cato similarity. it was more a figure (i.e. institutions with philosopher's names) extending their 'soft power'.
students getting in altercations at protests on campuses is not so unusual. i'm still not sure where you're going with this 'deport them' rhetoric.
Last edited by uziq (2019-08-01 05:42:42)
Can't really get upset at the Chinese for using their money to influence our greedy cultural institutions. It is our own fault that our colleges started to rely heavily on international students and aid instead of reforming themselves.

https://www.theguardian.com/australia-n … lly-no-tax
what is it with the mega-rich and absolutely fucked haircuts?
forget talk of deforestation and rainforest destruction, the follicle abuse going on here is on a cosmic order.
imagine being so rich that poor people can't even afford to access your levels of bad haircut
what is it with the mega-rich and absolutely fucked haircuts?
forget talk of deforestation and rainforest destruction, the follicle abuse going on here is on a cosmic order.
imagine being so rich that poor people can't even afford to access your levels of bad haircut
Last edited by uziq (2019-10-28 13:53:40)
I'm more concerned that they're running the world to suit Jews, Evangelicals and their millennia-old prophecies.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/ … y-friction
Never mind a multi-billion dollar trade deal, what's important is which town Australia has an office in.
Now thats a haircut which could inspire a nation.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/ … y-friction
Never mind a multi-billion dollar trade deal, what's important is which town Australia has an office in.
Now thats a haircut which could inspire a nation.

Fuck Israel
Your obsession with jews is so wildly strange. Globally jewish people/billionaires hold less than 5% of our total wealth.
For the last 50 years at least the world has revolved around Israel and their nutty cult with its end-of-times agenda.
We can thank them for umpteen actual shooting wars and the creation of Arab/muslim terrorism.
Australia's current military priority? Enforcing sanctions on Iran so they can't be a potential threat to Israel - which they weren't going to be but Netanyahu needed to get re-elected so now we have warships in the Gulf again....
We can thank them for umpteen actual shooting wars and the creation of Arab/muslim terrorism.
Australia's current military priority? Enforcing sanctions on Iran so they can't be a potential threat to Israel - which they weren't going to be but Netanyahu needed to get re-elected so now we have warships in the Gulf again....
Last edited by Dilbert_X (2019-10-29 06:00:03)
Fuck Israel
jesus i make a lighthearted comment about ridiculous haircuts and you go full 'nazi jew' on me. you need to see someone.
fyi the muslim brotherhood and the first strands of 'radical' or 'militant' islam were against colonial rule and despotic leadership. it was the nazis coming along in the 30s and 40s with their bad pamphlets about the protocols of the elders of zion that convinced a few prominent muslims, the grand mufti of jerusalem among them, that the jews were to blame for all their ills. to say that israel is responsible for islamic terrorism is absolutely moronic.
fyi the muslim brotherhood and the first strands of 'radical' or 'militant' islam were against colonial rule and despotic leadership. it was the nazis coming along in the 30s and 40s with their bad pamphlets about the protocols of the elders of zion that convinced a few prominent muslims, the grand mufti of jerusalem among them, that the jews were to blame for all their ills. to say that israel is responsible for islamic terrorism is absolutely moronic.
Last edited by uziq (2019-10-29 06:22:29)
Yes, it was the Nazis who showed the muslims that terrorism got results, not decades of jewish terrorism prior to the creation of nazism.
Fuck Israel