War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6875|Purplicious Wisconsin


War Man wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

Are they any less patriotic than you Warman?

Should they not be allowed to fight for the flag of their fathers?
Not a matter of patriotism, but of practicality and effectiveness.

Which physical standards would you put man-to-woman and woman-to-man trannies at? Which barracks do we put them in? Do we a create 1-2 more separate facilities for them? How do you think other soldiers' morale would be like fighting alongside them? How effective would a unit with at least one tranny be compared to say, an all male non-tranny unit?

Homosexual and transgendered people in the military are two different things. I am fine with homosexuals, as long as they are professional, but trannies are a different matter that is more complicated.
because only Homos can't be professional, and Transgenders are inherently unprofessional. 

Why would you need to create separate facilities? You understand they transition from Male to Female or Female to Male, not to Chimeras or dolphins, right?  Pretty sure we have facilities already built for male and female soldiers.  Last I checked it's not a complication the Armed Forces has had to waste a lot of time understanding the practicality and effectiveness of.

Regarding the morale "issue", it's a non-issue.  You're a military fetishist, you should know the indoctrination regarding "brotherhood" and "no soldier left behind".  I would imagine people are able to extend that feeling to yes, EVEN transgenders (GASP!).  And if they can't, they shouldn't be representing American ideals.
Didn't say homos and trannies can't be professional, don't put fucking words in my mouth,

There is a physical difference between men and women in the armed forces and they are given different physical fitness tests/requirements. Men to women were born men and have male physicality despite transforming into women, which means they would go under male physical fitness standards and be in male bunks which they wouldn't necessarily be a fan of and eliminate the point of them going through sex change because they would have to treated as men despite wanting to be treated as women. Similar situation with women to men except they are pumped with testosterone and therefore more than surpass the female physical standards, much to the irritation of fellow female soldiers who may call foul.

This isn't about being morally righteous. Social justice can't apply to every single fucking thing. For fucksake there are middle aged people who would like to serve but aren't allowed to because of their age, where is the fucking voice for them? At least people too young to join the service can grow old, can't say the same to people who are older than the age limit. Where is the crying foul for them?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I matched with this cute Asian girl on Tinder. When I went to read her profile it turned out to be a tranny. I unmatched her. At least she was straight up about it.
I am all that is MOD!

War Man wrote:


War Man wrote:

Not a matter of patriotism, but of practicality and effectiveness.

Which physical standards would you put man-to-woman and woman-to-man trannies at? Which barracks do we put them in? Do we a create 1-2 more separate facilities for them? How do you think other soldiers' morale would be like fighting alongside them? How effective would a unit with at least one tranny be compared to say, an all male non-tranny unit?

Homosexual and transgendered people in the military are two different things. I am fine with homosexuals, as long as they are professional, but trannies are a different matter that is more complicated.
because only Homos can't be professional, and Transgenders are inherently unprofessional. 

Why would you need to create separate facilities? You understand they transition from Male to Female or Female to Male, not to Chimeras or dolphins, right?  Pretty sure we have facilities already built for male and female soldiers.  Last I checked it's not a complication the Armed Forces has had to waste a lot of time understanding the practicality and effectiveness of.

Regarding the morale "issue", it's a non-issue.  You're a military fetishist, you should know the indoctrination regarding "brotherhood" and "no soldier left behind".  I would imagine people are able to extend that feeling to yes, EVEN transgenders (GASP!).  And if they can't, they shouldn't be representing American ideals.
Didn't say homos and trannies can't be professional, don't put fucking words in my mouth,

There is a physical difference between men and women in the armed forces and they are given different physical fitness tests/requirements. Men to women were born men and have male physicality despite transforming into women, which means they would go under male physical fitness standards and be in male bunks which they wouldn't necessarily be a fan of and eliminate the point of them going through sex change because they would have to treated as men despite wanting to be treated as women. Similar situation with women to men except they are pumped with testosterone and therefore more than surpass the female physical standards, much to the irritation of fellow female soldiers who may call foul.

This isn't about being morally righteous. Social justice can't apply to every single fucking thing. For fucksake there are middle aged people who would like to serve but aren't allowed to because of their age, where is the fucking voice for them? At least people too young to join the service can grow old, can't say the same to people who are older than the age limit. Where is the crying foul for them?
But you sure did go out of your way to point out that you have no problem, as long as they are professional.  Doesn't that imply that you either think they aren't professional by default or that they have a hard time acting professional?  Why would you add that qualifier? Hint - you don't need to, but you did.

You seem to have a very good grasp of both the simple physical requirements of the Armed Forces and the basic outline of transgender operations.  Congratulations?  Regarding the rest of your post, yeah sure whatever.  Everything else is just conjecture and nonsense.  Please tell me how soldiers feel...I'm sure you are in their barracks every day listening to what is going on.  Did you know when the Armed Forces started integrating white soldiers expressed discomfort and uneasiness at serving with black men?  Get over it ya fuckin' bigot!
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

War Man wrote:


War Man wrote:

Not a matter of patriotism, but of practicality and effectiveness.

Which physical standards would you put man-to-woman and woman-to-man trannies at? Which barracks do we put them in? Do we a create 1-2 more separate facilities for them? How do you think other soldiers' morale would be like fighting alongside them? How effective would a unit with at least one tranny be compared to say, an all male non-tranny unit?

Homosexual and transgendered people in the military are two different things. I am fine with homosexuals, as long as they are professional, but trannies are a different matter that is more complicated.
because only Homos can't be professional, and Transgenders are inherently unprofessional. 

Why would you need to create separate facilities? You understand they transition from Male to Female or Female to Male, not to Chimeras or dolphins, right?  Pretty sure we have facilities already built for male and female soldiers.  Last I checked it's not a complication the Armed Forces has had to waste a lot of time understanding the practicality and effectiveness of.

Regarding the morale "issue", it's a non-issue.  You're a military fetishist, you should know the indoctrination regarding "brotherhood" and "no soldier left behind".  I would imagine people are able to extend that feeling to yes, EVEN transgenders (GASP!).  And if they can't, they shouldn't be representing American ideals.
Didn't say homos and trannies can't be professional, don't put fucking words in my mouth,

There is a physical difference between men and women in the armed forces and they are given different physical fitness tests/requirements. Men to women were born men and have male physicality despite transforming into women, which means they would go under male physical fitness standards and be in male bunks which they wouldn't necessarily be a fan of and eliminate the point of them going through sex change because they would have to treated as men despite wanting to be treated as women. Similar situation with women to men except they are pumped with testosterone and therefore more than surpass the female physical standards, much to the irritation of fellow female soldiers who may call foul.

This isn't about being morally righteous. Social justice can't apply to every single fucking thing. For fucksake there are middle aged people who would like to serve but aren't allowed to because of their age, where is the fucking voice for them? At least people too young to join the service can grow old, can't say the same to people who are older than the age limit. Where is the crying foul for them?
Dumb argument. If they fail the PT test they'll be chaptered out. People who are transitioning have their natural estrogen and testosterone levels suppressed. Would a man transitioning to a female have an advantage on the PFT? Sure, but who gives a fuck?

The only issue I have with the concept is being on the hook to pay for reassignment and hormone therapy. That shit is expensive and doesn't have anything to do with the military's mission. I had the same issue with women who joined just to find a husband, pop out three kids on the government's dime, and skeddaddle. If you're perpetually nondeployable gtfo.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
I am all that is MOD!

There's been financial impact studies, including the somewhat hysterical one that made the rounds recently showing that the Armed Forces would still be paying less for re-assignment surgery and trans healthcare than the yearly spend on Viagra. I think the number floated was less than $10M total for trans-related medical care, or around the same cost as 10 tomahawk missiles, or around 1/10th of the amount they spend on Viagra.  I would love to hear an argument that distributing Viagra to limp-dicked soldiers is part of the military mission.

When people have shoulder surgery they are nondeployable until they rehab. When people have surgery for hernias and other physical ailments they are nondeployable.  If you have major surgery of any kind (including gender re-assignment), you go up your chain of command and schedule it accordingly.  It's not that difficult to figure out logistically, and is something the Armed Forces already deal with.  NONISSUE.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
"Being Trans Is Not a Mental Disorder"
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/06/opin … e=Homepage

This has to stop. These trannies and SJW are convincing kids to take hormone blockers and ruin their young bodies with drugs.
I am all that is MOD!

Aye up duck!
+440|6871|England. Stoke

SuperJail Warden wrote:

"Being Trans Is Not a Mental Disorder"
https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/06/opin … e=Homepage

This has to stop. These trannies and SJW are convincing kids to take hormone blockers and ruin their young bodies with drugs.
Tbh I think you are more likely to have a mental disorder.

Last edited by coke (2018-12-06 17:36:23)

The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
The LGBTI community have really got into schools here, we now have children wanting sex changes, then changing their mind.
Its just another way for kids to gain attention.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Dilbert_X wrote:

The LGBTI community have really got into schools here, we now have children wanting sex changes, then changing their mind.
Its just another way for kids to gain attention.
"Virginia teacher fired for referring to transgender student as female"

https://abcnews.go.com/US/virginia-teac … d=59669818

This is why Trump won

Are you intentionally misrepresenting that article? It's not like he made a slip of the tongue and they fired him for it. He dug his heels in and under the banner of his religion violated the school's anti-harassment policies.
I am all that is MOD!

Remember when you wanted to write a book advising people which hills they should die on? This teacher refusing to use the preferred pronoun due to religious reasons isn't it.  Add this case study to your draft proposal
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
You have a point. Fine. I still am not down with this tranny stuff though.
Aye up duck!
+440|6871|England. Stoke
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
The Trump tranny ban in the military was upheld by the SCOTUS.
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Which is now stacked for that sort of thing.

But of course each member is not partisan and judges each case on its merits.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
If your administration is seeking to dismantle institutions and generally fuck up a country, why not carry that over to your nations military?
i doubt not accepting transgender people is going to ‘fuck up’ the military. spending more than every other country in the world on your army keeps you number one as the eminent force, not having rangers who only respond to ‘they/them’ pronouns.

ideologically motivated and disagreeable, sure.

Last edited by uziq (2019-01-23 09:34:03)

The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America
I agree they comprise a small percentage, but it isn't terribly wise to dismiss a bunch of people out of hand for no good reason when you've invested a lot of money to train them.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5520|London, England

DesertFox- wrote:

I agree they comprise a small percentage, but it isn't terribly wise to dismiss a bunch of people out of hand for no good reason when you've invested a lot of money to train them.
It's not worth the headache when the entire point of military discipline is to suppress individuality in favor of team identity. Inviting sensitive narcissists in with mental health issues, many of whom will only join the military to have their surgeries and hormone treatments paid for, thus making them perpetually non-deployable, is not in the best interest of the military.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
The X stands for
+1,813|6267|eXtreme to the maX
Its completely unworkable to allow them in at all.
Its not as if there's a shortage of retarded farm-boys and ghetto-trash ready to sign up, no need to extend it to the mentally ill.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6846|United States of America

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I agree they comprise a small percentage, but it isn't terribly wise to dismiss a bunch of people out of hand for no good reason when you've invested a lot of money to train them.
It's not worth the headache when the entire point of military discipline is to suppress individuality in favor of team identity. Inviting sensitive narcissists in with mental health issues, many of whom will only join the military to have their surgeries and hormone treatments paid for, thus making them perpetually non-deployable, is not in the best interest of the military.
You sure pulled this idea that it is impossible for any of these people to mesh with the team identity straight outta the blue. I don't doubt it has happened, but I'd wager joining the military purely for gender reassignment stuff has an awful lot of downsides.
I am all that is MOD!

Jay wrote:

DesertFox- wrote:

I agree they comprise a small percentage, but it isn't terribly wise to dismiss a bunch of people out of hand for no good reason when you've invested a lot of money to train them.
It's not worth the headache when the entire point of military discipline is to suppress individuality in favor of team identity. Inviting sensitive narcissists in with mental health issues, many of whom will only join the military to have their surgeries and hormone treatments paid for, thus making them perpetually non-deployable, is not in the best interest of the military.
as opposed to YOU (and countless others) who joined to get their education paid for.

You are such a shit bag.  We already went over this, but I was sure you'd bring up some tired talking point - EVERYONE in the military who has to get surgery that impacts their deployment has it scheduled, and timelines and such are built out around how and when they are deployed.  The cost paid by the military for viagra is larger than the expected cost of reassignment surgery.  But, much like virtually every position you have, you focus on the things that you don't agree with and use the guise of rationality to deceive, instead of focusing on the largest impact those issues have.

You complain about "welfare queens" and the impact of wealth distribution at the hands of the goverment, when in fact corporate welfare accounts for 90% of said wealth distribution

You complain about the government spending while suckling on the teat to improve your own well-being

You complain about identity politics while proving yourself to be one of the simpletons who follows it

You complain about single-issue voters while admitting that Trump was worth a single issue (in your case, Supreme Court seats)

You are a shit bag pseudo-intellectual.  The only reason you get away with it is because you surround yourself with stupid people who buy in to your nonsense.  You are a terrible human being. I hope your children develop their own world view that counters your own, for their sake.

Organizations like the AMA, APA, WHO, as well as documents like ICD and DSM-5 no longer classify this as a disorder, and the Army issues waivers for recruits with a history of mental health issues like bipolar disorder and depression. Who cares if someone's primary motive for joining the military is self-gain. That's a pretty common motive for working any job.
Aye up duck!
+440|6871|England. Stoke
Yeah it's almost like all the trans people who go through reassignment in the UK military sign up to get the surgery for free, even though they could go through the same arduous process for free via the NHS without having to join the military at all. But still they do... Yet people who have either openly only joined the military for entirely selfish reasons or have done fuck all in terms of "civic duty" feel they can slag these people off...

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