Feelings of aggression after playing video games are more likely to be linked to gameplay mechanics rather than violent content, a study suggests.
"There's a need for researchers who are interested in these questions not just to pull two video games off the shelf from the high street," said Dr Andrew Przybylski from the Oxford Internet Institute, who carried out the research along with colleagues from the University of Rochester in the US.

"We need to have a more sophisticated approach so we're all reading from the same experimental methods."
mmmf mmmf mmmf
damn racing games
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever

Cybargs wrote:

Feelings of aggression after playing video games are more likely to be linked to gameplay mechanics rather than violent content, a study suggests.
"There's a need for researchers who are interested in these questions not just to pull two video games off the shelf from the high street," said Dr Andrew Przybylski from the Oxford Internet Institute, who carried out the research along with colleagues from the University of Rochester in the US.

"We need to have a more sophisticated approach so we're all reading from the same experimental methods."
So video games do cause aggression?

SuperJail Warden wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

Feelings of aggression after playing video games are more likely to be linked to gameplay mechanics rather than violent content, a study suggests.
"There's a need for researchers who are interested in these questions not just to pull two video games off the shelf from the high street," said Dr Andrew Przybylski from the Oxford Internet Institute, who carried out the research along with colleagues from the University of Rochester in the US.

"We need to have a more sophisticated approach so we're all reading from the same experimental methods."
So video games do cause aggression?
So you never got mad that you encounter a level you can't beat?

Fuck sports cause aggression, hurrr ban sports so kids don't shoot schools.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I didn't say say anything about banning stuff. I said consuming violent media normalizes violence. I provided links that back up my statement. Your point about aggression being caused by difficultly isn't relevant at all to what I said.
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX
I'd say the nightly news normalises violence.

When its OK to crack jokes and giggle about people being blown to bits then violence has been pretty well normalised.

If the govt didn't want us to be normalised to violence video games simply wouldn't be allowed. They'd be called spree-shooter training simulators for a start, then they'd be banned.
The govt is fine with everyone believing that mowing down 'bad guys' is a hoot.
Fuck Israel
The very model of a modern major general
+796|7002|United States of America
It doesn't help that we, like the Sith, enjoy speaking in absolutes. Violence isn't inherently "bad", and it happens with any animal species. It's literally been a part of our lives for all the time we've existed, and to suggest that were are better than it is ludicrous.

It's reminds me how a lot of the gamergate people are shocked that people are dicks and that threats exist on the internet. It's always been that way.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There is a world of difference between two teenagers fighting after school over a girl and people advocating dropping massive amounts of bombs on any vague security or political threat. Teens fighting over girls is normal and has always happened in human history. Drone strikes are new and seem like a great solution to any crisis when you do it for 3 hours a day in battlefield 4.

Do you think publicizing the names and photos of mass shooters encourages mass shootings?
I am all that is MOD!

SuperJail Warden wrote:

There is a world of difference between two teenagers fighting after school over a girl and people advocating dropping massive amounts of bombs on any vague security or political threat. Teens fighting over girls is normal and has always happened in human history. Drone strikes are new and seem like a great solution to any crisis when you do it for 3 hours a day in battlefield 4.

Do you think publicizing the names and photos of mass shooters encourages mass shootings?
Actually I think video games don't make you any more or less aggressive at all.  Think about this statement from Cybargs linked article:

Games modified to have counter-intuitive, frustrating controls - leading to feelings of incompetence - produced more aggressive reactions.
It's the game mechanics, NOT the content, that leads to more aggression.  I've been riled up from driving to work before, due to what could be deemed as "counter-intuitive, frustrating controls".  The article clearly mentions the study itself removes the violence but artificially creates the mechanics that leads to frustration - to prove it's the mechanics.

To me there is a clear separation between art/video/music and real life.  People that listen to angry rap and then go beat people up are fucked up in the head - predisposed through heriditary/environmental factors to commit acts of aggression.  Maybe (MAYBE) an event like an angry song or a violent movie or video game could trigger an event of violence, but surely it's not the cause, and surely that aggression lies dormant until something pushes them over the edge.  Don't be stupid macbeth.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
I posted 5 links to peer reviewed studies that confirm a link between violent media and aggression. Surely you know more than them.

I never said that violent media causes violence anyway. I said it normalizes violence.
I don't think video games cause real life violence but I think they normalize it. The same way watching pornography doesn't cause you to have sex but normalizes promiscuous behavior. Consuming large amounts of any sort of media will change your outlook regarding its subject matter. People aren't machines. We are influenced by the things around us.

Last edited by SuperJail Warden (2014-11-11 18:25:49)
I am all that is MOD!

Violent video games and aggresion =/= video games normalizing violence.

I'm not trying to pretend I know more about it, but I don't put much weight into any of those studies.  Without being able to read the studies, it seems like they focus on short term aggression - which kind of goes back to my point about certain activities or situations riling someone up.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
My point this whole time is that violent media normalizes violence. Do you agree with that or not? Because I this tangent about aggression is totally unrelated from my original point. I underlined it for you.
I am all that is MOD!

no i don't agree with that any more than I agree porn normalizes promiscuity.  And the tangent about aggression is actually relevant, because as I said, aggression is not equal to normalizing violence - essentially saying that the studies YOU linked were related to aggression, not the normalization of violence.

Does porn set unrealistic expectations of what sex is or should be? Yes, maybe if you're 14 years old and your first exposure to sex is hardcore porn, it could set unrealistic expectations.  Is that the same as normalizing promiscuity?  Of course not.  It's two distinctly different arguments...much like the argument that video games normalize violence.

Can people become aggressive and agitated after playing video games? No doubt.  Does that mean video games are impacting the way people view violence?  NO fucking way.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
There once was a black named Brown
Who bum-rushed a cop with a frown
Six bullets later
He met his Creator
Then his homies burnt everything down
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
On a serious note, I mostly believe the cop's story in Missouri and think the grand jury made the right choice. The NYC choke death decision is bullshit though. The cop clearly unjustly killed the guy. Selling loose cigarettes shouldn't even be illegal.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
Joe Biden is going to be president in 2016. Calling it now.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6793|Foothills of S. Carolina

I hope to whatever deity you may, or may not, believe in that you are wrong.
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX
I await the clown-car cavalcade of Republican nominees.
Fuck Israel
mmmf mmmf mmmf
I nominate Jay
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6793|Foothills of S. Carolina

Dilbert_X wrote:

I await the clown-car cavalcade of Republican nominees.
As do I. I am sure they will be riveting and stimulating and lying through their teeth as most politicians do.
Go Cougs!
+696|6608|Washington St.

Canin wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

I await the clown-car cavalcade of Republican nominees.
As do I. I am sure they will be riveting and stimulating and lying through their teeth as most all politicians do.
Conservative Roman Catholic
+280|6793|Foothills of S. Carolina

pirana6 wrote:

Canin wrote:

Dilbert_X wrote:

I await the clown-car cavalcade of Republican nominees.
As do I. I am sure they will be riveting and stimulating and lying through their teeth as most all politicians do.
Thanks for fixing my typo.
SuperJail Warden
Gone Forever
What is wrong with Biden? You definitely don't want Clinton.
I am all that is MOD!

I say we start a grass-roots campaign to get the Green Party candidate elected.  It's a bit sad that so many people are upset with the 2 party fake stupid political environment we have yet the same shit keeps happening.  Posting a FB update on the follies of the electoral college and 2 party system isn't going to change it, friends.

On a side note, I had a good hearty chuckle when I read something about Anonymous or whatever stupid "hacktivists" were behind the release stating they are fighting back against terrorism by DDOS'ing the websites of Islamic Fundamentalists.  I just want to meet one of them and pat them on the head and let them know they are truly fighting for the cause!  Go forth and deface the website! You'll show them.

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