Cybargs wrote:
how did you guys let a fat foreigner get into political power lol.
Well we didn't thankfully. Dotcom's just been in politics since he started his bizarre vendetta against Key over the raid on his Bond-esque mansion. It's a complete ego thing, he likes playing the big fish in the small pond that is New Zealand and thinks with his resources and his charisma he can get people on side and have a realistic chance at having his people in Government. Kind of like Clive Palmer except with even less ability to relate to anyone. Dotcom tried to appeal to the disenfranchised and overall ignorant Internet generation and found that they actually are more considered than he thought they were. Or at least weren't so gullible as to get sucked into his grand scheme. Or maybe they just didn't/couldn't vote.
It was weird, Dotcom had his big "Moment of Truth" thing the other week and you had Kim Dotcom, Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden, and Julian Assange - a German, two Americans, and an Australian - lined up on a stage telling New Zealanders what they should think and who they should vote for. And there were people who really thought this would be the thing the ended John Key's Government.
The lack of objectivity from the left in particular has been great to watch. It's exactly like Fox News after the 2012 US presidential election wondering how they could have possibly lost despite telling themselves
so hard that they were right and everyone agreed with them.
I have a friend who was a big backer of Dotcom and the whole movement against Key. He's gutted by the result, shouting about conspiracies and ignorance and a nation of sheep, (har har,) begetting a government of wolves. It's hilarious.
But anyway, Dotcom didn't get in. He even tuned voters off his coalition partner Hone Harawira costing him his electorate and his job and ended up driving people away from the Labour and Green parties as well. A big flabby fail all round.