War Man wrote:
By FAV, are you referring to the MRAP's or the buggies?
Buggies...I still use BF2's acronyms without even thinking
twiistaaa wrote:
Snake wrote:
Even 2 LGM's from the jets don't destroy tanks or mobile AA.
I don't mind that for tanks. I know it isn't so realistic, but when the other side has a dominant pilot shredding everything up the battle can get kind of lopsided and frustrating. Nothing worse than driving a tank and getting 50 meters out of your base only to be destroyed by a jet.
When you are in the jet, 1 pass and 2 missiles which then take what, a minute to reload is just no fun. Ground based AT is just as effective, so whats the point of jets given their longer reload and re-spawning time? Yes, you can gun-run to finish it off, but perhaps I'm just a BF2 bomber-jet-whore at heart and long for those days back again
Granted, when you are in the tank, it is quite relieving. But with the power of mobile AA, and every foot soldier given a choice of portable AA, jets just seem unnecessarily weak to me.