Jay wrote:
No, the American people are the victims in this because it takes theatrics to actually get politicians to come to the table to try to balance the budget whether it is by cutting spending or raising taxes. We're in massive debt here and it's going to be me and my children who get stuck paying the debt these assholes have rung up to enrich their friends.
If your kids inherit your taste for desserts you should probably sign them up for Obamacare now
Why is the Fed currently printing $85BN a month? To pump up stock prices so their Wall Street buddies can make good on their losses from the crash five years ago. I dunno how you can think asking for a balanced budget is some terrible thing worthy of scorn. Oh, because you support Team Blue from afar without actually putting any thought into the issues, I forgot.
Why do you keep trying to pin this on the Democraps?
The Republicans want the budget in deficit and to continue spending like mad at least as much, probably more so as it benefits all their sponsors more than it does the average grass-roots Democrat supporter.
The Republitards just want to be seen passing the blame to the Democrats, so they can claim to be the party of 'fiscal conservatism' when they're the exact opposite.
Lets post this again
And this.
Since the cold war ended the Republitards have been the party of loony spending and deficit increase.