+521|6885|Toronto | Canada

you guys can have him

Macbeth wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

His policies and personality. Canada is alright. Giving up your citizenship and renouncing the place you lived in the first 4 years of your life for material gain is a slimy thing to do.
Do you think there's a single Canadian whose feelings are hurt?
Why would it matter what Canadians think? I'm talking about how it reflects on the person.
Regardless of his personality it makes sense to renounce a citizenship that's irrelevant to your life and interferes with your career. Canada won't miss him and the conflict of interest will be gone. Hard to forget the shit given to Obama for citizenship issues.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Do you think there's a single Canadian whose feelings are hurt?
Why would it matter what Canadians think? I'm talking about how it reflects on the person.
Regardless of his personality it makes sense to renounce a citizenship that's irrelevant to your life and interferes with your career. Canada won't miss him and the conflict of interest will be gone. Hard to forget the shit given to Obama for citizenship issues.
Call me a Spartan but I think citizenship is a little bit more than just a piece of paper saying you can live somewhere. Especially since he lived there and benefited from their government in both a direct and indirect way.

Did you know Spartans and Nomadic people all practiced homosexuality in large numbers? Gay relationships between men is prevalent in nomadic societies due to the often lack of women. Huns, Mongols, Seljuks, etc. all were dicking each other while they made the civilized world cry. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay or something. I just think that it is funny that homosexuality has a feminine attachment in modern society even though nomadic people kicked major ass.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

Macbeth wrote:

Did you know Spartans and Nomadic people all practiced homosexuality

Macbeth wrote:

Call me a Spartan

Stop being such a Spartan, burnzz.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

No, i'm mad right now

Macbeth wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Why would it matter what Canadians think? I'm talking about how it reflects on the person.
Regardless of his personality it makes sense to renounce a citizenship that's irrelevant to your life and interferes with your career. Canada won't miss him and the conflict of interest will be gone. Hard to forget the shit given to Obama for citizenship issues.
Call me a Spartan but I think citizenship is a little bit more than just a piece of paper saying you can live somewhere. Especially since he lived there and benefited from their government in both a direct and indirect way.
But he hasn't lived there since then. I wonder how many Canadians actually knew he was Canadian by birth location? How many were even aware of his existence? Does he have any memories of having lived in Canada? I never even noticed him on the political radar before you brought it up, but I suppose I've tuned out the Tea Party long ago. If he's got any presidential aspirations, the move simply makes sense to do as delicately as possible. What also makes sense is to dislike him for policy, not for him wanting to rid himself of the dual citizenship issue.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
Well you should pay better attention to your ultra right wing(nuts).

I find these people extremely funny. or
Give them enough rope...

I just need to find an equivalent site that lambastes the progressives with their own words. Although if I laugh anymore than I already do...
Mostly find blogs with opinions of progressives and not actual media of them.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

In a video featuring Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson, the TV star - in what appears to be a religious sermon - declares his pro-life stance on the issue of abortion.  When discussing the ethics of, and that there's even a debate on, the issue, he asks, "What in the world happened to us?"

"Listen, from the time you started inside your mother's womb, Thomas Jefferson had it right, you have the God-given right to life for crying out loud. You're this long (pointing to his finger). You're a week old inside your mother. They suck you out of there when you're about like that (point to finger again). You wouldn't be here tonight!

why are these people given attention and political representation?

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-08-20 12:14:37)

War Man
Australians are hermaphrodites.
+563|6860|Purplicious Wisconsin
Because they have some reasonable arguments. Would you rather have been aborted macbeth instead of being born?
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.

The fuck is Duck Dynasty and why should I care if someone I can stereotype as a southern Christian is pro-life. It's about as big of news as Garfield hating Mondays.
Connecticut: our chimps are stealin yo' faces.
I want to know why people are so upset with the Robertson family for their beliefs. Who are any of us to give a shit and judge?
Malloy must go
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

War Man wrote:

Because they have some reasonable arguments. Would you rather have been aborted macbeth instead of being born?
too bad the polls are broken . . .

deeznutz1245 wrote:

Who are any of us to give a shit
If they want to be public figures, then they're going to have to take the criticism with the acclaim, I guess. I honestly had no clue who they were until today, but still had to look it up again to connect Robertson to Duck.
The X stands for
+1,813|6252|eXtreme to the maX

Macbeth wrote:

Did you know Spartans and Nomadic people all practiced homosexuality in large numbers? Gay relationships between men is prevalent in nomadic societies due to the often lack of women. Huns, Mongols, Seljuks, etc. all were dicking each other while they made the civilized world cry. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay or something. I just think that it is funny that homosexuality has a feminine attachment in modern society even though nomadic people kicked major ass.
The US Marines still do that.
Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone

War Man wrote:

Would you rather have been aborted macbeth instead of being born?
Would not have made a difference.
Extra Medium

DrunkFace wrote:

War Man wrote:

Would you rather have been aborted macbeth instead of being born?
Would not have made a difference.
Pretty sure Macbeth was an abortion that somehow survived on discarded hoagies and dumpster water.
Karma limited. Contact Admin to Be Promoted.

lol, new jersey dumpster water

So I was referred to a newsmax article. Between paragraphs, there was an ad for a free pamphlet on how to get free money from government grants.

/conservative media outlet
The X stands for
+1,813|6252|eXtreme to the maX

So cocaine is addictive and does permanently change the wiring of the brain.

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!
Extra Medium

Dilbert_X wrote:

So cocaine is addictive and does permanently change the wiring of the brain.

Jaekus is fucked.
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6831|United States of America
Cocaine is addictive? Shit. We better warn the 1800s.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,738|6883|Oxferd Ohire


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