
Nope, was too busy making rockets that looked like they came out of 50's sci-fi.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6470|Graz, Austria
Those planets remind of the eggs in the Creatures series.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA
So my new mission in the game is to colonize Laythe and keep a large supply ship in orbit to ferry people and goods to the surface and back with its spaceplanes. My Nebula Class Starship that I posted on the last page won't work until some bugs are patched, so I've abandoned the TSC Odysseus for the time being, keeping it in orbit as a refueling station. I've since designed a much more efficient ship, the Aurora Class Starship, and have the first one, the TSC New Haven, in orbit preparing to go. Before I send tons of Kerbals to their deaths though, I figure I'd get some information on Laythe first, so I sent a long range probe to the moon to scout it out.

It took literally twenty minutes to leave Kerbin's influence with the incredibly underpowered nuclear engines


By the time I made it to Jool, I was going somewhere around 8000+ m/s so I used the Joolian atmosphere to aerobrake and prepare to intercept Laythe


Eventually did make it to Laythe though. All I've gotta say is thank god for time warp.  You can see in this picture that the probe's in game mission time is 619 days


A little more aero braking at Laythe and I finally launched the probe. Gave me plenty of good info on the moon and I'm feeling confident I can get manned ships there. Just need to finish building the colony


Last edited by Eagle (2013-08-13 00:44:31)

sophisticated slacker
+334|6470|Graz, Austria
Keep an eye out for the monolith!
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA
Wasn't even aware there is one down there, definitely going to look for it now. I love finding little anomalies like that
Extra Medium
Eagle you make me feel like shit everytime I load this game.  I use an autopilot and I still can't land on the Mun.  You are some kind of space god.  No.  You are the King of Space.
Extra Medium

I found it was really just a matter of balancing fuel with size.  The landing was nerve racking, I managed to nail it but the ship nearly fell over but thank god I had put those nice RCS thrusters with a big ass fuel tank as I actually managed to correct the lean with those.



Next project will be trying to get a rover to the mun so they can cruise around.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6470|Graz, Austria

Eagle wrote:

Wasn't even aware there is one down there, definitely going to look for it now. I love finding little anomalies like that
The monolith? Is there really one?
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
Whats the button to open the solar panel?
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA

Extra Medium wrote:

Eagle you make me feel like shit everytime I load this game.  I use an autopilot and I still can't land on the Mun.  You are some kind of space god.  No.  You are the King of Space.
That's all I ever wanted muwaha

globefish23 wrote:

Eagle wrote:

Wasn't even aware there is one down there, definitely going to look for it now. I love finding little anomalies like that
The monolith? Is there really one?
I know there's listed monoliths on some planets that are Easter eggs, not sure about Laythe though.

krazed wrote:

Whats the button to open the solar panel?
I have mine a linked on an action group for that probe, so if I hit 1 the solar panels toggle, 2 the ion engines toggle and 3 the RCS thrusters toggle.  If you don't have them grouped, you can still open them by right clicking each one and hitting the extend button
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA
Still working out the kinks with my supply ships, but in the meantime I launched my colony ships for Laythe.  I got the main colony building into orbit and the other two ships are not far behind.  Unfortunately, I'm going camping all weekend so no Laythe landing until next week.  However, Mundin Kerman is now the first of my Kerbals to ever visit a celestial body further than the Mun



sophisticated slacker
+334|6470|Graz, Austria

Eagle wrote:

globefish23 wrote:

Eagle wrote:

Wasn't even aware there is one down there, definitely going to look for it now. I love finding little anomalies like that
The monolith? Is there really one?
I know there's listed monoliths on some planets that are Easter eggs, not sure about Laythe though.
In 2001: Space Odyssey, the first monolith is in the Tycho crater on Luna, the second one is orbiting Jupiter or on one of Saturn's moons (before being retconed after the first book).
Also, there's the one from the movie intro scene in Africa.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA
Laythe Colony established!  It consists of a main building capable of housing 17 Kerbals, three outposts capable of housing 4 Kerbals each, a mini rover capable of carrying a single Kerbal, and my pride and joy heavy amphibious rover capable of carrying 3 Kerbals and traversing Laythe's many oceans.




The main habitat was launched first and was manned by a lone Kerbal.  At the bottom of the structure is a small rover, released on landing, that can be manned or operated remotely.


Following the main habitat were the outposts.  These were stacked end on end for the journey to Laythe and released/landed individually.  I have two inland with the main habitat and one 2 km away by the oceanfront for marine research.


Finally, I got my favorite toy there, the TSC L1 Amphibious Rover.  Carries a lone Kerbal in the cockpit, but has a can in the back to carry an additional two passengers.  The rover wheels run off electricity, so theoretically it could run on land indefinitely.  On the water, the vehicle is powered by a lone jet engine, reaching a top speed of roughly 8m/s.  Later I'll most likely use it to ferry Kerbals from the incoming space planes back to base.


Next project is to get my interplanetary supply ship running properly so I can begin staffing this place.  I really wish more of this forum would play this game, its idiotically fun

Last edited by Eagle (2013-08-18 19:48:45)

I just dont have the patience/imagination to do it without goals.

I got really in to it, but then the weird inability to dock got too much for me to bother continuing. Just could not get the hang of RCS control
Go Cougs!
+691|6437|Washington St.
Rumor is the producers of KSP have ties with NASA and some private space programs and 'doing well' in the game or coming up with innovative ideas and designs will get you interviews for real life positions. Albeit they are low-level ones and internships, but still.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
Haha... and today i was proud i got probes orbiting all of the plants.

Pride status: crushed
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA
If it is any consolation, I have only ever visited the Mun, Jool, and Laythe, so you're crushing me in the exploration department
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North

i'm still working on getting my rocket designs ironed out

i can't seem to get the hang of the heavy initial stages
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA
Heavy initial stages suck. I still kind of wing it on my heavy lifters by just strapping a ton of rockets together and seeing what happens. Asparagus staging can be incredibly helpful too, it's how I got my first rockets in orbit.

Now, for Eagle's weekly Update, From, Laaaaythe

With the TSC Odysseus out of service due to game bugs and the TSC New Haven too unwieldy to fly, I constructed the first Solar Class Starship designated the TSC Hawthorne.  Literally took a 35 minute burn to escape Kerbin's influence and it was a bitch to capture around Jool, but it is now finally in a stable orbit around Laythe!



With the Hawthorne in orbit, I'm now finally able to begin ferrying Kerbals and supplies to my colony


Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
Asparagus staging?
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA
http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki … us_Staging

I highly recommend reading that, it's very helpful with lifters
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
what are the large spacers you're using in your lower stages in those pics? are you using mods or stock?
The very model of a modern major general
+796|6831|United States of America
Look just like Mk1 structural fuselages with docking ports on both ends.
Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6777|New Hampshire, USA
Correct ^

That ship was too big to send up in one piece so it was assembled in orbit



All my ships are stock and unmodded though

Last edited by Eagle (2013-08-25 20:49:04)

Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|6926|Great Brown North
ahhhh gotcha, docking is still not an easy task for me lol

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