Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England

Extra Medium wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Member first, mod second, and poaching is a pussy's game if there's no point but for your enjoyment. Hunt for food or cull if you don't want to be called one.
I don't give a shit about killing deer for food.  The meat tastes good but is tough and stringy with lots of gristle.  Deer are over populated in Oklahoma and frankly I don't like them.  They used to destroy our peanut crop and they still crash through peoples windshields on a regular basis.  I have about the same regard for them as I do for coyotes and coons.  I kill them every time I get the chance and I don't need a reason.  If you don't like it, that's your own business. 

So get mad.  I kill them periodically and leave them to rot.  I kill coons and leave them to rot every chance I get.  I kill coyotes often and strap their dead bodies to telephone poles.  Should I tell you about all the hogs I've killed, domestic and wild?  What about horses or cows?  I've killed a bunch.  The emu maybe?

Call PETA and share a tear.
You're a sociopath.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7008|Tampa Bay Florida
"compassionate conservative"

Extra Medium wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Member first, mod second, and poaching is a pussy's game if there's no point but for your enjoyment. Hunt for food or cull if you don't want to be called one.
I don't give a shit about killing deer for food.  The meat tastes good but is tough and stringy with lots of gristle.  Deer are over populated in Oklahoma and frankly I don't like them.  They used to destroy our peanut crop and they still crash through peoples windshields on a regular basis.  I have about the same regard for them as I do for coyotes and coons.  I kill them every time I get the chance and I don't need a reason.  If you don't like it, that's your own business. 

So get mad.  I kill them periodically and leave them to rot.  I kill coons and leave them to rot every chance I get.  I kill coyotes often and strap their dead bodies to telephone poles.  Should I tell you about all the hogs I've killed, domestic and wild?  What about horses or cows?  I've killed a bunch.  The emu maybe?

Call PETA and share a tear.

Hunt for food or cull
Hunt for food or cull
Hunt for food or cull
Cull is fucking fine. What isn't is bragging about it like it's the best fucking thing in the world. "Yep! I sure avoided the game warden." Thanks to you guys hikers end up finding hidden piles of carcasses in the woods. Sometimes not far from the road. Great fucking service to public health. Do you also fill your basement with entrails?

Extra Medium wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Member first, mod second, and poaching is a pussy's game if there's no point but for your enjoyment. Hunt for food or cull if you don't want to be called one.
I don't give a shit about killing deer for food.  The meat tastes good but is tough and stringy with lots of gristle.  Deer are over populated in Oklahoma and frankly I don't like them.  They used to destroy our peanut crop and they still crash through peoples windshields on a regular basis.  I have about the same regard for them as I do for coyotes and coons.  I kill them every time I get the chance and I don't need a reason.  If you don't like it, that's your own business. 

So get mad.  I kill them periodically and leave them to rot.  I kill coons and leave them to rot every chance I get.  I kill coyotes often and strap their dead bodies to telephone poles.  Should I tell you about all the hogs I've killed, domestic and wild?  What about horses or cows?  I've killed a bunch.  The emu maybe?

Call PETA and share a tear.
youre an asshole for making that nice cousin of yours cry when you sent a pic of that dead raccoon. he prayed really really hard to jesus to try and  bring the coon back alive.
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX
I don't really see whats big and tough about killing harmless animals which aren't bothering anyone, are supposedly 'pests' but are really just part of the natural balance.

In rural areas there will be animals which could be a hazard to people, or minor annoyance as they search for food, if you don't like it either don't go there or petition to have the forests razed to desert.
The 'badasses' who go out into the wilderness hoping to run into a bear so they'd have an excuse to shoot it and have an "I barely survived a bear attack but managed to shoot it with the huge gun I was carrying" tale to tell are pure faggotry.

Legal hunting for food is OK though, as long as it doesn't significantly disrupt the natural order.
Shooting wolves so they dont kill the deer you want to shoot is also faggotry.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-08-06 03:13:25)

Fuck Israel
Extra Medium

pirana6 wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

I think I killed a 10 pointer once but there was a SUV coming down the road that I was worried might be a game warden, so I left it and didn't come back.
Was that your first time? You got scared? Cute.
I've shot a lot of deer out the window.  That was the only buck of respectable size though.  Not that I could have done anything with it anyways without a hunting license.  Got a bit scared yeah, didn't want to lose my gun.  I need it to shoot more things from out the window.
Extra Medium

Jay wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Member first, mod second, and poaching is a pussy's game if there's no point but for your enjoyment. Hunt for food or cull if you don't want to be called one.
I don't give a shit about killing deer for food.  The meat tastes good but is tough and stringy with lots of gristle.  Deer are over populated in Oklahoma and frankly I don't like them.  They used to destroy our peanut crop and they still crash through peoples windshields on a regular basis.  I have about the same regard for them as I do for coyotes and coons.  I kill them every time I get the chance and I don't need a reason.  If you don't like it, that's your own business. 

So get mad.  I kill them periodically and leave them to rot.  I kill coons and leave them to rot every chance I get.  I kill coyotes often and strap their dead bodies to telephone poles.  Should I tell you about all the hogs I've killed, domestic and wild?  What about horses or cows?  I've killed a bunch.  The emu maybe?

Call PETA and share a tear.
You're a sociopath.
You're a liar.
I don't hunt, but would love to give it a go and have given it a great deal of though, I've just got other things I need to spend my cash on than guns and ammo at the moment.  I'd probably only do it for food, don't really care for furs.  Probably start small with something thats easy to find, like goats or ducks, maybe pig, tahr or deer after I learn to aim properly.

Rabbits are a real problem in some parts here, theres an annual event called the easter bunny hunt, people try to shoot as many rabbits as possible over easter, theres prizes etc.  People like SAFE & PETA love to get their knickers in a twist over it, but they don't realise there are both environmental and economic benefits to such a large pest control event.

But what they are right about is that human hunters' tendency to go after the healthiest, best-looking specimens does not help that species or the environment as a whole.
Germans did 911
+427|6999|Disaster Free Zone
considering Rabbits are an introduced pest, its not about population control, but population eradication.
Go Cougs!
+696|6608|Washington St.
goddamn that Thomas Austin
Extra Medium
Slowly turning into another animal rights thread.................

Brace yourself, the gang of liberal faggots draws near.

There's a line between animal rights and respectful hunting that you're fuzzing over in favor of bitching about liberals and animal rights activists like a pussy.
Extra Medium

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

There's a line between animal rights and respectful hunting that you're fuzzing over in favor of bitching about liberals and animal rights activists like a pussy.
Respectful hunting?  So, essentially, I disrespected the animal by murdering it from a car window versus a tree stand?  Or, was it it disrespectful for me to not eat it?  So it is disrespectful for me to kill an animal that other animals will eat versus me killing an animal that other people will eat?  Was it disrespectful for me to kill it in the first place?  That would imply that the deer had done something to deserve respect in the first place.  What has that deer done for me, anyone else, the environment or .....you, ever, in it's entire life?  Nothing.  Would it have?  No.  Has the ecosystem changed as a result of my actions?  Yes, there are a large group of various animals that were able to feed themselves due to my actions.  If anything, I culled an overpopulated animal and fed a group of evenly or under populated animals.

Argue with that.

THAT is why I hate you libtard idiots.  Double standards, shitty logic, lack of knowledge.  Go watch Bambi again crybaby.

it's disrespectful that you left the meat to rot
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Extra Medium
there are a large group of various animals that were able to feed themselves due to my actions.  If anything, I culled an overpopulated animal and fed a group of evenly or under populated animals.

Extra Medium wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

There's a line between animal rights and respectful hunting that you're fuzzing over in favor of bitching about liberals and animal rights activists like a pussy.
Respectful hunting?  So, essentially, I disrespected the animal by murdering it from a car window versus a tree stand?  Or, was it it disrespectful for me to not eat it?  So it is disrespectful for me to kill an animal that other animals will eat versus me killing an animal that other people will eat?  Was it disrespectful for me to kill it in the first place?  That would imply that the deer had done something to deserve respect in the first place.  What has that deer done for me, anyone else, the environment or .....you, ever, in it's entire life?  Nothing.  Would it have?  No.  Has the ecosystem changed as a result of my actions?  Yes, there are a large group of various animals that were able to feed themselves due to my actions.  If anything, I culled an overpopulated animal and fed a group of evenly or under populated animals.

Argue with that.

THAT is why I hate you libtard idiots.  Double standards, shitty logic, lack of knowledge.  Go watch Bambi again crybaby.
So get mad.  I kill them periodically and leave them to rot.  I kill coons and leave them to rot every chance I get.  I kill coyotes often and strap their dead bodies to telephone poles.

Extra Medium wrote:

I poach a lot. [...] I think I killed a 10 pointer once but there was a SUV coming down the road that I was worried might be a game warden, so I left it and didn't come back.

Also, prepare your anus for the libtard crowd coming in here telling you what an evil, backwater redneck you are for killing bambi.
Don't make me laugh. I don't have to argue with that. The burden of getting yourself out of the pit you dug is yours. I'm pretty sure deeznutz was talking about legitimate hunting and perhaps gov't sponsored cull, not people who leave stomach-turning piles of carcasses and strap dead animals to telephone poles, you sick individual.

"I think I killed a ten pointer! Suck my dick, BF2S." What you want a cookie? Troll.


unnamednewbie13 wrote:

Cull is fucking fine. What isn't is bragging about it like it's the best fucking thing in the world. "Yep! I sure avoided the game warden." Thanks to you guys hikers end up finding hidden piles of carcasses in the woods. Sometimes not far from the road. Great fucking service to public health.

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

But what they are right about is that human hunters' tendency to go after the healthiest, best-looking specimens does not help that species or the environment as a whole.

Extra Medium wrote:

there are a large group of various animals that were able to feed themselves due to my actions.  If anything, I culled an overpopulated animal and fed a group of evenly or under populated animals.
You're a real Robin Hood, aren't you. Maybe you can convince Disney to make a cartoon about the misunderstood poacher.

i meant that it is disrespectful that there are millions of starving people around the world (and quite possibly hundreds/thousands near you depending on where you live) yet you essentially waste a kill like that.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Extra Medium

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The burden of getting yourself out of the pit you dug is yours.

It's the pit of cares and it is bottomless and empty.
Extra Medium

Brasso wrote:

i meant that it is disrespectful that there are millions of starving people around the world (and quite possibly hundreds/thousands near you depending on where you live) yet you essentially waste a kill like that.
100% of those people had 0% of ever eating that deer regardless of what happened to it.
Go Cougs!
+696|6608|Washington St.

Extra Medium wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The burden of getting yourself out of the pit you dug is yours.

It's the pit of cares and it is bottomless and empty.
If you don't care why do you get all offended when people criticize you?

Then you go and blame liberals? Wtf do they have anything to do with this? Why even bring conservatives/liberals into this? I'm liberal and I own multiple guns. Sooooo?
Extra Medium

pirana6 wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

The burden of getting yourself out of the pit you dug is yours.

It's the pit of cares and it is bottomless and empty.
If you don't care why do you get all offended when people criticize you?

Then you go and blame liberals? Wtf do they have anything to do with this? Why even bring conservatives/liberals into this? I'm liberal and I own multiple guns. Sooooo?
I'm not offended, I just think that their point of view is incorrect.  Liberals factor into this because 99% of the time people who whine and cry about  hunting, trapping, guns or animal rights are left wingers.  Not only is incorrect, most often it has a double standard, a lack of logic and reason and is overly emotional involved.

How the fuck is it a double standard? I'm fine with legal hunting and proper clean up. I'm fine with responsible gun ownership. I'm not fine with pieces of shit killing just for pleasure, leaving a mess for everyone else, and then boasting about it on an online forum to see if they can troll some reactions. My reaction is that you're a pussy with a sack of shit story about poaching. Does that mean I was trolled? Then why do I feel like I came out on top.

Better go run from some more game wardens.
Bork! Bork! Bork!
+2,006|5676|London, England

Extra Medium wrote:

pirana6 wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:


It's the pit of cares and it is bottomless and empty.
If you don't care why do you get all offended when people criticize you?

Then you go and blame liberals? Wtf do they have anything to do with this? Why even bring conservatives/liberals into this? I'm liberal and I own multiple guns. Sooooo?
I'm not offended, I just think that their point of view is incorrect.  Liberals factor into this because 99% of the time people who whine and cry about  hunting, trapping, guns or animal rights are left wingers.  Not only is incorrect, most often it has a double standard, a lack of logic and reason and is overly emotional involved.
No, they don't, moron. Most hunters are conservationists and they would bitch you out A) for poaching and B) for letting the meat rot on the side of the road. It's got nothing to do with liberal vs conservative. You just assume that anyone that disagrees with you on anything is a liberal. It's a serious character flaw on your part.
"Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don't you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough."
-Frederick Bastiat

Naw man, he's a renegade for lyfe. That's cool, right?

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