Uzique The Lesser
again, you twist my words because you have no rational argument. i never said trayvon was an angel. i just said focussing on his THC use is irrelevant and a red herring for the moral-crusader brigade, i.e. those which have no business intervening in a court of law. your line of hypothetical argument that "he could have been withdrawn from a substance, making him angry and prone to attack" is patent nonsense - fearmongering and fantasy from someone who is clearly habitually afraid of 'drugz'. no scientific basis. that's all i've said. and now you come around and say i'm making out drugs to "make everyone happy and awesome", or i'm saying "trayvon was an angel". lol jesus christ. please go read a book on debating technique.

if zimmerman was drunk at the time, yes, i would be interested in that in the legal proceedings. that's because alcohol directly impairs judgement. and zimmerman shot and killed someone. therefore it is relevant in the matter of causation or aetiology. not complicated. if trayvon was the one in the dock having killed zimmerman, and he was high on a substance, yes i'd be interested then, too. someone having "trace elements" of THC in their bloodstream whilst minding their own business, strolling home, is not the same thing.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-26 05:07:42)

The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
We don't know that Martin was 'minding his own business, strolling home', according to all accounts he was the one attacking Zimmerman.
The question is why.
Fuck Israel
Uzique The Lesser
no not "according to all accounts he was attacking zimmerman". all we know is that he was winning in an altercation with zimmerman, on top of him. doesn't mean he started it. definitely doesn't mean he 'attacked' zimmerman or was the aggressor. a juror from the case just said in the news yesterday that zimmerman walked because of 'lack of evidence against him'. that was it, period. not trayvon did something wrong.
The X stands for
+1,818|6423|eXtreme to the maX
There's not much point in listening to a juror who says they wanted to vote guilty but decided not to.

Nevertheless they found him not guilty, having shot someone, so self-defence must have been in their minds.
Fuck Israel
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7007|Tampa Bay Florida
You're an idiot dilbert.  You realize that jurys require unanimous decisions, right?  A hung jury would've been an absolute disaster.  The same probably happens for 80 percent of criminal trials.

Last edited by Spearhead (2013-07-26 06:39:57)

Uzique The Lesser

Dilbert_X wrote:

There's not much point in listening to a juror who says they wanted to vote guilty but decided not to.

Nevertheless they found him not guilty, having shot someone, so self-defence must have been in their minds.
no. self-defense wasn't in their minds. their reason was 'not enough evidence', and you cannot convict a man for murder when the evidence is not conclusive or beyond reasonable doubt. that is a lot to deal with on their conscience. you are putting words in their mouth saying they "must have thought about self-defense at some point". just like you are fabricating when you imagine trayvon as a drug-fiend or thuggish obstreperous little negro. you are fantasizing and filling in the gaps with your selective bias.

there's a quote by voltaire that is apropos:

"It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to condemn an innocent one"

and, well, there you go. 'not enough evidence'. simple.

I took a tab of LSD at 8, smoked and went to the park, with my friend and her dog. Never once felt aggressive. Everything was beautiful still is. Handing back out in a little after taking another.
Uzique The Lesser
careful you don't try to leap from a very tall building, macbeth. that stuff is lethal.
Extra Medium
The Blaze reported it so according to everyone here it didn't happen.
George Zimmerman Wins Florida State Lottery … ery,33139/


SANFORD, FL—Just days after being fully acquitted for his role in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman reportedly won the $37 million Florida Lottery jackpot last night. “Yeah! All right!” said a visibly smiling Zimmerman, holding the winning lottery ticket he purchased on a whim hours after he was found not guilty for shooting and killing the unarmed 17-year-old. “I just figured why not, you know? I think I’ll probably use the money to buy a bigger house and a new car, and I’ll invest the rest. This is just fantastic. Life is good.” Zimmerman added that he’ll never have to worry about money again.

Oh, for the Sharpton types....

"There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs — partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do do not want to lose their jobs."  -Booker T. Washington.

Last edited by 13rin (2013-07-26 15:35:46)

I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something.  - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
why isnt the mexican community defending zimmerman
Extra Medium

Cybargs wrote:

why isnt the mexican community defending zimmerman
For the same reason they don't riot when they don't get what they want.

They are more civilized.
Uzique The Lesser
or perhaps less historically aggrieved.

people that argue for racial 'essentialism' and notions of innate or genetic 'civility' make me laugh. you didn't pass high-school biology, did you? there is no gene for rioting. it is created by historical (i.e. cultural) factors.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-27 09:53:51)

Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7007|Tampa Bay Florida
Also, Zimmerman isn't Mexican... he's half Peruvian or something.  Kind of a big difference.

Also, medium... where are those riots you were talking about earlier?  Hmm?

Last edited by Spearhead (2013-07-27 09:59:31)

Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

or perhaps less historically aggrieved.

Really?  So having a more than a HANDFULL of their ancestral civilizations completely eradicated by Europeans and what was left of the population effectively crossbred to the point of making an entirely new "race", having their lands plundered of nearly all of it's precious resources, it's governments toppled every few years by foreign powers, and left to exist in some of the worst poverty in the somehow worse than 200 years of slavery followed by another 100 years of not getting to use the same water fountain as everyone else?

Do you huff paint?
Uzique The Lesser
was it the americans that wiped out the central american and south american civilizations? i wasn't aware. i thought it was mostly the spanish and portugese that eradicated them and colonially implanted their own tongue, culture, and religion. i thought it was the dutch that kept them in torture colonies in places like the then-surinam. not white americans in the US of A.

i would say african americans feel a far more tangible sense of historical oppression than a latino or mexican esse. you tell me, though. all i'm saying is there is no inherent racial trait for rioting. if a group is more socially loud and riotous, it's because of a social reason. black babies aren't born with a rioting streak.

also did you just sum up the racial conditions for black people in america as "not being able to share the same water fountain"? wow you really are a fucking idiot. i'm sure that's how it felt, psychologically. no intimidation or sub-human status. just annoyed they couldn't drink from a water fountain. herp derp. jesus fucking christ. so much for understanding the concept of a subaltern mentality.

Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-07-27 10:01:53)


Extra Medium wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

why isnt the mexican community defending zimmerman
For the same reason they don't riot when they don't get what they want.

They are more civilized.
Hispanic community isn't anything to write home about. Just as poor in many cases poorer than blacks. They riot too in California. There were plenty of Hispanics at the LA riots. Oakland riots are a multiethnic affair. You just hear them complain less because most of them are either white, half white, or have lots of white family.

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-07-27 11:12:16)


Macbeth wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Cybargs wrote:

why isnt the mexican community defending zimmerman
For the same reason they don't riot when they don't get what they want.

They are more civilized.
Hispanic community isn't anything to write home about. Just as poor in many cases poorer than blacks. They riot too in California. There were plenty of Hispanics at the LA riots. Oakland riots are a multiethnic affair. You just hear them complain less because most of them are either white, half white, or have lots of white family.
Nah.  They for the most part were in it for the looting.  Cart full of diapers and such.

Ilocano wrote:

Macbeth wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

For the same reason they don't riot when they don't get what they want.

They are more civilized.
Hispanic community isn't anything to write home about. Just as poor in many cases poorer than blacks. They riot too in California. There were plenty of Hispanics at the LA riots. Oakland riots are a multiethnic affair. You just hear them complain less because most of them are either white, half white, or have lots of white family.
Nah.  They for the most part were in it for the looting.  Cart full of diapers and such.
/shrug still were stealing shit in the streets.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6641|Graz, Austria

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

this sort of stupid bullshit gets nowhere. what you consume doesn't determine your behaviour..
Are you really comparing hormonally active compounds, which directly affect anabolism, metabolism or sex drive, to alkaloids and alcohol?
Uzique The Lesser
yes, he is that stupid. he also thinks everyone that consumes a substance that has been declared illegal is a 'junkie'.
Extra Medium

globefish23 wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

this sort of stupid bullshit gets nowhere. what you consume doesn't determine your behaviour..
Are you really comparing hormonally active compounds, which directly affect anabolism, metabolism or sex drive, to alkaloids and alcohol?

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

yes, he is that stupid. he also thinks everyone that consumes a substance that has been declared illegal is a 'junkie'.
He specifically said "what you consume".  You can consume steroids.

Get off my dick.  I'm right, you two are wrong, go twist someone else's words and use G.W. Bush logic and reasoning somewhere else.

Also, you are right Uzi, I know what a junkie is.  I shouldn't call potheads, cokeheads, acid trippers, ecstasy ravers and meth users junkies.  i should call them what they are............"dumbasses".

Last edited by Extra Medium (2013-07-29 08:45:29)

Uzique The Lesser
yes it's so dumb to take something of your own volition/curiosity just because the law says it is wrong

go bore someone else.

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