Jaekus wrote:
These are just happy snaps but just to give you an idea
This. it's what i'm saying about photography - the pictures you've taken and shared here are just as important and meaningful as any i've taken.
when i use my camera, my first thought isn't "can i sell this" or "will someone see this as high art", it is "i want to recall being here, and this is what i'm seeing now".
i may spend a little more time in front of my computer processing my pictures than most. what happens to me when i do, is that magical feeling of being back at that place, of recapturing of what i saw before i pushed a button on a camera.
i could not give a flying fuck if someone doesn't deem my pictures as "art". i care about making an image that reminds me of a time and place.
i'd really like to take this to another thread, and post more about other places i've been.