Win + R, calc, 23 * 800. done.unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Are you serious? Eight and two then append zero, three and eight. Append two zeros. How is being able to do this more quickly in your head than fumbling your calculator out, pulling the sleeve off, turning it on and then punching it out so "unique."Brasso wrote:
you're probably one of very few that can do that in your head more quickly than on a calculatorunnamednewbie13 wrote:
Yeah, that kind of backfired on you. (20*8+3*8)*100. You should be able to do that in your head faster than you'd have time to pull out a calculator. Even faster if you learned your table to x24.
edit: although if you want to do it manually be my guest
Last edited by Brasso (2013-07-24 21:05:08)
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Honestly, do you open calculator to multiply ten by ten? Are you helpless if caught away from one?
I lament people's conditioned reliance on technology to do their thinking for them.
technology is there to alleviate the need to spend a lot of time on trite tasks. if you can do your paperwork in 10 minutes using a calculator, i would do so. i'd hardly say someone is a zombie because they prefer not to get out the pencil and gridded paper to do their monthly bills.
no i don't. but i'm not going to multiply larger numbers in my head when i can do it in 3 seconds using a calculator. i'm not helpless when caught away from one. but when the fuck am i going to need to know the answer of 23*800 without access to a calculator?unnamednewbie13 wrote:
Honestly, do you open calculator to multiply ten by ten? Are you helpless if caught away from one?
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Don't be silly. I didn't suggest that people take their time-consuming spreadsheets back to graph paper any more than I'd scoff at the use of hammers and bemoan the fact that nobody wants to drive in nails with their foreheads. I said that I regret people's use of technology for problems that can be done as fast or faster in their head than the time it takes to fumble with a calculator. It's a form of mental laziness that shows whenever people affected by it are cornered with a question while separated from a calculator or Wikipedia.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
technology is there to alleviate the need to spend a lot of time on trite tasks. if you can do your paperwork in 10 minutes using a calculator, i would do so. i'd hardly say someone is a zombie because they prefer not to get out the pencil and gridded paper to do their monthly bills.
well evidently not everyone can do their 24 times tables as quickly as they can get up windows calculator. not exactly mindblowing stuff. the rote memorization of high-multiple times tables is part of a dinosaur-age education system.
I'm not even talking about rote memorization or mind blowing feats of mental math. I've only memorized the times table to twelve as taught, and to twenty four was only a possible shortcut in the way I pointed out the problem could be solved by those who have memorized it. Do you think 2*8 is dependent on rote memorization or that it takes a massive leap in brainpower to append a zero to it for 20*8? Or to append two zeroes for 100 times another number? You can break problems like that down into simpler numbers quite easily, and you don't have to be a grizzled astronaut doing calculus in his head to do so. And to do so quickly.
You might as well say that 2+2 is a dinosaur of rote memorization because everybody who passed grade school should be able to answer it off the top of their head.
You might as well say that 2+2 is a dinosaur of rote memorization because everybody who passed grade school should be able to answer it off the top of their head.
ur pretty dum
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Whatever. Another way to do it is 20*800+3*800. You might even save a fraction of a second.
It's. Not. That. Hard.
It's. Not. That. Hard.
we don't have those in the UK because we're a real democracy and everyone is equal under the law.
yeh too right mate
that's a crazy system you have
anyway i'm just happy i got offered to do the course instead of getting points on my license
that's a crazy system you have
anyway i'm just happy i got offered to do the course instead of getting points on my license

you have to take the course in the constabulary where you got caught speeding innit? hope you weren't making a day-trip to liverpool.
Nah this one's in London, i was caught speeding a few years ago in Oxford so I had to go all the way back to Oxford to do a speed awareness course (a lot of good it did me eh)
This time I was caught speeding over tower bridge

It's a pisstake because they hide the speed cameras and don't put any signs up because it's a "national monument", every other camera is painted bright yellow and has signs before you get to it
bunch of wankers
This time I was caught speeding over tower bridge

It's a pisstake because they hide the speed cameras and don't put any signs up because it's a "national monument", every other camera is painted bright yellow and has signs before you get to it
bunch of wankers

Isn't there some sort of default speed limit? When I enter a city/town in the US it often says something like "30 mph unless otherwise posted." Isn't hard to keep in mind.
it's central london not the countryside, every road is different
it's central london not the countryside, every road is different

Well then it's bullshit. They need to post the speed limit, if not on the bridge then before it in both directions.
Also, here's a cool pic:
Also, here's a cool pic:

I found out the dunhill pipe I sent off to have the stem replaced would be "another few weeks" to be finished due to "summer hours". Ive all ready been waiting four weeks. So now I have to fill the hole in my rotation. Fucking Brit slackers.
I stood in line for four hours. They better give me a Wal-Mart gift card, or something. - Rodney Booker, Job Fair attendee.
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
Put a can of carpet cleaner foam on it and leave it there overnight.War Man wrote:
If it's a carpet, and not a fitted, wall-to-wall carpeting, just take it outside and clean it with water and soap.
It's long cleaned, cat mostly pissed on the plastic that was laying there for awhile. Apparently she considered the plastic to be a litter box, dumb shit. Anyway the carpet is non-absorbent so it is easy to clean compared to regular carpet, no real damage done.
Last edited by War Man (2013-07-29 13:38:22)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.
You need to piss over it to cover the piss smell with your own piss smell. Then just sprinkle your laundry detergent over it, vacuum, profit.