and i do love how the media tried their hardest to make it a race issue.Macbeth wrote:
I really do love how Zimmerman supporters are bending over backwards to make him look like a victim and Trayvon a horrible person. Just picking up some junk food from the local 7/11 is criminalized as a drug manufacturing. I wonder if he was carrying some baking soda would they accuse him of operating a cocaine smuggling ring.
zimmerman approached trayvon though. trayvon wasn't violent. he didn't approach zimmerman. he didn't antagonise the situation. so he came up rough and had a history of fighting and being a hard-ass poser in high-school. so are many other teenagers at that age, from that sort of background. doesn't mean they are killers. just a wannabe gang-banger. trayvon being in a few fights in school and talking macho shit is kind of irrelevant when the situation arose because zimmerman approached him with a gun.Cybargs wrote:
ok maybe im wrong about lean making people violent. I admit it. But trayvon does have a violent history before hand.
i could fully accept that his violent past was incriminating if trayvon initiated the confrontation. but it's not. and the only way zimmerman has got off is because of florida's queer sectioning off of various elements of causation. their definition of 'self-defense' seems to have an almost atomistic conception of causation. like every micro-second of the event is defined with its own discrete etiology. very strange.
I still don't know why the media blew up this one case of a guy killing a kid to the point where it's being talked about worldwide. Trayvon cases happen every year. It's like the Kony thing except instead of an african warlord we're all focusing on a guy that killed a 17 year old kid.
It's producing some lol worth shit at least
It's producing some lol worth shit at least

not really that funny
Their entire argument falls apart if you remove the drug use. Why else would they need to mention it in the first place?Uzique The Lesser wrote:
i'm fine judging a self-defense ruling on the facts of the case. with witnesses and evidence. i am not fine suggesting someone 'deserved it' to be shot dead because they had smoked weed, or were buying ingredients to make a cough-syrup drink. a lot of youths in that sub-culture dabble in casual drug-use, i bet: it's part of the whole rap culture. socialisation. maybe not acceptable to white-mainstream america, but certainly not proof of a killer or lethal criminal. 'sizzurp' is a drink composed mainly of codeine (or co-codamol? not sure). they are painkillers. analgesics. they make you drowsy and relaxed. not an angry brute foaming at the mouth to kill. talking about these things is irrelevant. it is moral judgement in a court of law where evidence is supposed to be the method. maybe drinking cough-syrup and abusing painkillers is illegal. doesn't deserve the death penalty, though. it is irrelevant in a violent altercation.
In a court of law you need to bring every little detail into account. Especially on a case where someone is up for murder. Drug use is an extremely important detail.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
it is an important detail if either person is intoxicated, yes. and should be considered with medical witnesses.UnkleRukus wrote:
In a court of law you need to bring every little detail into account. Especially on a case where someone is up for murder. Drug use is an extremely important detail.
that's not what was happening here. all that was happening, in the typical adversarial style of US courts, was one side trying to find a chink in the other's armour. a cheap trick to find and exploit a 'character flaw' in front of a jury. not rational.
Drug use does not give you the right to shoot someone. The facts remain the same with or without drug use, unless you can prove that Martin assaulted first BECAUSE OF the drugs. It is perfectly possible that he was tripping balls (which I doubt, but let's assume it for this example). So he's tripping balls, acting weird, whatever. If he felt threatened, and reacted to Zimmerman, there is no way you can prove he did so BECAUSE of the drugs, and the drugs alone. He could have been fucked up and still had a legit reason to defend himself.UnkleRukus wrote:
In a court of law you need to bring every little detail into account. Especially on a case where someone is up for murder. Drug use is an extremely important detail.
Again, this is the same problem which we are just running around in circles with. I could pick a fight with any number of homeless people on the street. As long as they hit me, ONCE, then according to this case I would be justified in killing him. Because if he's not around to dispute my story, then he's the one who's actually on trial, and all I have to do is sit there with my thumb up my ass. The real world doesn't work that way, especially for white middle class people.
This case has been, and always will be about double standards, which apply ONLY to the African american population of the US, a group of people who have been specifically singled out throughout our sick history. That doesn't mean gang bangers should be allowed to go around shooting people, it means the middle class white people in this country who think they've seen and done it all (99 percent of bf2s) need to wake the fuck up and consider other view points. It is only in this context you can look through this case -- had the victim been any other type of person beside a young black male, Zimmerman would be in prison. If it were a white girl, he'd be on deathrow. And if you do not see the same, then you've got your head up your ass.
Self defense my fuckin ass. The black woman who fired a warning shot at her abusive husband got 20 years. Another black man who killed a young white kid (in almost identical circumstances) is now serving 40 (he'll die in prison). You just have to open your fucking eyes to see it, hell stick around any restaurant or public school long enough and you'll see it after 1 day. The cycle continues because people in positions of comfort would rather stick their head in the sand then actually be bothered by it.
"These fuckin punks always get away" In what kind of shithole universe is this not considered INTENT. Anyone? I'm awaiting your backflips.
What's funny roc is how you spout off the standard conservative rebuttal and then instantly blow your cover by posting trash at the very end. Sorry dude, but either you are an incredibly shallow person, or what I suspect is that you're trying way too hard to be white. If I didnt know you were black I'd think your posts were made from a 12 year old. Half the posts you make in DST are about black people doing stupid black people things. I could easily go post thousands of pictures of stupid fucking hicks with AR's talking about how they're forming a citizens militia and make fun of them for it.... but I don't. Because I'm comfortable with my racial identity. It really gets old, and it's insulting to our intelligence.Roc18 wrote:
I still don't know why the media blew up this one case of a guy killing a kid to the point where it's being talked about worldwide. Trayvon cases happen every year. It's like the Kony thing except instead of an african warlord we're all focusing on a guy that killed a 17 year old kid.
It's producing some lol worth shit at least
Last edited by Spearhead (2013-07-22 10:22:43)
I just read every word in this paragraph and I have no idea what you're talking about.Spearhead wrote:
What's funny roc is how you spout off the standard conservative rebuttal and then instantly blow your cover by posting trash at the very end. Sorry dude, but either you are an incredibly shallow person, or what I suspect is that you're trying way too hard to be white. If I didnt know you were black I'd think your posts were made from a 12 year old. Half the posts you make in DST are about black people doing stupid black people things. I could easily go post thousands of pictures of stupid fucking hicks with AR's talking about how they're forming a citizens militia and make fun of them for it.... but I don't. Because I'm comfortable with my racial identity. It really gets old, and it's insulting to our intelligence.Roc18 wrote:
I still don't know why the media blew up this one case of a guy killing a kid to the point where it's being talked about worldwide. Trayvon cases happen every year. It's like the Kony thing except instead of an african warlord we're all focusing on a guy that killed a 17 year old kid.
It's producing some lol worth shit at least
Reactions to the verdict were hilarious, deal with it. That has nothing to do with race or you thinking I'm 12 years old. Other than that this case isn't noteworthy at all, it was completely media driven.
If only rocs could stop killing people
Last edited by Macbeth (2013-07-22 10:42:31)
What an asshole.BREAKING CNN NEWS wrote:
George Zimmerman helped family get out of overturned car last week in Sanford, Florida, local sheriff's office says.
>dat PR stunt
top lel
top lel
you are so easily manipulated by the media. lmao. yes i'm sure that's what happened. a once in a lifetime event like that... who woulda thunk it, right after his once-in-a-lifetime murder trial.Extra Medium wrote:
What an asshole.BREAKING CNN NEWS wrote:
George Zimmerman helped family get out of overturned car last week in Sanford, Florida, local sheriff's office says.
it's almost insulting how the media treats the average american citizen.
Ya, everyone else would have just said "fuck those assholes, let them burn! muwahahahaha" and drove away
No, no, no, it was a PR STUNT! Someone voluntarily rolled their vehicle with Zimmerman in tail to make him look good to the stupid American media watchers! Clever media!
please kill me now before I have to read anything else.There are a lot of very nervous people out there. What happens if the people in the SUV were black? (Actually, calm down, it wouldn't matter one bit to those who hate the Zimmerman they have created in their minds. They would create a conspiracy that he helped cause the accident as a publicity stunt.)
top kekExtra Medium wrote:
No, no, no, it was a PR STUNT! Someone voluntarily rolled their vehicle with Zimmerman in tail to make him look good to the stupid American media watchers! Clever media!
I call bullshit on the report.
who witnessed it? this is too convenient to be true. as if zimmerman was really out walking the streets anyway, whilst all of twitter talks openly about killing the guy. he's on witness protection in a house somewhere til this whole thing blows over.Extra Medium wrote:
No, no, no, it was a PR STUNT! Someone voluntarily rolled their vehicle with Zimmerman in tail to make him look good to the stupid American media watchers! Clever media!
You have to be the most cynical person on the face of the planet.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
who witnessed it? this is too convenient to be true. as if zimmerman was really out walking the streets anyway, whilst all of twitter talks openly about killing the guy. he's on witness protection in a house somewhere til this whole thing blows over.Extra Medium wrote:
No, no, no, it was a PR STUNT! Someone voluntarily rolled their vehicle with Zimmerman in tail to make him look good to the stupid American media watchers! Clever media!
cynical to question what the media presents to people? LOL. fucking funny, man.Extra Medium wrote:
You have to be the most cynical person on the face of the planet.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
who witnessed it? this is too convenient to be true. as if zimmerman was really out walking the streets anyway, whilst all of twitter talks openly about killing the guy. he's on witness protection in a house somewhere til this whole thing blows over.Extra Medium wrote:
No, no, no, it was a PR STUNT! Someone voluntarily rolled their vehicle with Zimmerman in tail to make him look good to the stupid American media watchers! Clever media!
EM judging from your posts across all boards, i picture you to be an amalgamation of the two dudes in this video. self-satisfied and dumb as fuck.
I still don't see how this is even relevant, or news. It's common human courtesy that probably 100 percent of us would have done if we were in the same situation. How exactly does this make someone good or bad?
LoL, you're a fucking idiot Uzi.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
cynical to question what the media presents to people? LOL. fucking funny, man.Extra Medium wrote:
You have to be the most cynical person on the face of the planet.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
who witnessed it? this is too convenient to be true. as if zimmerman was really out walking the streets anyway, whilst all of twitter talks openly about killing the guy. he's on witness protection in a house somewhere til this whole thing blows over.
EM judging from your posts across all boards, i picture you to be an amalgamation of the two dudes in this video. self-satisfied and dumb as fuck.
I'm simply a creature of my environment and my experiences. My environment has been one of close, personal, intimate and professional involvement with minorities. My experience has been one that would lead me to the conclusion that most of them take advantage of it, use it as a crutch and almost always, either by individual personality or group culture, are a bunch of fucking cunts.
I like how nervous they got after they started to be surrounded by black people. "This didn't work out as I expected it".Uzique The Lesser wrote:
cynical to question what the media presents to people? LOL. fucking funny, man.Extra Medium wrote:
You have to be the most cynical person on the face of the planet.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
who witnessed it? this is too convenient to be true. as if zimmerman was really out walking the streets anyway, whilst all of twitter talks openly about killing the guy. he's on witness protection in a house somewhere til this whole thing blows over.
EM judging from your posts across all boards, i picture you to be an amalgamation of the two dudes in this video. self-satisfied and dumb as fuck.
Wow that really offsets a shooting...Extra Medium wrote:
What an asshole.BREAKING CNN NEWS wrote:
George Zimmerman helped family get out of overturned car last week in Sanford, Florida, local sheriff's office says.