Steve-0 wrote:
so, are you saying we are living off of the past glory and empire without contributing anything we once had?
sounds like uzique . . .
where did i say that? i said america is a crumbling empire. i never said anything about living off past glory. your nation every year gets stupider, poorer educated, more unequal, increasingly diversified and unsure of its self. i never said you're living off past glories. you've just become weak and flabby. most of your population are inured to forms of media and communications control that gives them either a naively-simple view of the world or a dangerously ideological one. there was a time when america stood for the individual spirit and self-realization, through education and entrepreneurship. now it stands for being a bovine consumer, keeping up with the jones's, and worrying about the terrible Other (especially if he wears a towel on his head!). america is done. your greatest contributions to the 20th century were in giving a mercantile system developed in the 16th century a shot of steroids, and in the development of the modern corporation (which, thanks). you dared to dream and sent man to the moon, using rocket technology and science liberally borrowed from the nazis, of course. you were once inspirational. but you sat on your atom bombs and colour tv's for too long. america no longer inspires anyone. it only inspires a universal sigh. the world no longer looks at you as a place to experience freedom and the individual spirit: only bland conformity to the world's most toxic pop mono-culture, over-consumption, and burning up the world without a damn for the future.
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (11 years, 5 months ago)