Extra Medium

Dilbert_X wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

i have never wanted to own a gun because i am happy with my penis size. the thought has never even occurred to my mind to go and buy such a phallic tool for spurting hot material. look at those two men above. look at that drum magazine. can that man surely possess anything other than two dried raisins for testicles? think about it. the freudian symbolism is apparent to even a pre-pubescent 8 year old.

same with dilbert and his fascination for target shooting. could it possibly be that he figuratively 'misses the mark' in other aspects of his life? i submit to you that guns, like cars, are libidinal extensions of a man's curved and disfigured penis.
Um no, skill at arms has a long and proud tradition as part of the defence of the realm, in the US being at one with your democracy means being ready to defend it and gun ownership is part of that.

I'm not sure how owning a gun and engaging in sport shooting really compares with your life of sitting in a darkened room frantically pumping a little button up and down while fantasising about being someone you're not, I'm sure there's some Freudian explanation in there

If we're playing amateur psychoanalyst maybe you can explain why the subject of penises appears so often in your posts, the sucking of them, the size, the shape, the smell, the taste etc?
People don't talk endlessly about things they don't want to do do they?

I'd say you play the amateur personality profiler to distract attention from your own shortcomings, that you've realised you've gone down the wrong path in life, that what you thought would bring you riches and peer respect most people find utterly risible.
And so you must fall back on what was the only marginally interesting small part of your studies to be able to have something to say that anyone could remotely want to hear.
I think I heaRD uZI SAY HE WANTED TO BE A COLLEGE PROFESSOR (caps and i don't care to fix it.)

I'm sure all the students will think he's cool because he smokes meth.

Extra Medium wrote:

If the O.J. trial would have happened today I wonder how many white people would be making tweets of them holding AK-47's with the caption "OJ we comin fo you life neegrah"

I'm thinking none.
black america won with oj. messican america wins with zimmerman.
Uzique The Lesser
what the hell does "pumping a button up and down" mean?
Extra Medium

Cybargs wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

If the O.J. trial would have happened today I wonder how many white people would be making tweets of them holding AK-47's with the caption "OJ we comin fo you life neegrah"

I'm thinking none.
black america won with oj. messican america wins with zimmerman.
It always has been Blacks vs Everyone in America.  The Chinese got over and moved on from their mistreatment, as did the Mexicans, the Irish, the Indians.  White people have been trying to move on but the blacks don't make it easy.  It's this kind of crap where they think they are fighting the good fight for MLK's dream but in reality they are setting themselves back every time they do it.
Uzique The Lesser
the native indians have 'got over it' in america? LOL
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

what the hell does "pumping a button up and down" mean?
The sybian(sp) machine attached to your chair.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

the native indians have 'got over it' in america? LOL
Yeah, they have.  I grew up in a town that was 80% Native American.  I promise to you this is true.  Plus casinos have made them rich and placid.
Uzique The Lesser
i had to google what that was and it made me laugh out loud. did you hear about those when your wife complained and said she wanted one?
Uzique The Lesser

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

the native indians have 'got over it' in america? LOL
Yeah, they have.  I grew up in a town that was 80% Native American.  I promise to you this is true.  Plus casinos have made them rich and placid.
only in america would you think that giving someone the vice of gambling and a bunch of alcohol/drugs/organised crime to deal with placates a genocide. "sorry we exterminated you... have a room full of slot machines". go ask an indian what they think about their historical treatment. i'm sure they'll tell you it's cool. i mean, you said so. the white okie says so. must be true.
Extra Medium
Nah, I saw a picture you posted in the What do you look like thread, and there was this big ass pneumatic machine hooked up to your chair that said "Sybian XXL Turbo" on this side of it.  So I googled it.
Extra Medium

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

the native indians have 'got over it' in america? LOL
Yeah, they have.  I grew up in a town that was 80% Native American.  I promise to you this is true.  Plus casinos have made them rich and placid.
only in america would you think that giving someone the vice of gambling and a bunch of alcohol/drugs/organised crime to deal with placates a genocide. "sorry we exterminated you... have a room full of slot machines". go ask an indian what they think about their historical treatment. i'm sure they'll tell you it's cool. i mean, you said so. the white okie says so. must be true.
The opinion of the white British guy must be more true.  I'm sorry.  I didn't realize you had so many Native American friends.
Uzique The Lesser
i'm not the one making tendentious claims. i would make a guess that a people who suffered a genocide in relatively recent history haven't been completely 'placated'. ditto the people that have had their culture completely eroded by americana and capitalism, and have lost all of their native traditions, land, and language. commonsense would suggest to me that every single one of them can't quite be 'over it', because you gave them gambling licenses.
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX
They gave themselves gambling licenses.
Fuck Israel
Extra Medium
Yes...............yes they can.  Why do you think people get awarded shitloads of money in civil cases.
we the proud "whatever indian tribe it was" never bowed or been conquered.

read that sticker a million times on every injan store in ok.
Uzique The Lesser

Extra Medium wrote:

Yes...............yes they can.  Why do you think people get awarded shitloads of money in civil cases.
i'm still not really onboard with the idea that you can pay-out to remunerate a genocide. okay though. the winners write history, and it's evident that the americans won out over the natives. they are a sub-altern culture now. don't make out they're thrilled, though. i'm sure they'd prefer things the way they were before you came and took their land, murdered them en mass, and gave them casinos.

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

Extra Medium wrote:

Yes...............yes they can.  Why do you think people get awarded shitloads of money in civil cases.
i'm still not really onboard with the idea that you can pay-out to remunerate a genocide. okay though. the winners write history, and it's evident that the americans won out over the natives. they are a sub-altern culture now. don't make out they're thrilled, though. i'm sure they'd prefer things the way they were before you came and took their land, murdered them en mass, and gave them casinos.
Yeah not like the UK didn't have a hand in the genocide on injans right.
The X stands for
+1,818|6424|eXtreme to the maX
Correct, it was almost exclusively Americans who killed the Indians.
Fuck Israel
That Guy
+236|5354|Massachusetts, USA
Tell that to the conquistadors
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
mmmf mmmf mmmf
stevie wonder

Extra Medium wrote:

If the O.J. trial would have happened today I wonder how many white people would be making tweets of them holding AK-47's with the caption "OJ we comin fo you life neegrah"

I'm thinking none.
lol true
Extra Medium

Cybargs wrote:

we the proud "whatever indian tribe it was" never bowed or been conquered.

read that sticker a million times on every injan store in ok.

My heart breaks every time I drive by the Kickapoo casino that occupies 30 acres, has Ron White and Jeff Foxworthy headlining and 1200 cars in the lot with people giving the Indians their money.

Chief Sitting Bear cries himself to sleep every night on a pillow made of platinum thread.  Probably wipes his ass with $100,000 bonds because $100 bill toilet paper is to cliche.

Even the poorer Indians must feel terrible as they lay to sleep in their free house on their free land and wiping the tears away with their free money.

Poor bastards.  Funny thing is, I bet half of them don't even know what a genocide is.
Gulf coast redneck hippy
+731|7008|Tampa Bay Florida
Free land lol.  Arbeit macht frei.  Your state is the asshole of the entire country.
Extra Medium

Spearhead wrote:

Free land lol.  Arbeit macht frei.  Your state is the asshole of the entire country.
Says the guy in Florida.

Extra Medium wrote:

Uzique The Lesser wrote:

the native indians have 'got over it' in america? LOL
Yeah, they have.  I grew up in a town that was 80% Native American.  I promise to you this is true.  Plus casinos have made them rich and placid.
Your experience isn't the norm.
The exact number puts their poverty rate 13 points higher than the general American public. Their poverty was the catalyst for the red power movement of the 70 and 80s.

Indian poverty is the reason I want to abolish the reservations.

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