13/f/taiwan wrote:
tv is stupid in general but lost fans were some easily impressed people who thought it was genius material.
lost was proof that you can half-assedly name a few characters after philosophers, with nothing in common but that namesake alone, and people will spend hundreds of hours on internet forums talking about the show as if it is imbued with some deep philosophic consonance and meaning. little did they know they were (literally) making that shit up as they went along, with no clue whatsoever. all the 'deep' parts were in fact millimetre-thin adornments. what a joke.
the new black sabbath album uses the same schtick. make a lazy allusion to some philosophy/something 'weighty', but then don't treat the subject matter at all. it's 'deepness by association', only the association is about as tenuous as a 14 year old's upper-lip bumfluff passing as a moustache (and equally as adolescent).