Only problem I've encountered so far with CTF is that few people seem to know what they're supposed to be doing. I managed to get into the enemy base on foot, get the flag, and hightail it back just as an LAV arrived. Champion. So I jumped in and he takes me back to base. Unfortunately, the enemy team was camping there, so I got nailed as soon as I got out. Enemy flag sat on the ground, in our base, amid all my guys, for about two minutes. Then one picked it up, got back in the LAV and drove (probably without realising) back to the enemy base.
Still, it comes across as a more tactical mode. Sometimes. Though the dirtbikes have a tendency to detonate mines that are about 5m away.
Still, it comes across as a more tactical mode. Sometimes. Though the dirtbikes have a tendency to detonate mines that are about 5m away.