I bet you guys feel really stupid knowing I pay only €10/month for 1000 min/1000 SMS/unlimited data and no commitment for my service. XD
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6870|Riva, MD
Is that a common deal over there?  We'll never see that here unless T-Mobile gets the balls to do it.  They seem to be the only reasonable and innovative U.S. carrier left.
I am all that is MOD!

CapnNismo wrote:

I bet you guys feel really stupid knowing I pay only €10/month for 1000 min/1000 SMS/unlimited data and no commitment for my service. XD
why would we feel stupid?  It's not like we're willfully paying more because we're dumb.

What a stupid statement.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6476|Graz, Austria

_j5689_ wrote:

Is that a common deal over there?
It is indeed.

Austria is pretty unique with its only 8 million people, but 5 big mobile providers plus several smaller ones.
The price fight in the past decade pushed the prices down to things like that.
It was really weird to see TV ads from German providers, who praised their new flat rates as something ground breaking, while it was standard in Austria for 5 years already.

_j5689_ wrote:

Is that a common deal over there?  We'll never see that here unless T-Mobile gets the balls to do it.  They seem to be the only reasonable and innovative U.S. carrier left.
As globefish already said, yes. We've had an absolutely massive price war in Austria and combined with the maximum prices that carriers can charge for certain services that was set by the EU, it's made for a very consumer-friendly market.


why would we feel stupid?  It's not like we're willfully paying more because we're dumb.

What a stupid statement.
Don't take everything quite so literally. At the same time, though, there isn't any legislation (that I'm aware of) that puts caps on what carriers are able to charge their customers.
I am all that is MOD!

So when you say "I bet you guys feel dumb" I should interpret it how? Surely its the fault of the reader and not the author, right?
Uzique The Lesser
capnnismo told me not to take things 'so literally' or 'seriously' or something to that effect when he posted dumb shit too (calling me a hipster because i pointed out his new mouse was technically flawed). perhaps he should start taking his own posts more seriously, so we aren't belabored by their shit content.
Deeds, not words.
+311|6758|Greenwood, IN
I pay way too much for my shit.  $105 for unlimited mins and text w/ 4GB data.  I only use about half the data but I still think its way too much.(Even when I tether.)  I will admit though.  I've never seen speeds like this before.  I get 10down/10up with Verizon's 4G LTE.


So when you say "I bet you guys feel dumb" I should interpret it how? Surely its the fault of the reader and not the author, right?
Then read it as "don't you feel silly" if that makes you feel better.

Last edited by CapnNismo (2013-04-15 12:07:58)


CapnNismo wrote:


So when you say "I bet you guys feel dumb" I should interpret it how? Surely its the fault of the reader and not the author, right?
Then read it as "don't you feel silly" if that makes you feel better.
I bet you feel pretty dumb for Anschluss.
eleven bravo
+1,399|5412|foggy bottom

CapnNismo wrote:


So when you say "I bet you guys feel dumb" I should interpret it how? Surely its the fault of the reader and not the author, right?
Then read it as "don't you feel silly" if that makes you feel better.
I bet you feel pretty dumb for imposing those ultimatums on the serbs
Tu Stultus Es

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:


So when you say "I bet you guys feel dumb" I should interpret it how? Surely its the fault of the reader and not the author, right?
Then read it as "don't you feel silly" if that makes you feel better.
I bet you feel pretty dumb for Anschluss.
Can't say that I do since I'm neither Austrian nor German.
Uzique The Lesser

CapnNismo wrote:

unnamednewbie13 wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

Then read it as "don't you feel silly" if that makes you feel better.
I bet you feel pretty dumb for Anschluss.
Can't say that I do since I'm neither Austrian nor German.
i bet you feel pretty dumb for having that low IQ

So why did Microsoft remove the start button?

Last edited by Macbeth (2013-04-17 19:20:04)

Go Cougs!
+691|6443|Washington St.
they didn't, it's just a full screen start menu now

to confuse your grandma, and others that shouldn't be using bandwidth
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6870|Riva, MD
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+1,739|6890|Oxferd Ohire
even without boot to desktop its faster

Uzique The Lesser
i still don't have a single good reason to stop using windows 7 ultimate.
The X stands for
+1,813|6259|eXtreme to the maX

Time for a new PC when Win 8.1 comes out then.

Last edited by Dilbert_X (2013-04-19 06:29:08)

Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй!

Built a win8 pc for my 8 year old.   A couple of minutes of how to and he's now using it like it's second nature.

As noted earlier the whole screen is the start button.   People today are just morons.
Little BaBy JESUS
I'm fine with the concept, I just don't find it faster on a desktop. It's great on the touch-screen ultrabooks we have at work, but I prefer the traditional start menu on my desktop.
Uzique The Lesser

Ilocano wrote:

Built a win8 pc for my 8 year old.   A couple of minutes of how to and he's now using it like it's second nature.

As noted earlier the whole screen is the start button.   People today are just morons.
normally to launch a program that i don't have on my quick-launch bar, i winkey+r and type in the actual exe. this is far faster for me than navigating around some bloated and overly-fancy win 8 desktop. people today aren't morons so much as the fact that win8 is explicitly designed FOR morons.

Even if there was a Win 8 exclusive game I really wanted to play, I wouldn't upgrade from Win7 U.
Work and study @ Technical Uni

EVGA GTX TITAN + Backplate finally here. Now some sleep and after that locate a proper Philips head screw driver. All I have is too big or Torx...

Last edited by GC_PaNzerFIN (2013-04-23 14:21:59)

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