dohe, heeeey uuuuuh, verdomde, netherlands ish the beschtShocking wrote:
hey nowUzique The Lesser wrote:
lol dutch national pride truly is an absurd thing
godverdomme *
inane little opines
I've heard if you punch a dutchman they start talking properly.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
dohe, heeeey uuuuuh, verdomde, netherlands ish the beschtShocking wrote:
hey nowUzique The Lesser wrote:
lol dutch national pride truly is an absurd thing
Fuck Israel
ja wat
inane little opines
nobody speaks your pig latin. most of you dutchies already know that the UK is the true victor in the anglo-dutch war. half of you talk english all the time anyway. welcome your new british overlords, you low lying canal dippers.
tbh I'm happy nobody does because our language is ugly as fuck. Only really good for shouting and getting angry, much like german.
dutch people generally speak (or try to speak) american english btw
scoreboard is still 3 - 1
dutch people generally speak (or try to speak) american english btw
scoreboard is still 3 - 1
Last edited by Shocking (2013-04-07 06:51:36)
inane little opines
the final score will be the netherlands becoming a foot-bath for anglo-culture.
that is if all those muslims don't swarm you first. rats in the canals, eh!!!!
that is if all those muslims don't swarm you first. rats in the canals, eh!!!!
Last edited by Uzique The Lesser (2013-04-07 06:54:28)
u wanna fite m8
The UK blocked him from entering the country
we have this (fake)blonde guy named wilders, he'll keep them at bayuzi wrote:
that is if all those muslims don't swarm you first. rats in the canals, eh!!!!
The UK blocked him from entering the country
Last edited by Shocking (2013-04-07 06:57:22)
inane little opines
i am actually going to watch The Master tonight. i haven't seen it yet.
Just finished Prometheus. Never watched the other Alien movies but I get the idea of exploding chest aliens. You guys were bitching about the movie a few months back. Want to give me a recap of the discussion? I liked the movie. A lot of dumb moments but otherwise was cool.
Prometheus truly sucked and you'd know it had you watched Alien and Aliens. The first one is a horror classic and the second is actually a really great action film, probably the only sequel in history besides Empire Strikes Back that actually comes close to beating the original. Prometheus was a steaming pile of shite that was poorly written and poorly executed, period. Cashing out on the franchise, as uzique would say.
Last edited by Spearhead (2013-04-07 18:32:24)
You're like a child who walks into a room where the grown ups are talking and throws a tantrum to get attention.Macbeth wrote:
Just finished Prometheus. Never watched the other Alien movies but I get the idea of exploding chest aliens.
You have no frame of reference to the conversation but just want someone to pay attention to you.

Why should we take your tongue clucking seriously when you haven't watched any of the other Alien movies?Macbeth wrote:
Just finished Prometheus. Never watched the other Alien movies but I get the idea of exploding chest aliens. You guys were bitching about the movie a few months back. Want to give me a recap of the discussion? I liked the movie. A lot of dumb moments but otherwise was cool.
i'm dyingAussieReaper wrote:
You're like a child who walks into a room where the grown ups are talking and throws a tantrum to get attention.Macbeth wrote:
Just finished Prometheus. Never watched the other Alien movies but I get the idea of exploding chest aliens.
You have no frame of reference to the conversation but just want someone to pay attention to you.
"people in ny have a general idea of how to drive. one of the pedals goes forward the other one prevents you from dying"
Why would you have to see Alien to "know" it sucked?Spearhead wrote:
Prometheus truly sucked and you'd know it had you watched Alien and Aliens. The first one is a horror classic and the second is actually a really great action film, probably the only sequel in history besides Empire Strikes Back that actually comes close to beating the original. Prometheus was a steaming pile of shite that was poorly written and poorly executed, period. Cashing out on the franchise, as uzique would say.
Fuck Israel
because alien is a quality-standard benchmark? same intellectual property? same creative minds behind it?Dilbert_X wrote:
Why would you have to see Alien to "know" it sucked?Spearhead wrote:
Prometheus truly sucked and you'd know it had you watched Alien and Aliens. The first one is a horror classic and the second is actually a really great action film, probably the only sequel in history besides Empire Strikes Back that actually comes close to beating the original. Prometheus was a steaming pile of shite that was poorly written and poorly executed, period. Cashing out on the franchise, as uzique would say.
same reason people normally compare new directorial films to earlier work. or same classics in the genre. it's called criticism.
Right, but in all due fairness, it did suck enough to suck as a stand-alone movie...Uzique The Lesser wrote:
because alien is a quality-standard benchmark? same intellectual property? same creative minds behind it?Dilbert_X wrote:
Why would you have to see Alien to "know" it sucked?Spearhead wrote:
Prometheus truly sucked and you'd know it had you watched Alien and Aliens. The first one is a horror classic and the second is actually a really great action film, probably the only sequel in history besides Empire Strikes Back that actually comes close to beating the original. Prometheus was a steaming pile of shite that was poorly written and poorly executed, period. Cashing out on the franchise, as uzique would say.
same reason people normally compare new directorial films to earlier work. or same classics in the genre. it's called criticism.
The Great and Powerful Oz: 8/10
Unlike most movies, this one actually seems to just get better the more I think about it. It was a little too campy at the beginning and I really worried the whole movie would be that way, but it straightened up and really worked very well. I liked the whole feel of the movie. Being fair, I don't think James Franco would have been my first choice for the role, and think it could have been a little better with someone else in the lead, but I don't think he really hurt the overall film or anything. He just adds a little more "campy" to the movie than it needed. The movie was really good however, and the sense of wonder, beauty, and nostalgia was all there like I had hoped it would be.
Hobbit. 7.5/10 Kinda slow at times but pretty good.
Picked it up today. Haven't watched yet.CC-Marley wrote:
Hobbit. 7.5/10 Kinda slow at times but pretty good.
ok the Argo train is in fact worth 2 hours of your time
And just for the mustaches.
looks like a beastie boys video
The Kill Bill movies were really good. 8/10 for the set.
First one is much better.