Dilbert_X wrote:
Uzique The Lesser wrote:
lol. dilbert's term for anyone that falls outside of the normal scientific stereotype of 'socially retarded and bases his whole life around labcoats and textbooks'. i'm not a fan of cox myself, either, but my problems are less to do with him as a person and more to do with the sort of programming he 'represents' - the sort of stupid, permanently-awed, lets-play-epic-post-rock-music-and-talk-sciiiiiiience-oh-wow television that is less factual and more just audio-visual masturbation.
curious remarks though. a scientist with a styled haircut who used to play in a pop band, thus having had some semblance of a life/success away from the lab/parent's basement... joins the crowd of "hipsters". lol. i'm sure he's gutted dilbert doesn't approve.
I think the problem is you're angry someone who does something interesting, challenging and productive has been lumped in with your kind.
actually he didn't get his PhD until after freddy mercury was long gone, and i'm not sure you can call a master's graduate or an ABD candidate an 'astrophysicist' any more than you can call me a 'literary theorist' right now.
You need a PhD to be something now? Only in academia I guess.
wait, i'm angry? you're the one calling the guy names because he's a scientist with a styled haircut who used to play in a rockband. i'm not calling him anything. where am i angry? i just don't like the sort of 'factual lite' programming he fronts on the bbc. it's a style of documentary/factual television that has overtaken the previous bbc style, which swaps out erudition and lots of hard facts with wishy-washy 'epic' visual sequences and 'so inspiring' ambient music. it's just another thing that marks the dumbing down of our public culture. do i have a problem with him, personally? no. you're the one calling him a "hipster". looks like you're the one who is personally affronted because of something he does. not me. a little confused how you're trying to turn that one around.
and yes, you do need a doctorate to be an 'astrophysicist'. are you really trying to suggest someone with a bachelor's or master's, i.e. pre-research level, can call themselves an astrophysicist? someone with a bachelor's in biology can call themselves a 'biologist'? someone with a bachelor's in psychology can call themselves a 'psychologist'? please. these are professional/career terms. they denote, at the very least, a level of professional employment or research activity. the guitarist from queen didn't 'become' an 'astrophysicist' until the band were in semi-retirement. you just got your chronology wrong. don't argue such an inane point. it's tedious. if you really want to stand by that ludicrous assertion, you better get used to me calling myself an 'econonomist' from now on, because i have an A-Level in Econ. "only in academia", you say, yet again harping on that tired old whorish complaint. lol. you are a fucking moron. an astrophysicist will almost always be an academic. an astrophysicist is someone who works in high-level theoretical research about... astrophysics... at a... research centre or university. so yes, duh, "only in academia" (those bothersome lot!) would you need a PhD to be considered an astrophysicist!!!!!