American delusion? You take ATG's opinion as American opinion in general. Talk about inflation...aynrandroolz wrote:
american delusion. to call the iraq-afghan wars a 'third world war' shows just how inflated america's sense of conflict (and by extension, importance) really is.
9/11 was not an 'unprovoked' attack. it was america finally, after nearly half a century of neo-imperialist rule and foreign-policy intereference, finally reaping what it had sowed.
ditto the financial crash. an elementary education in middle-east history and in 1980's->2000's economic policy will show you clearly enough why america was to become the single greatest locus for islamic hatred, and why a huge financial sector bubble was long due a prickly pinned pop-cum-detonation.
"half a century of neo-imperialist rule". So 1979-2001, 22 years, is half a century?
You conveniently forget to mention the real imperialist nations, England & France.
You forget that most of the borders in the Middle East and Africa were drawn by England & Russia during the "Great Game", in the 150+ years of English, Russian, and French imperialism before 1979.
You forget that Iraq was a colonial territory of England, as were India/Pakistan.
For a literature genius, you don't seem to have heard of T.E. Lawrence "of Arabia",
nor Albert Camus (wrote extensively about French Imperialism in Algeria),
nor Rudyard Kipling (wrote extensively on British Imperialism in India, Africa, and the Middle East)
Your England, Your Europe drew the artificial borders in the Middle East, which is a root cause of the unrest in the middle east.
Kurds in Iraq sound familiar? Ethnic and religious unrest in the middle east is your fucked up policy of "let's draw borders with Crayons! Based on English ideas!!Fuck the savage natives!!!"
The US foreign policy in the middle east, from 1979 (Fall of the Shah of Iran) to 2001 (9/11) was a mistake.
We had a policy of backing Sunni despots, dictators, and dickheads - because we thought we could do business with them, and they seemed the best able to maintain stable governments in their countries.
In a practical sense, we were wrong.
In an ethical sense, we were almost criminally negligent.
22 years of backing the wrong heads of state in the middle east, and Uzi thinks the US 'deserved' 9/11..
I wonder what he thinks Europe and England 'deserve' for the 150 years of the Great Game, 750 years of imperialism, the Mandate of Palestine (Israel), and the arbitrary borders drawn for middle eastern countries after WW-II?
Oh, and the British Mandate of Palestine in 1917, the founding of a homeland for European Jews displaced by pogroms in Europe, the European Holocaust, and making the state of Israel... remind me who's fault that little experiment was?
(Oh, and most of those Jews the Europeans and Russians didn't want, ended up in the USA.
Not Israel.
Thanks for that.
Einstein & Co. did wonders to advance US science & industry over European science for a few decades)