I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Kampframmer wrote:

I really don't see how intermittent fasting is a good thing. I can see how it might work, but it just seems so uncomfortable. Then again, I'm the type of perosn that can't eat a whole lot in one sitting and eats a lot of smaller meals, so I don't think I would be able to survive any kind of fasting.
It's not for everyone to be sure. I prefer eating big meals a lot of the time, and I'm used to going long periods without eating anyway so now it's just a matter of getting the proper macronutrients in a shorter time frame and avoiding all cals when I'm fasting.

Kamp wrote:

You pyramid in an odd way. Your warm-ups are the type of pyramiding i know and then you only do 2 working sets where you do the reverse of whats usually done. Quite odd.

Jaekus wrote:

Today I tried RPT (reverse pyramid training).
Bit more about it here.

Kamp wrote:

I really only pyramid my deadlifts without a warm-up because with the dl i only cxare about getting a as high possible 1RM, rather than focus on longer sets for volume. All my lifts are 3x10 (If i would pyramid it would be 12-10-8) and my dl is 5-3-1.
My goals aren't purely strength based. There's fair evidence to suggest that higher reps produce more size, and I want a balance between size and strength.

Kamp wrote:

I miss creatine. I'm doing an essay on it atm and now I'm doing a bit more research on it (actually reading published papers) the risks seem so much smaller and the reward so much greater. Although I think it would still make me paranoid about hair-loss, but man, did that stuff help with my lifts.
I've asked someone who reads a LOT of research about sports and all that constitutes working out and nutrition. He said the only study that was done is flawed and that there's no other evidence to support the hair loss part of it. If you're not losing hair then creatine won't make you start losing hair.

Jaekus wrote:

Kamp wrote:

I miss creatine. I'm doing an essay on it atm and now I'm doing a bit more research on it (actually reading published papers) the risks seem so much smaller and the reward so much greater. Although I think it would still make me paranoid about hair-loss, but man, did that stuff help with my lifts.
I've asked someone who reads a LOT of research about sports and all that constitutes working out and nutrition. He said the only study that was done is flawed and that there's no other evidence to support the hair loss part of it. If you're not losing hair then creatine won't make you start losing hair.
So far I've read the same thing. Most of it comes down to a hormonal shift. The increase in test you get form lifting can contribute to hair-loss. Creatine may increase this but even then it comes down to being genetically predisposed to hair-loss. If youre going to go bald at 50, you might start losing hair at 47 when you lift a lot (a trivial example, but it gets the point across). Even wiht this knowledge and with everyhting I've read that disproved hair-loss from creatine, I still couldn't help but stare at my hairline every morning when i was using it, even though I'm only 20 and all the men in my family started balding a tiny bit at the crown around 50 (very standard stuff for men that age, nothing that would tell you that their kids would go bald)
I will probably start taking it again though.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
Yeah man I was concerned at first too, but now I honestly think the worry itself will cause more hair loss than taking creatine
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'd start a fight with this guy, then shit myself when he took his shirt off


Jaekus wrote:

Yeah man I was concerned at first too, but now I honestly think the worry itself will cause more hair loss than taking creatine
haha, I  had the exact same feeling when the paranoia kicked in the first time
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
So I had my first "fasted" workout today.

Last meal was 7:30pm last night. Today I started my workout at 11:15am. Ten mins before my workout I ingested 10g of BCAA caps.

During my workout my bench press actually went up by almost two reps from 48 hours ago. I felt alert, full of energy and nicely focussed. The only thing I had other than the caps (which don't provide stimulus and are for preventing muscle catabolism) was a black coffee one hour prior (note: I typically drink 2-3 coffees most days). I've been in a hypocaloric state for seven days now and I've also lost 2kg as of this same time last week. Gotta be happy with that.

Last edited by Jaekus (2012-10-14 20:46:26)

Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
Making ALL KINDSA gains. Seems like every time I go to the gym I'm upping my weight or squeezing an extra rep out

(not actually EVERY TIME, trolls)
+521|7056|Toronto | Canada

inherited a 40lbs dumbbell but literally can do maybe 2 curls before i feel like a 12 year old girl. my only other dumbbell is a 12lbs one. i do my workouts while i do readings - aka not at a gym (it actually works really well, i swear).  what do? i dont wanna have to buy a different dumbbell
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
You have to buy a different dumbbell.

Also curls are bad, do compound movements for MASSIVE GAINS
Fission Mailed

Fill a backpack up with the desired weight and use that.

Works well if you want to add more than just your body weight to pushups and pullups/chinups.

Last edited by bugz (2012-10-15 15:46:16)

+521|7056|Toronto | Canada

Adams_BJ wrote:

You have to buy a different dumbbell.

Also curls are bad, do compound movements for MASSIVE GAINS
dont own any of the equipment, not going to go to the gym for it.

bugz wrote:

Fill a backpack up with the desired weight and use that.

Works well if you want to add more than just your body weight to pushups and pullups/chinups.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Adams_BJ wrote:

You have to buy a different dumbbell.

Also curls are bad, do compound movements for MASSIVE GAINS
dont own any of the equipment, not going to go to the gym for it.
Buy 2 dumbells, do dumbell chest press, profit?
Artifice of Eternity

Winston_Churchill wrote:

inherited a 40lbs dumbbell but literally can do maybe 2 curls before i feel like a 12 year old girl. my only other dumbbell is a 12lbs one. i do my workouts while i do readings - aka not at a gym (it actually works really well, i swear).  what do? i dont wanna have to buy a different dumbbell
Seems like you have extremely limited options in terms of equipment and conditions (really though, who reads a book while trying to HULK THE FUCK OUT). A

Anyways, the only way you're going to build up to using a 40lb is to do negatives with it. Start at the top of the movement and slowly move your arm lower to give resistance. Should be easier, and you only have to control how quickly it falls. Slower is better.
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
+521|7056|Toronto | Canada

all my readings are on my computer, so usually its just a matter of doing 4 or 5 different exercises in my chair while im reading.  im not looking to get jacked, im just dont want it to go to waste. plus it would be nice to be able to work out with it.

negatives sounds like a good idea though, thanks.
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
trouble with that though is you end up all outa balance. Then you look funny.
+521|7056|Toronto | Canada

well i do declined & normal pushups for chest as well as crunches, leg lifts and one of those weird ab wheel thingies for stomach. i have a pull up bar as well but it doesnt fit in the doorway of my new house   its about as balanced as im going to get with a busy schedule working out in my room

working out + feynman lectures vol. 3 is a great combo

Last edited by Winston_Churchill (2012-10-15 16:10:00)

Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
Make sure you work on your back/rear delts too if you aren't. Pull ups are good for that if nothing else. Don't want you all hunched over.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
If you're not going to actually do any proper exercise then just sell the dumbbells, and get some inflatable ones for show since currently that's all they're good for.
+521|7056|Toronto | Canada

Adams_BJ wrote:

Make sure you work on your back/rear delts too if you aren't. Pull ups are good for that if nothing else. Don't want you all hunched over.
i cant fit it in any doorways whats another good home exercise for that?

Jaekus wrote:

If you're not going to actually do any proper exercise then just sell the dumbbells, and get some inflatable ones for show since currently that's all they're good for.
are you really trying to be elitist over home workouts while doing schoolwork? cause thats just pathetic. i already said im not doing this for show
All kiiiiiiiiinds of gainz
just do all the back exercies using dumbells like one armed row and all the stuff here

http://www.dumbbell-exercises.com/exerc … index.html

plenty of alternatives
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Winston_Churchill wrote:

Jaekus wrote:

If you're not going to actually do any proper exercise then just sell the dumbbells, and get some inflatable ones for show since currently that's all they're good for.
are you really trying to be elitist over home workouts while doing schoolwork? cause thats just pathetic. i already said im not doing this for show
If you're going to sit in a chair and do dumbbells whilst reading then it's not going to have any effect as you won't be applying enough effort for it to do so. But hey, your choice.

You can do an effective workout at home with limited equipment or even just your own body weight but you need to be applying considerable effort and trying to beat your previous workout.

Leg lifts and crunches are fine, the ab wheel thing probably isn't going to be much use. Two different types of pushups are good. I'd sell the current dumbbells and put the money towards a pair that you can adjust the weight for, so you can complete more exercises for different body parts with. Fixed weight dumbbells are really only useful when you have a few pairs of varying weights.

Last edited by Jaekus (2012-10-15 18:44:54)

Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6940|Little Bentcock
He's just gotta make sure whatever he does he is balanced. He's not gonna see much gains, but he may harden up a little.
+521|7056|Toronto | Canada

unfortunately the past 2 months would prove you wrong. but hey, your opinion.

the ab wheel thing is super gimmicky i agree, but i bought it as a laugh for like $10 a long time ago.  im really not going to buy one of those adjustable weight ones, theyre like $400 used on craigslist, i dont have anywhere near that money to spend.  i have been looking through used sites for 20-30lbs ones for about a month now but nothing has popped up.

Last edited by Winston_Churchill (2012-10-15 18:48:35)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose
He will see some strength gains and some increased endurance but he won't really get a lot stronger or pack on muscle as the fundamental thing about weight training is progressive overload, which is very hard to do with just bodyweight and a couple pairs of fixed weight dumbells beyond a certain point. But it's certainly much better than doing nothing at all.

Last edited by Jaekus (2012-10-15 18:48:33)

I'm the matchstick that you'll never lose

Winston_Churchill wrote:

unfortunately the past 2 months would prove you wrong. but hey, your opinion.

the ab wheel thing is super gimmicky i agree, but i bought it as a laugh for like $10 a long time ago.  im really not going to buy one of those adjustable weight ones, theyre like $400 used on craigslist, i dont have anywhere near that money to spend.  i have been looking through used sites for 20-30lbs ones for about a month now but nothing has popped up.
I wasn't really meaning those awesome but super expensive ones. I was thinking along the lines of something like this:


They're around $70 here in Australia, so I guess the price would be similar or cheaper in Canada.

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