Had a sex dream about that girl I was drinkin Tequila with
id say that deserves some karma.. good luck irl playa_j5689_ wrote:
Had a sex dream about that girl I was drinkin Tequila with
I had a dream I'd picked half my beard out and that the new iPhone 5 rumoured to be announced today was crap
Had a dream I visited my uncle's house and then somehow it gradually turned into my high school where I was graduating from again and when I went out to the parking lot, all of my somehow massive tires were slashed and somebody poured bleach in the gas tank
Last night I had a dream that I was Hank Hill. Pretty much Bobby and I had to go into Boomhaurs house to get rid of an infestation of Black Widow spiders, like every fucking inch of the house. Then we had a kegger with Boomhaur.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
western ma

Millions of black widow spiders here in western ma, stay away.
If the women don't find ya handsome. They should at least find ya handy.
So I am at my high school doing some onsite teacher training. I see a girl I went to high school with but haven't seen since. I thought she was cute back then but whatever. She was a year younger than me but in my dream she is a 17 year old senior. We start flirting and at the end of the day I try to take her to the back of the school to have sex with her. I couldn't take her to the back because there was a broken pipe spewing water blocking the way. So I try to take her to the basement and while I am walking with her to the basement a lady janitor stops to talk to us. She says 'he is on to you. Be careful.' I say 'wat'. I turn around and one of the 6'11 security guards is watching me and the girl.
Was the girl Asian?
The shape of an eye in front of the ocean, digging for stones and throwing them against its window pane. Take it down dreamer, take it down deep. - Other Families
had a dream where a nun-chuck wielding steve jobs was trying to catch me for illegally acquiring music.

Last night I spent till 2am researching and studying cannabis, methamphetamine and heroin for my assessment project as part of my study.
I'm at work so I could only sleep four hours (overnight staff sleep over as they are on-call) before needing to get up and start work again.
My one dream was about me taking heroin and meth via smoking it with some random people. There was a part at the end where we all killed each other with various weapons but tried to hide it from each other until it was time to attack the other person.
I'm at work so I could only sleep four hours (overnight staff sleep over as they are on-call) before needing to get up and start work again.
My one dream was about me taking heroin and meth via smoking it with some random people. There was a part at the end where we all killed each other with various weapons but tried to hide it from each other until it was time to attack the other person.
Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me
Blackbelts are just whitebelts who have never quit.
Had a dream two nights ago that my friend openly admitted to me and my other friends that he was doing heroine again
Had a dream where I was at my high school for somebody's graduation or something and then somebody walked me out of the back door into a very dry and expansive desert with a few small mesas are rock formations scattered out over the horizon. Then I eventually found some people from the school NJROTC program under a tent that were acting like I was still in it and saluting me and stuff. I was flipping a rifle just for fun walking through the camp and then I got on horseback and rode through the desert to a little grass/vine-covered area that I thought had been where the school was and started fighting three orcs on wolfback that were guarding the gate and then I woke up
From what I can recall, my dream last night included me fighting robots in what appeared to be Noo Yawk, Catwoman, and a sky with lots of visible galaxies and stars.
at work we have a pretty decent coffee machine, and i keep a pretty fancy coffee selection on hand - some serious connoisseur-level shit. i'm talking some really nice coffee bean that is nothing less than the culmination of years of hunting for THE PERFECT BLEND; the french set of syrups sourced, for a handsome fee, from a shop in paris, etc. the works, basically. i like to treat myself to a high-quality and regular dose of caffeine. last night i had a dream that the company employed a new worker, who was black, and who, upon being offered some of my coffee in an act of regular office-drone bonhomie, proceeded to take - to my abject horror - 3, 4, 5 scoops of my precious beans. he was scooping them all away.
i am a racist little aesthete.
i am a racist little aesthete.
Penis envy, mixed with apotemnophobia of the same.Uzique The Lesser wrote:
at work we have a pretty decent coffee machine, and i keep a pretty fancy coffee selection on hand - some serious connoisseur-level shit. i'm talking some really nice coffee bean that is nothing less than the culmination of years of hunting for THE PERFECT BLEND; the french set of syrups sourced, for a handsome fee, from a shop in paris, etc. the works, basically. i like to treat myself to a high-quality and regular dose of caffeine. last night i had a dream that the company employed a new worker, who was black, and who, upon being offered some of my coffee in an act of regular office-drone bonhomie, proceeded to take - to my abject horror - 3, 4, 5 scoops of my precious beans. he was scooping them all away.
i am a racist little aesthete.
Did you light that nigga up?
heres a weird dream. i look at my bank statement and all i see are weekly deposits for 891. except the final deposit which said 890. get to work macbeth
Tu Stultus Es
You are trying to get into law school now, right? The weekly deposit going down is a sign that you are worried about money and how much you are going to make if you don't get into law school.
Just had a lucid dream. I had one of those false awakenings like 5 times. A false awakening is when you think you have woken up but are still in a dream. Happened back to back too. A little frightening not being able to wake yourself up. Anyone know what I am talking about.
Those are the best things to have. Gets you on the way to being able to explore and control them.
and then you can bang some hot chick yeah!