Unfortunately the Liberals know enough not to replace Tony. One of the major weapons they've been hitting the Government with is the 'indecisiveness' in regards to leadership, if they replace Abbott they forfeit this. Unless Abbott decides to step down but that's about as likely as him deciding to support same-sex marriage. And what reason do the Liberals have to replace him? The party and Abbott are both polling very well. Just because anyone with political awareness is far more hesitant to welcome Abbott as an alternate PM doesn't make any difference to them. They want power, they don't care if they've got the right person for the job.
Liberals getting power is pretty much inevitable but they're not going to let up at all and let the Parliament create good unhindered policy. Looking at the recent COAG meeting about the NDIS you can see that Liberal State Government are following the party line in making things as difficult as possible. Despite all parties agreeing to the NDIS Vic and NSW have continually objected to the states having any financial input. Qld Premier Campbell Newman was a part of this and even accused Gillard of 'quibbling about the price'. Are you kidding? How can you accuse the commonwealth of being stingy when you're refusing to contribute? But of course the Liberals want to make the commonwealth pay for as much of the scheme as possible. Because as certain as they are of gaining power the final nail in the coffin that they are just itching to hammer in is the promised budget surplus. If they can work to prevent this from happening they can coast into power, probably even score a result like the Qld Coalition.
Also, Joe Hockey a suitable leader? No thanks. He's the Coalition's chief "I have an idea to fix everything but I'm not telling you about it." perpetrator.
Liberals getting power is pretty much inevitable but they're not going to let up at all and let the Parliament create good unhindered policy. Looking at the recent COAG meeting about the NDIS you can see that Liberal State Government are following the party line in making things as difficult as possible. Despite all parties agreeing to the NDIS Vic and NSW have continually objected to the states having any financial input. Qld Premier Campbell Newman was a part of this and even accused Gillard of 'quibbling about the price'. Are you kidding? How can you accuse the commonwealth of being stingy when you're refusing to contribute? But of course the Liberals want to make the commonwealth pay for as much of the scheme as possible. Because as certain as they are of gaining power the final nail in the coffin that they are just itching to hammer in is the promised budget surplus. If they can work to prevent this from happening they can coast into power, probably even score a result like the Qld Coalition.
Also, Joe Hockey a suitable leader? No thanks. He's the Coalition's chief "I have an idea to fix everything but I'm not telling you about it." perpetrator.
[Blinking eyes thing]
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