Macbeth wrote:
Jay wrote:
I will say this though, the people alive today were never slaves, never had any experience at all of it. To say they are reminded of something they have no way of empathizing with is indeed silly.
Because black people aren't still suffering the effects of slavery.
Are you going to argue that all black people in America deserve reparations too? Look, it's been what? six generations since the end of slavery? Yes, the south still had Jim Crowe laws after the war, but that's why millions of black people moved north. Every group of people arrived in America dirt poor with mostly just the clothes on their backs. The Jews, the Italians, the Irish, the Germans, Asians, and now the Hispanics all arrived with nothing. They were all discriminated against and forced to work menial labor jobs until enough of them worked their way up to a point they couldn't be ignored anymore. For a while, black people were doing the same thing. We had the Harlem Renaissance, middle class black neighborhoods, and everything else that said they were pointed in the right direction towards full integration into the rest of society, just like all the other demographic groups. Then something changed.
A lot of people blame the left wing hippies that moved into black neighborhoods bringing drugs with them and the idea that only suckers work for a living. The hippies eventually became yuppies, but they left their ideas behind. That's one theory. Other people blame white flight, but white flight in New York City was from black people
and Puerto Ricans but your parents seem to have done pretty well for themselves. You can blame people like Robert Moses too for destroying black neighborhoods and forcing them into projects. I don't have the answers, and I damn sure don't have enough knowledge to speak for everyone or make sweeping generalities, but I can say with conviction that enough time has passed that you can't use slavery from several generations ago as a valid excuse.