Please use above link only if the rest under here don't work
if you changed name of yur BF2.exe to sumthing ells change it back to BF2.exe or it will crash.
First off Install full patch not "incremet" ( this should fix most of the problems )
Update Punkbuster After new patch ( full install ) update your PB, you can find out how to auto update PB in general chat section of this forums ( titled top 10 tweak guids )
To steps above should fix the problems also found this on other forums that might help
1. I found this sorted, my problems out, alternatively you just need to switch your PC to run with just 1 cpu (in window task manager, right click BF2.exe, select affinity- deselect one of the cpu's and away you go!)
2.If that dont work dude, try turning Hyperthreading off in your BIOS. Done the trick for me, I had the exact same problem.
I dont have Dual processors though but if the above post don't work give it a bash.
3.Video settings check make sure they set to low ( only for now just to see if it helps our problem )
4.People getting a CTD when they hit 'Join Game' should be able to connect by using the ESC button instead.( tip by ptegan )
if any of it fails reinsatalling game with full ptach and full PB update will fix your problems.
Whup-ass wrote:
Hi!theDude5B wrote:
still getting the same graphical/software lag as i started getting with 1.22. The game loads fine, get to the server list and starts to load the servers in groups of 20 and is really slow. then when i finally join a game, i cant play it because there seems to be a lot of graphical lag.
I'm not usually the one to write on forums like this, but I had the same kind of error/problem for a while, and I managed to solve it! Don't know if this will help you out, but here goes:
I have Mcafee firewall installed. I always disable it when I play BF2. I too had some trouble with the latest (1.22) patch. The game would totally lag in multiplayer, but worked just fine in singleplayer.
The solution: Mcafee firewall, even though disabled, didn't know of me patching BF2. I never approved BF2 for network access in Mcafee. When I reactivated the firewall, and started BF2, the firewall prompted for what to do with BF2. I allowed it network access, and the lag was gone! Now there is no problems any longer with my firewall (or BF2). The "funny" thing is the amount of lag (200+ms) I experienced when the firewall was DISABLED. Once the firewall knew of BF2, there is no problem with it, even when it is disabled!
kilroy0097 wrote:
Some more advice on what it might be. At least this worked for me for my crashes.
With installation of 1.3 I immediately continued to crash to desktop after clicking join while getting onto a map.
A full install of BF2 and Repatch with 1.3 and Punkbuster update all did not help in my situation. Continued to crash a minute or so into a game.
I then updated my Catalyst to 6.5 from ATI for my video card and also upgraded my Soundcard Audigy 2 ZS driver. After updating both of these the crashing soon after the join on a map has stopped.
I have not played the game in long enough stints to know if the previous normal random crashing I had experienced is still there or not.
This should help few of you EnjoyUnOriginalNuttah wrote:
Okay people, I've done a full diff between the all of the files after running the incremental and full.
I had about 10 CTDs after the incremental, and tried clearing my profile, changing settings, clearing caches, and everything I could think of. The last resort was to apply to full patch, but I snapshotted the whole bf2 folder before and after so at least I could try and find out if the incremental wasn't patching properly. The result was (apart from lots of file deletions which were left after the diff) there is one file different:
Here's the diff for techy people:
diff -r Battlefield 2/makeMiniMap.con Copy (2) of Battlefield 2/makeMiniMap.con
< varExec v_minCulldist = renderer.minCulldistance
< renderer.minCullDistance 2000
< renderer.makeTopWorldScreen 512 miniMap 0/300/0 2048
> renderer.makeTopWorldScreen 512 miniMap 0/500/0 2048
< renderer.minCulldistance v_minCulldist
If you are getting the CTD after the incremental, you could try updating this file AT YOUR OWN RISK and see if it fixes the problem. Here's the version included in the full:EDIT: I've had 10+ successful joins with no CTDs so far. I'll edit this post if I get a CTD.Code:
rem *** makeMiniMap.con *** rem *** store settings *** varExec v_drawObjects = renderer.drawObjects varExec v_drawBundledMeshes = renderer.drawBundledMeshes varExec v_drawStaticMeshes = renderer.drawStaticMeshes varExec v_drawSkyDome = renderer.drawSkyDome varExec v_drawRoads = renderer.drawRoads varExec v_drawTerrain = renderer.drawTerrain varExec v_drawNametags = renderer.drawNametags varExec v_drawTrees = renderer.drawTrees varExec v_drawHud = renderer.drawHud varExec v_drawFps = renderer.drawFps varExec v_drawBoundingSpheres = renderer.drawBoundingSpheres varExec v_drawLightSources = renderer.drawLightSources varExec v_drawLightSourceOpacity = renderer.drawLightSourceOpacity varExec v_drawConsole = renderer.drawConsole varExec v_perPixelRenderingDistance = staticMeshRenderer.perPixelRenderingDistance varExec v_fogStartAndEnd = renderer.fogStartAndEnd varExec v_dynamicShadows = shadowManager.dynamicShadowsEnabled varExec v_minCulldist = renderer.minCulldistance rem *** setup for miniMap *** renderer.drawObjects 1 renderer.drawBundledMeshes 1 renderer.drawStaticMeshes 1 renderer.drawSkyDome 0 renderer.drawRoads 1 renderer.drawTerrain 1 renderer.drawNametags 0 renderer.drawTrees 0 renderer.drawHud 0 renderer.drawFps 0 renderer.drawBoundingSpheres 0 renderer.drawLightSources 0 renderer.drawLightSourceOpacity 0 renderer.drawConsole 0 rem renderer.fogStartAndEnd 1000/1000 shadowManager.dynamicShadowsEnabled 0 renderer.minCullDistance 2000 staticMeshRenderer.perPixelRenderingDistance 1000 renderer.makeTopWorldScreen 512 miniMap 0/300/0 2048 aiDebug.draw 0 rem *** reset settings *** renderer.drawObjects v_drawObjects renderer.drawBundledMeshes v_drawBundledMeshes renderer.drawStaticMeshes v_drawStaticMeshes renderer.drawSkyDome v_drawSkyDome renderer.drawRoads v_drawRoads renderer.drawTerrain v_drawTerrain renderer.drawNametags v_drawNametags renderer.drawTrees v_drawTrees renderer.drawHud v_drawHud renderer.drawFps v_drawFps renderer.drawBoundingSpheres v_drawBoundingSpheres renderer.drawLightSources v_drawLightSources renderer.drawLightSourceOpacity v_drawLightSourceOpacity renderer.drawConsole v_drawConsole renderer.fogStartAndEnd v_fogStartAndEnd staticMeshRenderer.perPixelRenderingDistance v_perPixelRenderingDistance shadowManager.dynamicShadowsEnabled v_dynamicShadows renderer.minCulldistance v_minCulldist
I'm going to try changing back to the old file and see if it CTDs.
Peace Boris
Last edited by badhq (2006-05-26 06:25:09)