Jord, why dont you play with our group anymore? Were those scots mean to you?
what server do you guise play on? I may stop in so you can take your murderous rage out on me

What are the ping limits on those servers? I keep getting kicked out of over 200 ping servers.
yes.Kampframmer wrote:
Jord, why dont you play with our group anymore? Were those scots mean to you?
cherno adventures: 22 murders, 1 bandit kill. was led prone in a building talking to my mate on the phone when some guy came in with a glock are aimed at me so i blew him away.
jord wrote:
some guy came in me so i blew him away.

wub wub wub wub wub
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
Unless you don't want me D':Eagle wrote:
what server do you guise play on? I may stop in so you can take your murderous rage out on me


The lack or morphine spawns is disturbing, these wanker zombies keep breaking my bones through walls. Having to crawl around electro is not fun.
Intel Core i7 CPU 920 @ 4GHz || 3x2 GB OCZ 1600Mhz DDR3 || 80GB Intel X25-M Gen 2 || KFA2 GTX 480 1536Mb ||| Samsung T220 || Xonar DX 7.1 || AV 40 || P6T Deluxe V2 || Win 7 HP 64 Bit || Lian Li P80
Just found a ghillie suit in the elektro church. I feel like I won

Just killed a guy from 800m with my DMR. Hell of a bullet drop, had to shoot him 4 mil dots down on the scope. Military realism in a zombie game? yes please

Nah, it was Day Z. I was on a mountain north of Elektro and took out a guy on the southern fire station in elektro.
I gotta say, though, I feel bad just about every time I kill someone. I wish there was a way I could help, but I've been stabbed in the back too many times now to try
I gotta say, though, I feel bad just about every time I kill someone. I wish there was a way I could help, but I've been stabbed in the back too many times now to try

About chopper crash sites loot, I've found three so far but only found medic stuff at one and the other two nothing, is the loot normally near the chopper or spread out?
I've seen 3 spawns, so far, at chopper sites. Only found two, though.
For me, there were 2 spawns on it's left side, near where the tail starts and just before the cockpit, and on it's right side mid-way. The loot is within 1-3 metres of the body. Maybe even one spawn-set on a blown off door that's next to it?
Medical spawn is a high-chance spawn, so it might be that you got there after someone else (Like when I found an 1866 with ammo) or are just stupidly unlucky.
For me, there were 2 spawns on it's left side, near where the tail starts and just before the cockpit, and on it's right side mid-way. The loot is within 1-3 metres of the body. Maybe even one spawn-set on a blown off door that's next to it?
Medical spawn is a high-chance spawn, so it might be that you got there after someone else (Like when I found an 1866 with ammo) or are just stupidly unlucky.
Last edited by FFLink (2012-07-07 03:21:18)
Thanks for that, guess most I've found already looted.FFLink wrote:
I've seen 3 spawns, so far, at chopper sites. Only found two, though.
For me, there were 2 spawns on it's left side, near where the tail starts and just before the cockpit, and on it's right side mid-way. The loot is within 1-3 metres of the body. Maybe even one spawn-set on a blown off door that's next to it?
Medical spawn is a high-chance spawn, so it might be that you got there after someone else (Like when I found an 1866 with ammo) or are just stupidly unlucky.
Just came across a M4A1 ironsights in a dear stand with 2 mags, was tempted but decided to stick with AKS-74 with kobra sight and 4 mags, mainly cause of the sight.
It's within 2-3 feet of the chopper.

Thanks m8Finray wrote:
It's within 2-3 feet of the chopper.
the choppers spawn with their loot on server restarts, and the loot doesnt respawn while the server is on. So if someone gets there before you, you're shit out of luck.
main battle tank karthus medikopter 117 megamegapowershot gg
I don't think that's true.
One chopper I found had 4 fal's at it. One with a nightvision scope. A dmr with one mag and a box of random magazines. Most the shit I found was almost under the helo on the right side if your coming from the back. Also loot around the tail and under the rotor that is bent and touching the ground.
It is. If someone loots the chopper the loot will not respawn.FFLink wrote:
I don't think that's true.
for a fatty you're a serious intellectual lightweight.