
Dilbert_X wrote:

Cute, but the average person is not smart or responsible enough to be carrying a gun.
We let them reproduce, drink alcohol, drive, work and vote.
Giving them guns isn't going to appreciably increase the damage the average idiot causes.


It may work in bumfuck Montana where there is 1 stoplight per town, but open carry just doesn't fly where there are concentrated populations.
Nope, my town doesn't have even one stoplight.
We have the common sense, common courtesy, and personal responsibility to actually take turns at a 4-way stop sign intersection here.

I've lived in Chicago, "inland empire" California.
Also lived in Remote parts of Alaska and Montana.

Generally, the larger the concentration of people, the less compassion and responsibility people show towards others.
Admiral of the Bathtub
+619|7100|Great Brown North
why are we having this discussion in here? politics go to DST, pictures of pretty boomsticks go here
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX

rdx-fx wrote:

Look at the military reserves in Switzerland, or Israel, where most households have (had?) a military issue automatic assault rifle in their home.
Now look at their rate of violent crime.
Social democratic countries with a strong ethos of personal and social responsibility?

Now tell me why your crime rate is so high despite everyone owning five guns.
Fuck Israel
mmmf mmmf mmmf
+354|6319|Vortex Ring State

Dilbert_X wrote:

rdx-fx wrote:

Look at the military reserves in Switzerland, or Israel, where most households have (had?) a military issue automatic assault rifle in their home.
Now look at their rate of violent crime.
Social democratic countries with a strong ethos of personal and social responsibility?

Now tell me why your crime rate is so high despite everyone owning five guns.
Dilbert endorsing Israel?

WHAAAAAA -mindblown-
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
Open carry in Maine.


Detained For Open Carry
"I was detained by Portland PD officer J McDonald on 26MAY2012. He detains me without suspicion of any criminal activity in violation of Delaware v Prouse. He admits his sole reason for stopping me is my legally carried firearm in violation of US v DeBerry. He seizes my weapon with no reasonable suspicion that I've committed a crime in violation of Terry v Ohio. He demands my ID without reasonable suspicion in violation of Hiibel v Nevada" - Boyscout399
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5709|Fuck this.

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Open carry in Maine.


Detained For Open Carry
"I was detained by Portland PD officer J McDonald on 26MAY2012. He detains me without suspicion of any criminal activity in violation of Delaware v Prouse. He admits his sole reason for stopping me is my legally carried firearm in violation of US v DeBerry. He seizes my weapon with no reasonable suspicion that I've committed a crime in violation of Terry v Ohio. He demands my ID without reasonable suspicion in violation of Hiibel v Nevada" - Boyscout399
video doesn't work.

Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does




I am all that is MOD!

wonder if this guy is pursuing charges against the police or if he just made this video and put in his little comments to puff his chest out at the police/show his knowledge of the law.  Seems like someone was worried about him carrying a gun out in the open.  I'd do the same thing if I saw a guy walking around with a gun on his hip.  How do I know he's not going to go on a murderous rampage?  Better safe than sorry.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does


I'd do the same thing if I saw a guy walking around with a gun on his hip.  How do I know he's not going to go on a murderous rampage?  Better safe than sorry.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does


I am all that is MOD!

west-phoenix-az wrote:


I'd do the same thing if I saw a guy walking around with a gun on his hip.  How do I know he's not going to go on a murderous rampage?  Better safe than sorry.
you laugh but how is anyone supposed to know?  IF it's legal, fine, no problem.  If it's not, cops will sort it out.  Legal to open carry doesn't mean illegal to question it.  Would you rather people just assume everyone with a gun on their hip is a law abiding citizen?  I wouldn't.
I am all that is MOD!

what's the gun in your second pic?
Dreads & Bergers
+364|7037|Riva, MD

ROGUEDD wrote:

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Open carry in Maine.


Detained For Open Carry
"I was detained by Portland PD officer J McDonald on 26MAY2012. He detains me without suspicion of any criminal activity in violation of Delaware v Prouse. He admits his sole reason for stopping me is my legally carried firearm in violation of US v DeBerry. He seizes my weapon with no reasonable suspicion that I've committed a crime in violation of Terry v Ohio. He demands my ID without reasonable suspicion in violation of Hiibel v Nevada" - Boyscout399
video doesn't work.

Those young douchebags reciting law videos make me cringe, and it makes you feel bad for the cop they usually seem to be a nice guy who doesn't know any better but at the same time the cop doesn't check with anybody about what he's doing and just assumes what he's doing his right and small fuckups like that can cost you your badge.

It's happened here in Maryland when a cop arrested somebody for having a concealed weapon; under Maryland law, "penknives", which are knives that fold into their own handle such as butterfly knives, regardless of length, are not considered weapons(although switchblades and other spring/button assisted knives of the same type are fair game and illegal) and are legal to carry anywhere that weapons are not explicitly banned such as courthouses, clubs, airports, etc.

ROGUEDD wrote:

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Open carry in Maine.


Detained For Open Carry
"I was detained by Portland PD officer J McDonald on 26MAY2012. He detains me without suspicion of any criminal activity in violation of Delaware v Prouse. He admits his sole reason for stopping me is my legally carried firearm in violation of US v DeBerry. He seizes my weapon with no reasonable suspicion that I've committed a crime in violation of Terry v Ohio. He demands my ID without reasonable suspicion in violation of Hiibel v Nevada" - Boyscout399
video doesn't work.

that guy is a fucking retard. give him your id and get it over it, copper just wanted to check if you have proper firearms ID.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5709|Fuck this.


west-phoenix-az wrote:


I'd do the same thing if I saw a guy walking around with a gun on his hip.  How do I know he's not going to go on a murderous rampage?  Better safe than sorry.
you laugh but how is anyone supposed to know?  IF it's legal, fine, no problem.  If it's not, cops will sort it out.  Legal to open carry doesn't mean illegal to question it.  Would you rather people just assume everyone with a gun on their hip is a law abiding citizen?  I wouldn't.
Yes, because criminals carry the gun they're going to murder people with out in the open. They also wear signs announcing their intentions and go around nude, just so everyone is aware that they are in fact, bad guys.

@ Cybargs: The point is that the cop was conducting an illegal search and seizure on a law abiding citizen. Which violates the Fourth Amendment to the American Constitution.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!

ROGUEDD wrote:


west-phoenix-az wrote:

you laugh but how is anyone supposed to know?  IF it's legal, fine, no problem.  If it's not, cops will sort it out.  Legal to open carry doesn't mean illegal to question it.  Would you rather people just assume everyone with a gun on their hip is a law abiding citizen?  I wouldn't.
Yes, because criminals carry the gun they're going to murder people with out in the open. They also wear signs announcing their intentions and go around nude, just so everyone is aware that they are in fact, bad guys.

@ Cybargs: The point is that the cop was conducting an illegal search and seizure on a law abiding citizen. Which violates the Fourth Amendment to the American Constitution.
how was it an illegal search and seizure? copper didn't just randomly walk up to him, there was a probable cause and there was a police report. at least the cop wasn't a complete prick and he just let the guy go.
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5709|Fuck this.

Cybargs wrote:

ROGUEDD wrote:


you laugh but how is anyone supposed to know?  IF it's legal, fine, no problem.  If it's not, cops will sort it out.  Legal to open carry doesn't mean illegal to question it.  Would you rather people just assume everyone with a gun on their hip is a law abiding citizen?  I wouldn't.
Yes, because criminals carry the gun they're going to murder people with out in the open. They also wear signs announcing their intentions and go around nude, just so everyone is aware that they are in fact, bad guys.

@ Cybargs: The point is that the cop was conducting an illegal search and seizure on a law abiding citizen. Which violates the Fourth Amendment to the American Constitution.
how was it an illegal search and seizure? copper didn't just randomly walk up to him, there was a probable cause and there was a police report. at least the cop wasn't a complete prick and he just let the guy go.
Probable cause? Of what, walking around doing something just as legal as walking on a sidewalk? He walked up to a man, confiscated his property, endangered him (by pointing the gun at him, accident or not), all for what? Hell, the cop even admits the lack of probable cause.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6942|Little Bentcock

ROGUEDD wrote:


west-phoenix-az wrote:

you laugh but how is anyone supposed to know?  IF it's legal, fine, no problem.  If it's not, cops will sort it out.  Legal to open carry doesn't mean illegal to question it.  Would you rather people just assume everyone with a gun on their hip is a law abiding citizen?  I wouldn't.
Yes, because criminals carry the gun they're going to murder people with out in the open. They also wear signs announcing their intentions and go around nude, just so everyone is aware that they are in fact, bad guys.

@ Cybargs: The point is that the cop was conducting an illegal search and seizure on a law abiding citizen. Which violates the Fourth Amendment to the American Constitution.
Why wouldnt a criminal carry it in the open if he knew everyone assumed it was a legal carry? Why go to the trouble of hiding it when you dont have to, youre being an idiot and your argument sucks.
Mike "The Spooge Gobbler" Morales
+376|6298|Blue Mountain State

Baba Booey
The X stands for
+1,818|6426|eXtreme to the maX

Trotskygrad wrote:

Dilbert endorsing Israel?

WHAAAAAA -mindblown-
From the perspective of the average Israeli Israel is a socialist paradise - non-one has to work if they don't want, everyone can have a free house if they want, foreign nationals can get paid to migrate there and live for free, or just take a free holiday if they want to sample it - no wonder the crime rate is low.

That America is subsidising a nation closer to communism than Cuba is hilarious.

Back to guns now.

I've put a few thousand rounds through my Pardini, it has potential but I'm going to have to make a third grip probably, and do much practice, to get the hang of it.

I'm never going to get the time to make the barrel for my .32, I think I'll give the drawings and the bits to a gunsmith who'll probably do a better job. Would have been fun dammit.
Fuck Israel
You with the face!
Pictures or descriptions of guns please...

Political stuff belongs in D&ST

WP, is that a 1-4x?  How do you like it?
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
Yeah it's a 1-4x and I do like it. So far it remains consistent and clear. I haven't done a box test with it, but I have made adjustments to check the tracking and it's been dead on. Holds zero well with the larue mount, even when removed and reinstalled. It's sighted in for an AR right now, but I might give it a try on the FAL.

I'd like to see a scope this size in 6x or 8x even though it probably wouldn't be as clear.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does
http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2012 … s-results/

Google Shopping Censors All Gun, Ammo & Accessories Results

Google sent out an email to Google Adwords customers saying that they are going to pull all Google Shopping results for guns, ammunition, gun optics and gun accessories (Shopping results, not general search results).


HamLund Tactical received this email and posted it on 68forums.com (emphasis added) ...

Dear Merchant,

    We're writing to let you know about some upcoming changes to the product listings you submit to Google. As we recently announced, we are starting to transition our shopping experience to a commercial model that builds on Product Listing Ads. This new shopping experience is called Google Shopping. As part of this transition, we'll begin to enforce a set of new policies for Google Shopping in the coming weeks. A new list of the allowed, restricted, and prohibited products on Google Shopping is available on our new policy page - http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/ApI7UWRj6OCZpd .

    Based on a review of the products you're currently submitting, it appears that some of the content in your Merchant Center account, HamLund Tactical, will be affected by these policy changes. In particular we found that your products may violate the following policies:


    When we make this change, Google will disapprove all of the products identified as being in violation of policies. We ask that you make any necessary changes to your feeds and/or site to comply, so that your products can continue to appear on Google Shopping.

    To help you through this new set of policies and how to comply with them, we would like to give you some specific suggestions regarding the changes needed to keep your offers running on Google Shopping.


    As highlighted on our new policy page http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/ApI7UWRj6OCZpd , in order to comply with the Google Shopping policies you need to comply first with the AdWords policies http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/StQ08jAzM4fVtG . We do not allow the promotion or sale of weapons and any related products such as ammunitions or accessory kits on Google Shopping. In order to comply with our new policies, please remove any weapon-related products from your data feed and then re-submit your feed in the Merchant Center. For more information on this policy please visit http://www.google.com/appserve/mkt/GbBNIGHOribLzf .

    We're constantly reviewing our policies, and updating them when necessary, to ensure we're offering the best experience possible to our users. We've identified a set of policy principles to govern our policy efforts on Google Shopping in the U.S. These principles are:

    1) Google Shopping should provide a positive experience to users. Showing users the right products at the right time can truly enhance a user's experience. When people trust us to deliver them to a destination that's relevant, original, and easy to navigate this creates a positive online experience to the benefit of both users and merchants.

    2 ) Google Shopping should be safe for all users. User safety is everyone's business, and we can't do business with those who don't agree. Scams, phishing, viruses, and other malicious activities on the Internet damage the value of the Internet for everyone. Trying to get around policies or "game the system" is unfair to our users, and we can't allow that.

    3) Google Shopping should comply with local laws and regulations. Many products and services are regulated by law, which can vary from country to country. All advertising, as well as the products and services being advertised, must clearly comply with all applicable laws and regulations. For the most part, our policies aren't designed to describe every law in every country. All advertisers bear their own responsibility for understanding the laws applicable to their business. Our policies are often more restrictive than the law, because we need to be sure we can offer services that are legal and safe for all users.

    4) Google Shopping should be compatible with Google's brand decisions. Google Shopping must be compatible with company brand decisions. Our company has a strong culture and values, and we've chosen not to allow ads that promote products and services that are incompatible with these values. In addition, like all companies, Google sometimes makes decisions based on technical limitations, resource constraints, or requirements from our business partners. Our policies reflect these realities.

    We've given much thought to our stance on this content, as well as the potential effect our policy decision could have on our Merchants, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.


    The Google Shopping Team

    © 2012 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Merchant Center account.
This is a pity. I liked using Google Shopping to compare prices on gun-related products. Google now has a worse policy than ebay, which at least allows accessories. Shame on you Google.

UPDATE: I published this post a few hours ago and the search "5.56mm ammo" (as seen in the screenshot above) worked in Google Shopping. I now get "5.56mm ammo - did not match any shopping results". It may still be working for some people, depending on which Google servers you are hitting.
Google Advertising Policies
What's the policy?
http://support.google.com/adwordspolicy … wer=176077
BF2s. A Liberal Gang of Faggots.
+452|5709|Fuck this.
Make X-meds a full member, for the sake of 15 year old anal gangbang porn watchers everywhere!

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