AussieReaper wrote:
Stingray24 wrote:
AussieReaper wrote:
Did Walker seriously out spend the Democrat by 8:1?
Sure if you don't count the 21 million spent by the unions including the NEA, AFSCME, and SEIU.
Wonder what the the amount of money raised locally vs the amount of money the sourced from outside the state equals.
Any idea on that figure?
Sorry your state senate seat didn't also win, Warman.
Wait a few days on that. Wangguard and his staff are investigating voter fraud.
War Man wrote:
Ty wrote:
Schadenfreude is alive and well I see.
I wouldn't really compare it to that.
schadenfreude is taking pleasure in another's pain. He said he'd be laughing at liberals crying. Sounds like a pretty apt description on ty's part.
We are not taking pleasure in their pain, we are taking pleasure at the the fact that they are such big babies when they lose.
Last edited by War Man (2012-06-07 03:19:04)
The irony of guns, is that they can save lives.