I had to request being put into the position I'm in now (on the waiting list for training for a big promotion). Now my boss seemed excited about my ambitions, but i still had to work my way there.
they fucked me over once for one of the 2 training-periods each year because i didn't have enough experience with the different shifts (they didn't give me the hours for the other shifts, yet they mostly pinned it on me for not requesting them enough).
now I'm waiting for the second training and my chances of getting in still seem to linger at 50/50, after everything I've done.
loyalty to my employer has always been a major thing for me. A principal i hold very highly.
i never bitch or moan about my job and about how theyve kept this promotion in front of me like a carrot on a stick to keep me there (wasted nearly a year trying to get it already), but now they've offered some twat a spot on the list as well. I can't blame him, but when he told me i was fucking livid.
I felt like smahing everything. I didn't...
e: I like how this became a hate orlove your job thread. Hate-love perfectly sums mine up.
Last edited by Kampframmer (2012-05-30 05:02:13)